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Using multi-level models, the analysis examines female employment and child stunting across 49 developing countries. At the country level, female labor force participation is not associated with malnutrition after controlling for economic development. At the individual level, a binary measure of employment is not significantly associated with malnutrition. However, a more nuanced measure of seven occupational categories shows that certain types of employment improve malnutrition. Professional, clerical, sales, and domestic jobs are associated with reduced stunting. These effects are only partially mediated by wealth, perhaps suggesting that some jobs may bring benefits to the household beyond the sheer acquisition of tangible resources. Agricultural jobs are associated with increased malnutrition. Manual labor and service work do not have an effect on malnutrition, compared to unemployment. Thus, women's employment is not necessarily a mechanism for empowerment and wellbeing. Not all jobs are created equal, and many of them do not confer the benefits that are typically associated with working outside the home. 相似文献
李宏 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》2014,(10):24-29
在发达的现代性中,财富的社会生产被认为系统地伴随着风险的社会生产。当我们就信用风险及其在工业化时代的扩张,结合现代化的进程尝试进行深入的原因探析时,可以发现对于总体上呈现多样性和复杂性的公共危机,不论是经济危机、社会危机,还是政治性危机等等,经由社会成员间的信用关系的视角来予以把握和考量,显然会非常有益于加深我们对公共危机的理解。 相似文献
本文结合电子商务自身特点,从对信息资产风险对象的确定、风险评估方法选择、评估的具体指标评价和结果的分析后,确定信息资产的风险控制策略。同时从投入与收益的比较选择中,简单分析控制措施选择与成本预算方面的关系。 相似文献
农户在风险和不确定环境中决策的定量分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,农户们几乎每天都面临结果不确定的情况。本文用定量的方法分析了农户主对付风险和不确定性环境的态度和目标,作出了一个包括收益变动率的边际分析模型,提出了农户对付风险和不确定性的一些对策。 相似文献
大型工程项目进度—费用联合风险分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
从工程项目风险管理的角度出发,阐述了大型工程项目的风险特征。基于Monte carlo仿真方法,建立了大型工程项目进度-费用联合风险估计仿真模型,并对仿真结果进行统计分析,获得了进度-费用联合风险曲面。由此得到各种进度费用组合下的风险概率分布。最后结合算例说明了进度-费用联合风险的定量估计方法。 相似文献
在校儿童权益保障在实施中保障有三: 1)传统文化的影响2)应试教育影响 3)教师素质和办学条件的制约. 对策可以有以下两点: 1) 进一步加强对<儿童权利公约>精神和内涵的解释和宣传,并编制<儿童权利公约实施手册> 2) 推进校本教师培训,促进<儿童权利公约>与中国基础教育课程改革的有机结合 相似文献
This paper simultaneously measures the rate of time preference and the coefficient of risk aversion, as well as investigates the interdependencies of four addictive behaviours: smoking, drinking, pachinko (a popular Japanese form of pinball gambling), and horse betting among a sample of the Japanese population. We reach two main conclusions. First, there are significant interdependencies among the four addictive behaviours, in particular between smoking and drinking and between gambling on pachinko and the horses. Second, we conclude that the higher the time preference rate and the lower the risk aversion coefficient becomes, the more likely individuals smoke, drink frequently, and gamble on pachinko and the horses. 相似文献
Growing diversity within the US population accentuates the need for the development and implementation of culturally competent services in the field of child welfare. Despite this, few studies exist that examine the effectiveness of culturally sensitive interventions (CSIs) with ethnic minority populations, who are considerably more at risk of developing psychosocial problems including substance and alcohol abuse, delinquency, low academic achievement, and poor self-esteem. With the demand for evidence-based practice it is imperative that we examine the effectiveness of CSIs designed to prevent and treat youth problems. The main goal of this review was to systematically analyze the methodology of recent CSI research with populations of ethnic minority youth in order to evaluate each intervention's ability to adhere to existing standards of evidence-based practice. The fifteen CSI studies examined in this review illustrate progress in their attempt to adhere to the methodological rigor required of evidence-based practice. This review encourages the field of child welfare to position itself analogously with and embrace the movement toward building cultural competence by further investigating the effectiveness of culturally-sensitive interventions with ethnic minority youth. 相似文献
徐琪 《华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版)》2011,(6):77-80
基于食品供应链风险评价指标体系,建立模糊评价模型,并运用该模型对食品供应链风险进行综合评价,实证分析得出:快餐巨无霸麦当劳在供应链管理中的风险较低。 相似文献
刘畅 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》2012,(4):21-24
在风险社会下,食品安全不仅关系着广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,还影响着经济发展与社会稳定。而我国目前,由于食品安全规制建设起步较晚,其在基础性法律规范制定、安全标准的科学性与体系化、行政管理体制等方面还存在诸多问题。因此,健全食品安全标准体系,建立高效的食品安全管理体制,引入食品安全风险分析制度,完善食品安全规制的法律体系,势必成为今后我国食品安全规制改革的重中之重。 相似文献