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在1921-1979年间,苏联与伊拉克、库尔德关系的变化是以1958年为分界线的.1958年前,苏联欲以中东为跳板,实现自己的全球战略,伊拉克是西方阵营的一员,库尔德人力图建立独立的国家,苏联亲库反伊.1958年后,苏联的大中东战略没有改变,但伊拉克采取亲苏政策,三方关系重组,苏联亲伊反库.苏联、伊拉克、库尔德之间关系的变化,从根本上讲,是由各自利益所决定的.  相似文献   
以合作求安全--中日两国东亚安全利益的一致性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗允   《南都学坛》2005,25(3):116-118
避免东亚陷于安全困境,不仅是中、日两个地区大国的责任,更是两国的国家利益所系。历史上的东亚格局总由一国主导,现在面对强大的日本和崛起中的中国,东亚的结构性困境日益明显。然而在朝鲜半岛、台湾及东南亚等地区问题上中日并非存在着不可协调的矛盾,相反两国存在着共同的利益。能否基于责任与谅解,理性地把握这些利益的一致性,以合作方式谋求安全问题的解决,关系着中日乃至东亚地区的福祉。  相似文献   
傅炜莉 《云梦学刊》2011,32(6):55-57
东晋南朝乐府吸收了大量南方民歌。而这些民歌大都特色鲜明:《清商曲辞》中的《昊声歌》和《西曲歌》以情歌为主,却反映不同地域、社会阶层、职业差别;《神弦歌》为祭祀歌曲;而《杂曲歌辞》、《杂歌谣辞》或诉说爱情,或讽刺时事,反应人民最直接的心声。而从创作主体看,这些所谓“民歌”其实有相当一部分是文人、乐工、歌伎创作或润色。  相似文献   
Despite an increasing emphasis on active labour market measures, unemployment benefits still remain a focal point of employment protection. This article takes the cases of four East Asian economies – China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan (China) –, which are often characterized as having welfare states with a strong developmental and productivist orientation, to investigate whether, as is sometimes argued, unemployment benefits are restrictive and exclusionary. In doing so, it examines the logic behind the design of unemployment benefits and argues that they are in fact progressive in design and fair when they pay out. Nonetheless, low effective coverage and low benefit rates weaken their redistribution and compensation objectives.  相似文献   

Public relations has a critical role in addressing culture difference and enhancing research outreach. An analysis of practice, education and research in Middle East provides an exemplar of the need to move the discipline’s scholarship from global isolation to cultural inclusivity. A review of current scholarship in the discipline's journals documents the preeminence of “Western” theory. Research with culturally collaborative studies of media, culture, technology, and society is needed to provide global perspectives. The paper argues five initiatives are needed next steps for the discipline to achieve global inclusivity: * Enhance research collaboration – Culturally collaborative studies of media, culture, technology, and society are needed to provide global perspectives in our discipline. *Address bilingual scholarship – Public relations theory needs to acknowledge varied traditions and methodologies. Research journals need Middle Eastern faculty editorial board members and need to explore translation options. *Align research with the profession – Globally, public relations research needs qualitative understanding. Cultural differences often regress quantitative analysis to meaningless implications for both theory and practice. *Assess curriculum globalization – Educators need to increase cultural content in courses. Textbooks are needed that reflect the globalization of the field from multiple perspectives. *Develop international accreditation standards – An accreditation model based on bilingual, global, and contemporary careers in the discipline is needed. International accreditation site teams must include bilingual members.  相似文献   
Introduced in 2016, the Cashless Debit Card (CDC) is part of a welfare policy trial designed to restrict and direct the expenditure of Aboriginal people receiving a range of government benefits. In this article, I explain that the CDC, also referred to as the “White Card,” appeases the concerns of non-Aboriginal residents and broader Australia and that government is attempting to ameliorate Aboriginal dysfunction. I offer an account of income management in daily life from the perspective of those living with the Card in the East Kimberley town of Wyndham. I describe it as interconnected to a broader range of suite of government policies and enmeshed in broader social and political relations. Focused on participant observation and interviews undertaken with Wyndham residents in the period immediately after the introduction of the Card, this perspective is informed by longer-term research in the region since 2013. I show that the Card acts as a quotidian form of disciplining surveillance against Aboriginal people. It is also a site of reinterpretation and rearticulation through the development of subversive practices by Aboriginal people, what I describe as the labour of endurance: Card holders are trying to endure its effects and manage its invasiveness into their lives.  相似文献   
Hannes Baumann 《Globalizations》2019,16(7):1165-1183

The Saudi state is conventionally characterized as a neo-patrimonial rentier state that emerged out of a combination of traditional domestic social structures and oil wealth. However, the conceptualization of the rentier state as endogenously generated based on ‘traditional’ society is an example of Eurocentric institutionalism. In this article, I draw on literature that has sought to ‘internationalise’ the East Asian developmental state concept to show that Saudi rentier state formation has historically always been ‘international’. Thus, while Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman claims that his current economic reforms are opening up Saudi Arabia’s rentier economy to globalization, the restructuring of the rentier state is only the latest episode in this process, which was shaped by the colonial era in the Gulf and the transformation of an American-dominated global economy since World War II. The ‘internationalisation’ of the rentier state concept thereby also holds wider lessons for other neo-Weberian statist concepts such as failed or weak states.  相似文献   
共产国际远东局和政治书记处政治委员会均参与了中央苏区第五次反"围剿"的领导工作。远东局设计了"两个拳头打人"的入闽作战计划,导致蒋介石趁虚而入攻占了黎川。黎川失守后,远东局主张予敌以打击后西击南昌方向,遭到中革军委和李德的反对。福建事变后,远东局再次提出向西进军,中革军委和政治委员会均持反对意见。远东局和政治委员会均未提出援闽方案,而是主张坐收渔利,导致丧失打破第五次"围剿"的契机。随着战事的紧张,远东局的军事代表施特恩与中革军委的矛盾尖锐化,政治委员会开始直接领导反"围剿"斗争。远东局和政治委员会同意中革军委的撤离中央苏区计划,但又迟迟不能下定决心。  相似文献   
中西学术界有关“现代主义与东方文化”的研究作为一种自觉的批评,始于20世纪八九十年代,旨在通过研究西方现代主义作品中的东方意象和东方思想,揭示“现代主义与东方文化”之间的关系。前期研究确立了聚焦远东、探讨创作影响和文学对话的三大特性。当前的研究在方法、意识、重心和境界上表现出下述主要特征: 注重从东学西渐的历史背景出发,对西方现代主义中的东方元素作文化研究;揭示西方现代主义诗学背后的东西文化交融特性;重点关注现代主义作品在形式、技巧、主题上东西兼容的重构特性;对东方元素的解读表现出显著的超越意识。  相似文献   
企业家与企业的关系是历史研究的重要课题之一。20世纪30年代,刘鸿生组建华东煤矿公司,用企业家精神,解徐州煤矿之困于危难之中;抗战后,刘鸿生重掌矿山,以坚定灵活的策略,促徐州煤矿发展于战乱之后;刘鸿生引领徐州煤矿从低谷走向繁荣,继续从传统走向现代。同时,徐州煤矿促使刘鸿生与外资企业从“合作伙伴”转向“竞争劲敌”,加速其企业集团结构从“贸易”为主转向“生产”为主;徐州煤矿作为公司股份化、技术现代化、经营一体化、投资分散化等经营策略的实验场所,丰富了刘鸿生的经营理念。刘鸿生与徐州煤矿的互动关系展现了企业家同企业结合的重要性,为现实提供了宝贵的启示。  相似文献   
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