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老年人照顾体系的建立及其法律完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口老龄化是一种全球性发展趋势,中国也不例外。我国必须在构建老年社会养老保障体系的同时构建老年照顾体系。本文分析了我国老年人照顾需求的现状和老年照顾问题在家庭养老和社会养老方面的严峻性。根据实际情况,探索并构建适合我国国情的老年照顾体系。同时,对立法中需要确立的指导思想、资金来源、照顾主体、具体照顾服务制度以及相关法律责任等提出建议,为老年人照顾的长期顺利实施提供法律依据。  相似文献   
Educated Caring: The Emergence of Professional Identity Among Nurses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the formation of occupational identity in a nursing program. The normative and ideological dimensions of this process are revealed in the program’s goals and the views of educators and students through qualitative data from observations and 30 in-depth interviews. Educators seek to socialize students toward professionalism to raise the occupation’s status by emphasizing the scientific and technical basis of nursing. Yet students uphold a gendered discourse by identifying a normative dimension of caring as central to their occupational identity. The dilemma between professionalism and caring is reconciled as students construct an occupational identity based on “educated caring,” where these two dimensions are equally valuable and significant.
Ester Carolina Apesoa-VaranoEmail:

Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano   is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Davis. Her areas of interest include work, occupations, and professions, medical sociology, gender, and inequality. She is currently working on her dissertation, entitled “Medicine and Caring: Healthcare Providers at Work.” Her previous research focused on a historical analysis of ideologies in the official publication of a large nursing organization. In 2004, a version of her qualifying paper “A Professional Project: Science, Caring, and Ideology in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program” was awarded the Graduate Student Paper Award from the Carework Network (an American Sociological Association affiliate organization). In 2004 she also co-authored with Charles Varano an article entitled “Nurses and Labor Activism in the United States: The Role of Class, Gender, and Ideology,” published in a special issue of Social Justice.  相似文献   
预防未成年人犯罪是一项社会系统工程。本文就关心下一代工作委员会,如何有效进行预防未成年人犯罪工作,从其组织建设和工作机制两个方面作了较为具体的分析。  相似文献   
The bulk of care in the community is carried out by lay carers. Recent policy initiatives to support them in the United Kingdom are outlined. There remains evidence of significant gaps in support from professional health and social‐care workers including community nurses. This paper reports three studies of lay carers: those caring for older people, carers of technology‐dependent children, and home‐care workers involved in the “direct payments” scheme. Findings are reported in the areas of decisions about appropriate caring roles, the lay–professional boundary, training and respite opportunities and the expertise of lay carers. Recommendations for policy and practices are made.  相似文献   
"关爱女孩"行动实施以来,其政策效果究竟如何,课题组经过调查之后认为,尽管"关爱女孩"行动起了一定的遏制作用,但它并未触动问题的根本,人们的生育观念并没有真正改变,男孩偏好依然严重.应基于性别平等的观点,从制度上着手改变男女不平等的根源,进而引导人们真正做到"生男生女顺其自然".  相似文献   
“五关爱”是人口与计划生工作实践精髓的体现,促进计划生育工作思路和工作方法的转变,对当前的人口与计生工作具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
通过对江苏省东海县关爱女孩行动试点工作的调查发现,该行动进展顺利,取得了一定的成效,但在实际工作中还存在着一些难点问题。目前我国正在试点的关爱女孩行动在整体上还不够成熟,更没有建立起一套适合不同地区特点的工作模式。建议关爱女孩行动引入社会性别意识及社会性别视角,并运用社会性别分析方法治理出生性别比偏高问题。  相似文献   
近年来,伴随着"包容性发展"概念的提出及流行,学界开始尝试将这种包容性理念转化为一系列政策措施,形成所谓"包容性社会政策体系"。在此过程中值得注意的是,对于包括中国在内的发展中国家而言,任何包容性社会政策体系的构建,除了学习借鉴欧美发达国家的相关理论和经验模式外,还必须努力寻找一定的本土思想文化体系作为支撑,必须得到包括政策制定者和政策作用对象在内的整个社会成员的认同,否则其政策将因缺少本土文化思想的内在支持而处于无根境地。  相似文献   
“三关爱”理念是一项意义深远的理论创新成果,是对以人为本、大人口观、服务型政府等重要概念的具体解读,在理论上具有创新性,在内容上具有科学性,在操作上具有可行性。这一理念体现了执政为民、与时俱进的时代精神,体现了稳定低生育水平和提高人口健康水平的双重要求,具有重要的导向作用,昭示了我国未来人口计生工作文明的发展方向。“三关爱”密切了干群关系、党群关系,和谐了群众关系、家庭关系,不仅对我国人口计生工作具有重要的导向作用,而且在更广阔的政府公共管理与社会服务领域的改革方面也具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):57-79
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   
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