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<入唐求法巡礼行记>是研究九世纪东亚交流史不可多得的第一手资料,通过对这一史料的深入探析,从新罗人在九世纪东亚海上通交中的作用和以日本遣唐使为中心的唐日邦交礼制体系两个层面来诠释九世纪的东亚海上通交,以期对这一时期的东亚政治、经济、文化交流有一个较为微观、具体的认识.  相似文献   
Indonesia is usually viewed as a country free of the acute forms of gender discrimination observed elsewhere in East or South Asia, a situation often ascribed to Indonesia's bilateral kinship system. I re-examine this hypothesis by focusing on ethnic and regional variations in sex differentials. New indicators of marriage practices and gender bias derived from 2010 census microdata highlight the presence of patrilocal patterns as well as a distinct presence of son preference in fertility behaviour in many parts of the archipelago. I also present evidence for excessive child sex ratios and excess mortality of females in some areas that appear to be related to son preference and patrilocal residence systems. The findings confirm the association between son preference, sex differentials in mortality, prenatal sex selection, and kinship systems. I conclude with a more regional perspective on demographic vulnerability of females, distinguishing bilateral South East Asia from more patrilineal Melanesia.  相似文献   
清代浙东学派学术谱系的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“浙东学派”一词最早系为黄宗羲所使用,但其时意指“浙东王学”,后经章学诚、章太炎和梁启超等人的不断“构建”,逐步呈现出三种不同的学术谱系序列。而每一次的“构建”无不融入了构建者的情感、意志和价值取向,包含着丰富的历史内容。  相似文献   
East Europeans are integrating into life in the UK. This entails learning to get along with their new neighbours, but it also involves not getting along with certain neighbours. Integration is not confined to benevolent forms of everyday cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism and conviviality; it can also include more pathological forms, like racism. Whilst integration is generally seen as desirable, the learning that it entails necessarily includes less desirable practices and norms. The aim of this article is to show how East Europeans in the UK have been acquiring specifically British competencies of racism. This doesn't mean all East Europeans are racist or they always use racism; it does mean, however, that racism is a part of the integration equation. We focus on the racist and racializing practices of Poles, Hungarians and Romanians in Bristol in the UK. These East Europeans are using racism to insert themselves more favourably into Britain's racialized status hierarchies. This is a kind of integration.  相似文献   
以色列在中东地区格局的转变中更趋孤立,周边安全环境遭受巨大冲击后趋于复杂,巴以和谈重新启动,但进展迟缓,以色列国内安全堪忧,以土关系跌入低谷后重回正常化轨道,以色列对伊朗发出动武威胁,并反对伊核协议的达成。  相似文献   
2010年中东剧变中海合会国家均受到不同程度冲击,各国采取措施应对,使海合会势力不断上升,成为中东君主制国家和逊尼派国家加强合作、应对地区变局的重要平台。剧变中各国探索转型期间政治改革,巩固了政权,加速现代化进程,使海合会代加强了地区影响;各国进行经济改革,加速经济一体化进程和自贸区建设。但改革不会一蹴而就,石油市场仍是影响海合会成员国经济增长率的决定性因素。革命成功与否海合会都将在阿拉伯政治中发挥强大有效的作用,在发生剧变的国家重建中承担新责任。  相似文献   
笔者认为:第一,建立统一的社保制度有利于劳动力的正常流动,有利于经济的发展;第二,集中的养老金投资管理具有规模效应、可以节约成本,提高效率。第三,完善养老金机构治理是提高养老金投资运营安全性的根本,可以从提高透明度、明确权责、建立可靠的信息披露制度等几个方面提高我国养老金的运营水平。  相似文献   
皮影的造型是通过长期的实践与观察而创造出来的.皮影的二度空间造型的特点,使皮影具有丰富的想象力和独特的创造力.这是从实际生活逻辑向艺术逻辑的转化,赋予了皮影艺术强烈的装饰特征和鲜明的民族特点.皮影艺术是甘肃民间古老艺术的宝贵遗产,它既承袭了传统,带有宗教迷信的色彩,又更具有独特的艺术特征,它的艺术风格、气质和诱人的美的特征,是稳定而不衰的.  相似文献   
作为东晋最显赫的士家大族,琅邪王氏培养出了大批多才多艺的文人,他们对名利"重"而不"嗜";在对生命的深刻体认中透出一种深沉的悲哀,进而求自全、自适,但是家族的文化传统又促使他们兼带"经世"精神;在审美情趣上,崇尚幽雅和率真,这些共同构成了他们复杂的内心世界.  相似文献   
Kim JW, Choi YJ. Does family still matter? Public and private transfers in emerging welfare state systems in a comparative perspective Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 353–366 © 2010 The Author(s), International Journal of Social Welfare © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. While the role of the family has been a distinctive feature of East Asian welfare systems, rapid social policy development and reforms in South Korea and Taiwan over the last two decades have led to an increase in public welfare. Yet, despite a growing number of studies, little is known about the role of family support – private transfers – and public programmes in the performance of state welfare. This article reports on a comparative analysis of the role of public and private transfers aimed at poverty and inequality reduction in 12 Western and two East Asian states employing the Luxemburg Income Study data set. Results indicate that, in contrast to the West, private transfers that rest primarily on family support remain more important than public transfers in reducing income inequality and poverty in South Korea and Taiwan.  相似文献   
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