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托尔斯泰在长篇小说《复活》中明确表达了基督教婚姻伦理观。他通过聂赫留朵夫向玛丝洛娃求婚的过程,通过俄罗斯上流社会婚姻关系的混乱和下层劳动者在婚姻关系中的真诚、奉献和爱的情感,表现了基督教的婚姻伦理突出体现的是奉献、自我牺牲和爱上帝。它作为基督教道德伦理的具体体现,对人性的提升、社会的和谐均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
《贝奥武甫》所反映的时代 ,是盎格鲁撒克逊地区尚未归顺基督教的时代 ,但诗中已经流露出朦胧的基督徒意识。基督徒意识与世俗英雄主义精神的同现 ,反映了日耳曼古老的文化传统与新兴的基督教文化的撞击与融合。贝奥武甫的形象便是植根于这一复杂的文化背景中的英雄 ,因此 ,相对于希腊史诗中的英雄 ,贝奥武甫的形象更具有丰富的精神内涵 ,体现了欧洲史诗中英雄形象的发展  相似文献   
尼采敏锐地洞察到,注重“工具理性”的西方文化造成了人的异化,现代人丧失了原本属于人的本质的精神属性,导致了现代人精神的阴郁和“无家可归感”。他预见到了欧洲人所必然要经历的一场传统信仰大危机,从而提出了一个与传统基督教价值观截然不同的新的价值观——“超人”的价值观。尼采哲学开创了西方哲学对于意义和价值问题探讨的先河,然而,他的学说确实没有给正义留下位置。因此,澄清人们的思想,以马克思主义的立场对其进行实事求是的评说,在历史和现实两方面都有着积极的意义。  相似文献   
While Christianity and feminism may seem at odds with one another, both make normative claims about justice and addressing the needs of those on the margins of power. This article explores what feminism contributes to Christian realism. The current revival of Niebuhrian Christian realism highlights how much it still has to offer as a theoretical underpinning for policy and governance. However, Christian realism remains wedded to masculinist abstractions and power structures, such as the balance of power, that are ultimately harmful to those on the margins. Thus, this article uses feminism to argue for a greater acceptance of vulnerability and obligation in Christian realism.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the varied ways Christian fundamentalists think about Jews and Israel in their theology and in their daily lives. Topics include the continuing significance for fundamentalists of Jewish responsibilities for the death of Jesus, the place of the Holocaust imagery and especially the importance of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, and the instrumental role fundamentalists believe Jews play in the end- time story leading up to the return of Jesus to Mount of Olives and the making of a new Jerusalem and the beginning of the millennium. The paper suggests that in these ambivalent images lies much social distress in the form of anti- semitism, distortion of our Middle East policy, and the erosion of efforts to create a human ecumenism.An earlier version of this paper appeared in translation as Das zweitdeutige Bild des Juden in Bewusstsein christlicher Fundamentalisten, inBrennpunkte des gegenwartigen Antisemitismus, a book published by the Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism, Free University of Berlin.  相似文献   
安徒生的童话为读者展现了一幅神奇而又变幻莫测的丹麦自然风景画。他从儿童的审美角度出发,撷取了富有丹麦民族生活特色的,浸透了浓重丹麦民族精神积淀的审美意象,来反映19世纪丹麦儿童的生活、愿望和理想追求。安徒生作品的民族特征也表现在浓烈的基督教情感上。这种坚韧、执着的精神力量以及希望、信仰、爱的三位一体,使作品带着永恒的人性闪光。  相似文献   
卡尔·拉纳的"先验人学"首先是他的一种神学方法或者进路,借以强调"所有神学永远是人学".这种先验人学诉诸阿奎那古老的"转向影像"学说,运用海德格尔的现代哲学方法,确立起人是"在世之灵"的观念.作为"在世之灵"的人通过"转向影像"可以认识存在本身,能够倾听上帝的圣言,人本质上先验地是圣言的倾听者.据此,拉纳倡导与教会之外听到圣言的"匿名基督徒"展开对话.他的"先验人学"所推动的天主教神学从神本神学向人本神学的"主体转向"印证了费尔巴哈与马克思主义经典作家对宗教本质的分析.  相似文献   
教会大学建筑是19世纪末至20世纪上半叶出现在中国的一种新型建筑形态,是西方传教士与建筑师糅合西方建筑理念与东方建筑元素而形成的现代建筑样式,是中西文化双向成功交流的典范例证和有形史料。该建筑形态早期呈现中西合璧式风格,并逐渐导致中国传统建筑艺术的复兴,具有建筑学上的特异性、稳定性和连续性特征,被视为弘扬中国传统文化的表象参照物。教会大学建筑将西方的大学校园设计理念与建筑技艺引入中国,开启中国近代建筑的一个全新领域——大学建筑,不仅深刻地影响了中国近代大学的校园规划与建设,而且极大地促进了中国近代建筑形态的转型。  相似文献   
The article presents a unified theoretical model, explaining differences in Christian and ‘alternative’ religiosity at individual and collective levels. The model reconstructs and integrates the most important theories explaining religiosity (deprivation, regulation, socialization, cultural production, and ethnicity) as complementary causal mechanisms in a rational‐action based framework. It is maintained that the mechanisms of the various theories are not exclusive, but complementary, and that integration into the general model is both theoretically and empirically beneficial. The model is tested on representative data from Switzerland. Substantively, I find for the Swiss case that Christian religiosity can be best explained by a religious socialization mechanism. The most important mechanisms accounting for alternative religiosity involve deprivation, gender, and age.  相似文献   
基督教美术中的十字架图式符号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基督教的诞生和发展,被称为"图画的圣经"的基督教美术也应运而生.基督教美术在创作范围内建立的特殊样式,主要是十字架这一图式符号的运用.画家们对十字架这一母题在基督教美术中的意义进行了拓展,对十字架的阐释经历了"原初性"、"神怪性"、"当代性"三层演进.  相似文献   
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