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This study contrasts two varieties of comparative analysis: on one hand, researchers may look to explain the historical development of the East Asian welfare systems (EAWS) with an eye towards delineating some common trends, while on the other hand, they may seek to recognize the institutional features of these systems through the cross-regime comparisons. We discuss problems in the operation of these two approaches, instead choosing to employ contextual analysis to illuminate developments in social policy in EAWS. This study proposes to understand the policy model of these systems as a two-phase evolution in policy, thus providing a new foundational approach for the study of EAWS.  相似文献   
1917-1923年这一时期是苏维埃俄国由立国未稳到日趋巩固并国际地位迅速提高的时期.由于苏俄远东政策服从服务于苏俄的欧洲政策,所以随着苏俄国内情况和外部形势的变化,苏俄远东政策不可避免地呈现出很大的摇摆性和暂时性.它体现了"推进世界革命与维护俄国利益"这个困扰着苏俄外交政策的矛盾.  相似文献   
Evaluation research in social work is becoming more varied and is showing signs of greater sophistication. It is taking on new forms and functions in such innovations as single subject designs and developmental research. Field experiments have begun to look more like scientific undertakings aimed at advancing knowledge and less like bad marriages between tight designs and loose programs. Agencies have made a start toward making evaluation a part of routine operations through the introduction of accountability systems and other evaluation mechanisms. In so doing they may be turning away from occasional, splashy projects to a more humdrum, but probably more efficient and useful approach to evaluation.  相似文献   
Because of contradicting theoretical statements and empirical data, there is a need to specify the exact part that neighborhood and individual characteristics represent in determining mental health related behavior and the livabiiity of residential neighborhoods. This article adds to the understanding of the general problem by exploring the contributions that economic and social status of neighborhoods and individuals make towards depressed mood and community dissatisfaction. The study was limited to men residing in “classic suburbia” in the early 1960s. Seven hypotheses were proposed — the expectancy congruence, the additive, the big reward, and big failure, the atypical person, the reward visibility, and the economic status maintenance hypotheses. Support for the big reward and pan of the additive hypothesis was observed. The relationships presented in the paper clearly demonstrate that to gain an understanding of community dissatisfaction and depressed mood we must examine an individual's social and economic status and that of his neighborhood.  相似文献   
Development theory dealing with the highly industrialized countries of East Asia and Latin America has foundered in terms of its ability to generalize. The theories and concepts often are biased because they are derived from a selective and uneven reading of evidence from the two regions. This paper outlines the perceptions and misconceptions of a variety of theoretical perspectives on development, and then presents cross-regional evidence from East Asia and Latin America that suggests the need for a reformulation and synthesis of some of these earlier approaches. This theoretical synthesis focuses on three related themes: (1) the declining significance of industrialization; (2) the position of core and peripheral capital in commodity chains and export/marketing networks, which are becoming key units of analysis in the contemporary global manufacturing system; and (3) a new framework for differentiating the roles of the newly industrializing countries in the world economy.  相似文献   
中东史在我国年轻的世界史学科中是更为年轻的学科,我国学者对中东史的真正研究开始于新中国成立后的50年代,至今已走过五十余年的历程。期间既有势头良好的开局起步阶段,也有"文革"十年浩劫的严重摧残时期,更有改革开放后阔步前进的喜人发展局面。从学术史的视角对五十年来中东史的研究历程进行一番梳理,肯定已经取得的巨大成就,找出尚存在的不足之处,提出今后的重点研究方向,对于推动中东史乃至中东学学科建设与发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
不断地开放、明晰法律文化论域中的核心、根本问题是在法律文化理论运用过程中,增强研究者的自觉性和自悟性的一剂良方.中西人性观应是法律文化中的此类问题.因此,人性观为法律文化研究提供了一个视角,它如同解剖学意义上的一个切面,这种视角的引入比单纯将法律文化归类、进行类别上的比较之于研究可能更具客观真实性,而且还可防止"影射"和牵强附会的产生.  相似文献   
"资本积累论"认为要素投入是东亚经济奇迹的原因;"技术消化论"认为技术进步是原因。"资本积累论"和"技术消化论"的分歧,源于二者对全要素生产率方法和后发国家技术进步的不同看法。"资本积累论"有统计数据和方法论方面的缺陷,并且与经济事实相悖。"资本积累论"与新古典经济学一脉相承,其增长核算模型对后发国家的适用性值得思考。"技术消化论"继承熊彼特式技术演化的研究方法,比"资本积累论"的纯粹数理分析更接近现实。  相似文献   
全球化与中国文化的走向成为当今学术界的重要问题。本文从中国写作问题的语境出发 ,分析当代中国写作基本特点和发展形态。主要讨论了白色写作与零度写作观 ,文本间性的写作观 ,消费时代的身体写作 ,最后探讨全球化时代中国身份的“重新书写”。认为当代中国写作需要解决的主要问题是 :为谁写、怎样写、写什么 ,应该在“发现东方”的文化策略中坚持“中国写作立场”和“文化的可持续发展”,使中国当代写作话语成为可以同西方中心主义写作话语对话和互动的东方话语代表。  相似文献   
共同富裕是我国百年的奋斗目标,也是衡量长三角一体化战略的执行绩效的重要指标。针对长三角城市的共同富裕问题,以复合系统模型为基础,围绕地区经济发展、居民收入水平和生活、城市公共服务、社会综合发展四个要素,建立长三角23个城市和各省市共同富裕协同水平的评价体系。研究发现:在2006-2020年,长三角区域整体富裕协同度在提升,各城市的富裕有序度也在提升,但共同协同度在下降,由此提出了提升长三角一体化和共同富裕的建议:长三角城市群需合理规划和布局重点及新兴产业,加快技术和资本的集聚;突破地域思维,统一规划;构建产业、企业、人才、市场等各种资源在长三角内跨省跨市的有效流动、整合、共享。  相似文献   
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