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住区景观是城市景观环境的重要组成部分,也是人类停留时间最长、接触最密切的空间场所。本文对目前城市居住区景观规划设计的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,提出地域文化是住区景观规划设计的源泉,创造具有本地特色的景观环境,是城市住区景观设计的必然趋势;并通过秭归桔园广场设计实例,探讨了建构住区景观地域特色的方法与对策,以期对当前城市人居环境的营建有所启示。  相似文献   
论张学良在西安事变和平解决中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西安事变的和平解决是促成蒋介石接受张、杨及中共抗日思想的关键.西安事变能够和平解决,真正起决定作用的是事变的主角张学良.在整个西安事变的发展过程中,张学良不仅是和平解决事变的倡导者,还是促进西安事变和平解决的实施者,张学良作为西安事变和平解决的主体地位以及发挥出的决定性作用,是应该给予充分肯定的.  相似文献   
环境友好型社会中的环境纠纷解决机制论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建设环境友好型社会是我国的一项战略任务,是党和国家针对整个社会系统提出的要求,其目标蕴含的是一种整体性思想。环境友好型社会是各种利益冲突和纠纷都能得以合理解决的社会。为此,必须建立符合整体性思维的利益调整机制,将各种不同的利益诉求统一纳入社会平稳运行的范围以内,通过和谐的手段衡平利益,定纷止争。法律作为社会利益的调整器,对于环境友好型社会的建立具有不可替代的功能和作用,但传统法律并没有建立在环境友好的观念之上,其不符合可持续发展理念的制度体系不足以成为建设环境友好型社会的整体意志、行为规范和裁判标准,故而,如欲使法律在建设环境友好型社会方面发挥功效,必须首先进行法律的变革,明确环境友好型社会的法律内涵,发现环境友好型社会的法律需求,探求环境友好型社会的纠纷解决途径,进而完善环境友好型社会的纠纷解决机制。  相似文献   
Health disparities by gender constitute an important yet often overlooked aspect of health around the globe. Within the United States, there is both a paucity of research as well as planned programs that take into account how socio-cultural roles and expectations for men and women may differentially affect symptoms, access to care, and treatment. Viewing women's health exclusively as a function of sex (i.e., biological) differences represents a narrow understanding that does not fully explain gaps in health disparities between men and women. In September 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) launched a national initiative entitled the Coalition for a Healthier Community (CHC) to employ a gender-based framework in several urban, suburban and rural communities across the nation. The Office on Women's Health (OWH) within the DHHS funded 10 coalitions to ultimately improve the health of women and girls utilizing a gender-based approach. This article provides an overview of the initiative and the focus of the special issue.  相似文献   
《联合国海洋法公约》争端解决机制具有整体上的强制性.《公约》构建了司法管辖、仲裁管辖和辅助管辖等多元异质性强制管辖,架构了前置程序、识别程序、初步程序和审裁程序等多重次序性强制程序.针对菲律宾就中菲南海争端单方强推的国际仲裁,我们可以立足于争端强制解决机制的多元异质性与多重次序性,让《公约》机制为我所用,为中国所持的“双不”立场提供清晰的国际法注解,寻求中国主权维护之策,并为日后类似侵蚀中国主权的行为提供预防性立场注解,以赢得国际社会的理解和支持.我们应利用初步程序,坚持前置程序理据,对仲裁法庭受案提出反对主张,利用对事管辖和时间效力阐明仲裁法庭无管辖权的法理所在,利用裁决属性搁置可能的不利裁决,以维护国家主权.  相似文献   
作为澳大利亚国内最重要的国家科学基金机构,澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)已经构建起一套关于科研不端行为的应对处理机制.包含一系列实体性法律标准及程序规定,涉及科研不端行为调查处理的一般性程序、法律责任、违法者权利保护、程序公平等问题,其中包含着可为我国有关立法所借鉴的有益经验。  相似文献   
清同治、光绪年间,朝鲜咸镜北道接连发生水、旱、虫灾,大批流民越界到图们江北垦居.在遣返流民过程中,朝鲜根据康熙五十一年(1712年)穆克登查边所立石碑铭文,提出“土门、豆满两江说”,否认图们江为中朝边界.为此,光绪十一年(1885年),中朝两国各派代表举行勘界谈判,查看了穆克登碑、鸭绿江和图们江水源,并就穆克登碑与边界的关系交换了意见.虽然未能达成任何协议,但朝鲜代表从中了解了问题的真相,最终使政府放弃了“土门、豆满两江说”,为此后的谈判奠定了基础.  相似文献   
论儒教的宗教性问题(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教价值是人的创造性实践活动的虚拟。它已经度越了逻辑和理性的界限,虚拟了在现实不可能存在而具有逻辑可能性的东西,甚至虚拟了在逻辑上不可能存在的东西。宗教的旨趣就在于终极解脱、灵魂救济和安身立命,实际上是对于没有上帝的上帝、没有天国的天国的信仰。在中华文化中,对天命宗教信仰从夏、商、周三代到近现代历经了三次起落,每一次起落都与时代诉求与违背时代精神相联系。为了加强中华民族的凝聚力、感召力和向心力,儒教需要改革,完善其自身的五个方面缺失。因为这些缺失,削弱了中华民族各民族以至世界华人的凝聚力和向心力。儒教的宗教性是以人文、人性、人本、人道为终极关怀的人文宗教,是兼容诸教的普适化的中华文化体系,是人的终极精神家园。  相似文献   

The biosecurity system is extremely important to New Zealand because the economy is based largely on exporting products derived from primary industry practices. Recent developments in trade practices such as online trade have put the biosecurity system in New Zealand under further strain. In light of this, engaging young people to support biosecurity initiatives is crucial. A qualitative approach using the interpretive mode of inquiry was used to investigate the message young people got out of biosecurity educational material in the public. One hundred and seventy-one young people completed a questionnaire that consisted of Likert-scale type questions and open-ended questions that focused on getting young people’s understanding of biosecurity related educational material. The findings show that young people emotionally connected with the biosecurity educational material, but were unable to get the biosecurity message. Building prior knowledge about biosecurity through teaching and learning is recommended.  相似文献   

An increasing interest in positive youth development has led to the creation and expansion of programs and initiatives related to youth involvement and engagement. This article focuses on the Community Development for Healthy Children initiative, which envisions making Kansas the best state in the nation in which to raise a child. The initiative includes three primary strategies: A multi-media campaign; technical assistance and support to local communities; and mini-grant opportunities. The paper provides examples of activities from across the state that promote youth involvement. Outcomes across four areas are examined, and the benefits and challenges of this initiative are also discussed.  相似文献   
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