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This paper presents qualitative evidence from an in-depth, participative action research project with 150 children aged 4–8 years old, exploring their experiences, perceptions and preferences regarding charitable giving. Most children positively engage in charitable giving through home, school and their community; however, less than 20% are aware of the cause area they are being asked to support, and most have little decision-making in their giving. Children’s willingness to engage increases when they critically examine the cause area and are facilitated to lead on giving decisions, often resulting in increased and sustained efforts to support cause areas that matter to them.  相似文献   
从黑城文书看元代的养济院制度——兼论元代的亦集乃路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《俄藏敦煌文献》中的 ДХ . 1 90 72R《元至正三年亦集乃路巡检司为收养郭张驴等孤老状本路总管府及指挥使判》为黑城文书 ,是目前所见的惟一一件有关元代养济院的出土官文书 ,对研究元代养济院制度和相关问题有重要意义。此件文书证实了元代鳏寡孤独废疾收养制度曾有效地实行 ,并一直实行到元末。元代鳏寡孤独废疾收养制度即养济院收养制度 ,受宋代的养济院和福田院等社会救助制度影响 ,并与其有直接的渊源关系。元朝还建立了与养济相关的法律 ,以确保鳏寡孤独老弱残疾者得到收养。  相似文献   
Social networks are typically associated with recruitment tactics. In this article, I offer an additional perspective on social networks as a constraint to social change and an under‐recognized challenge to reducing consumption. I draw on 45 interviews with: voluntary simplifiers, religious environmentalists, and green home owners. Informants, failing to withdraw from gift‐giving networks, instead (1) negotiate a reduction in gift giving, (2) green gift giving, and (3) attempt to transform gift giving into a tactic for lifestyle change. Rather than viewing social networks as channels for cultural cohesion, I argue that we need to better conceptualize the way culture and networks are co‐constituted by tactics of influence within areas of contention.  相似文献   
Those who have originated the AIDS Memorial Quilt have often referred to it as a gift. In this essay, the author discusses theories related to gift giving to discuss the quilt and its constructed effects for those who experience it as a gift. In particular, Weiner's notion of inalienable possessions is highlighted to address how the quilt, as a gift that is kept inalienable from its original creators, maintains historical identity and immortality for its originators, many of whom are gay and bisexual men. Also, Hyde's notion of erotic gifts is presented to consider the quilt's ability to draw people together, create feeling-bonds among them, and affect their transformation.  相似文献   
为人民服务是共产党人的最高宗旨,也是贯穿"三讲”教育的中心,是实现正确"三观”的集中体现,是贯彻"三个代表”的目的与归宿.  相似文献   
前苏联思想家巴赫金的思想独具特色。1950年代后期,他提出的对话主义理论和狂欢化美学享誉世界,成为当代学术甚至日常思维的关键词。对话和狂欢共同指向生长,从两个维度表达了巴赫金对世界的哲学思考。巴赫金的思想表达兼有哲学美学化的倾向和异语表意的特点,一个论点往往有多层理解的充分可能,形成了思想的复调风格。  相似文献   
近代商人是慈善公益事业的积极支持者和参与者。他们从事了诸如施医、救灾、赈济等传统型的慈善公益活动,也从事了诸如开办学堂、学校等教育事业,开办阅报社,创办济良所等新型的慈善公益活动。后者对近代社会的发展无疑起了更大的进步作用。  相似文献   
刘春玲 《阴山学刊》2003,16(4):25-28
晚明政治、经济、文化领域的一系列变化引起了士人价值现、人生观和道德观的改变,出现了逃禅归隐、弃儒从商、纵欲享乐之风。这不仅表现了封建秩序已遭到严重冲击,也反映出士人对自己人生道路的重新选择。  相似文献   
唐代的许多诗人在进入官场之前,由于受有传统的仁以献身、义以勇为的立身为人的准则的教育,所以在朝廷为官时多好谏言时政,并以此为臣下得以致君尧舜、辅国利民的应有行为。特别是那些满腹文章又好辨是非忠奸之士,被皇帝和宰相擢为侍御史、拾遗、补阙之职,专给朝廷进谏言、提意见,对象包括批评皇帝和弹劾朝中任何高官的不当行为。然而从皇帝到大小官僚很少有人真心愿意听诤谏之言,因而多是诤谏者自讨苦吃。在唐代诗人中骆宾王、陈子昂、杜甫、韩愈、白居易等,都是因敢于直谏而被贬斥的诗人。  相似文献   
刘建琼 《云梦学刊》2007,28(5):97-100
古来圣贤皆寂寞,深味此等寂寞,其中蕴有着一种且悲且壮且美的特质。从那里,我们可以感受到一种不哭而悲的悲凉心境,可以领略到一种庄严神圣的意境,可以欣赏到一种人格上的崇高美和艺术上的风骨美。  相似文献   
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