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进入新世纪以来,随着土耳其经济的快速发展,其政治与外交政策也在发生变化。尤其在正义与发展党执政后,依托中东格局进入旧已破、新未立的转型之机,逐步形成中等强国型的外交战略。本文从土耳其所具有的现实条件和制约因素两个方面分析该外交战略构想的现实性和可能性。  相似文献   
‘North East India’ composed of different ethnicity is plagued with ethnic assertions and regionalism with that of centuries of alienation. Development is one big issue that need to be address in the region. The North East India after decades of independence is still lagging behind in term of socio, economic, education, political, cultural and social development. A deeper study reveals that movement for separate homeland, regionalism, tribalism, ethnic clash, crime, mass poverty, etc in the region are caused by backwardness of the region. The distinct geo-ethnic and socio-historical characters of North-East India constitute the hotbed of ethnic strife and extreme radicalism. The solution lies partly in resolving the conflict between primordial ethnic loyalties or ‘ethno-nationalism’ and the ‘nationalism of the nation state’, and partly a conscious and voluntary effort to resist corruption and unholy alliance between the militants and the politicians in the region. In any case, ethnic reconciliation would result in the reduction of ethnic violence of all kinds and would eventually restore law and order in the region. When the civil governance in the region will be spared from combating militancy or appeasing the militants, the whole energy of the government would be for strengthening the institutions of local self-government, which act as potential agents of development in the conflict-ridden states of the North-East India.  相似文献   
This paper explores the emergence of a new genre of garments in Eastern Indonesia: ‘traditional’ uniforms, made from locally hand-woven cloth, which are worn twice weekly by government employees in Kupang, the capital of the province of East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur, or NTT). These uniforms, which appeared following a 1997 regulation, supported the emergence of a new, urban textile culture, and a partial decoupling of traditional clothing from adat, Indonesian customary law, even as they allowed adat to make inroads into government offices. National policy, the agitation of local elites and the innovation and conservatism of artists and ritual practitioners, all contributed to this new form of artistic and cultural expression. While attention has been paid to the domesticating power of the state on local forms of cultural expression, this example shows how attempts at control can also push cultural expressions in unexpected directions.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the findings of a study on the role of social work field education programmes in the transmission of developmental social work knowledge in Southern and East Africa. It highlights the challenges in locating developmental social work placements and the creativity shown by social work educators in addressing these challenges and improving learning opportunities for social work students. Both academics and students were found to be committed to developmental social work, within a willing practice environment hampered by knowledge, capacity and resource constraints. Social work education was found to be playing a transformative role through the teaching of a developmental social work curriculum and the creation of collaborative developmental social work learning experiences. Social work educators trained and supported agency supervisors in developmental social work, while students served as conduits, modelling developmental social work practice. What has yet to be determined in future research is the students’ perspective of this developmental educational environment.  相似文献   
祭祀文化是儒家礼制文化最重要的内容之一,祭祀是书院教育的一个重要组成部分。中韩两国的书院都有祭祀的建筑以及相应的仪式空间。东亚书院祭祀建筑的布局有着严格的规矩,遵照传统礼制思想中的方位观念。因礼仪交往行为中的宾主位置关系形成了古代建筑(包括书院建筑)中的东西阶制度。  相似文献   
万历朝鲜役是四百多年前发生在朝鲜半岛的一场国际战争,战争最终虽以正义的胜利而告终,却使明朝与朝鲜由盛转衰,并给女真以迅速崛起的机会.此后,后金取代明朝成为朝鲜的宗主国,形成了新的东亚政治格局.战争彻底改变了日本国内各派政治力量的对比,丰臣秀吉集团的势力彻底垮台,此后以史为鉴的德川幕府,再未动侵朝的念头,一直持续到明治维新以后.万历朝鲜之役对当时东亚的政治格局产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   
牙买加体系具有内在的不稳定性、不平等性,区域货币合作是东亚国家化解不稳定性、减少不平等性的必由之路。通过影响东亚国家在区域货币合作博弈中的支付结构,牙买加体系的内生特征给东亚货币合作注入了持久的、外生的结构性激励,东亚货币合作由此得到维护和推进。东亚货币合作在受到牙买加体系力量塑造的同时,也对牙买加体系产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
宋濂的史学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋濂是明代“开国文人之首”,在文学和史学上都有重要的贡献。宋濂在学术思想方面是宋元以来浙东学派的嫡传.重视学术的经世致用,且调和朱、陆之学的倾向;同时又有一定的释道二教的影响。宋濂的史学思想是既在天道观、认识论方面表现出明显的主观唯心主义的色彩。又在对历史治乱兴衰的解释中表现出浓厚的儒家政治伦理思想和实践理性的精神,这些特点构成了宋濂史学思想的丰富性和复杂性。  相似文献   
本文以医家、病者为中心,结合医籍的相关叙述,来探讨东晋南朝医学知识的新发展。文中分析指出,此时期医家与病者多数都是出自社会地位较高的士大夫阶层。作为病者,他们世代内部通婚,过度优逸,嗜好饮酒,易受精神刺激,早婚多妾侍,多种因素导致了体貌柔弱,不堪劳作。显现于医学典籍,则是许多医方以体质偏虚之人为预设目标。而又作为医家的他们,传习家学,博通医术,或由信仰之故,兼修岐黄,这促使医界病源学理盛行以及佛道知识常被引入医书。综合诸历史迹象,作者认为东晋南朝医学知识有显著的贵胜特点。  相似文献   
《远东报》是晚清东北地区最早的中文报纸,其“文苑”专栏所刊载的大量文学作品,至今尚未引起学界关注。当时主持《远东报》笔政的乃是南社诗人张素,他以“婴”或“婴公”为笔名,在《远东报》上刊发了他的长篇小说《最新之儒林外史》和若干诗词作品。通过对这些材料的搜集与整理,丰富了我们对这位南社诗人的认识。  相似文献   
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