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D.H.劳伦斯希望通过恢复男女两性关系的自然性来拯救危机四伏的西方社会,在他的作品里充满了对生命力的赞美。他这一思想与西方传统的“人文主义”思想很相似,却并非完全相同,这一思想可称为变异的“人文主义”思想,他的这种思想集中表现在《查泰莱夫人的情人》中。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国对外能源战略实施历经着重引进西方资金技术的"引进来"开放、开拓海外能源市场的"走出去"国际化经营以及新能源安全观指导下全面多元的国际能源合作三阶段.当今中国的国际能源合作呈现出令人注目的新特征,包括能源合作对象与方式的多元化、合作渠道和路径的长期化和机制化,以及平等互利、共同受益的合作原则和价值取向;但同时面临西方国际竞争的压力、"中国威胁论"的危害、资源国合作环境的不利和周边国家的同构竞争与领土资源争议等一系列现实与潜在的严峻挑战和障碍.经济全球化的推进、全球金融危机的冲击也为我国互惠共赢的对外能源合作带来新机遇.  相似文献   
能源项目作为现代工业和新经济发展的基础和动力,业已提到中俄两国经贸合作务实启动的日程上来,中俄两国合作开发西伯利亚与远东地区能源项目不仅对于双方是互惠互利的,而且是有利于提高双方合作水平,推动两国实现经贸合作的战略升级目标,促进两国在政治上战略协作伙伴关系的有效途径。  相似文献   
What was Durkheim doing—in the sense of an intended social action—in writing De la Division du travail social? At least a part of the answer is that Durkheim's project was linguistic—i.e., he was attempting to replace an outworn vocabulary of Cartesian metaphysics with a more Germanic lexicon—one in which simplicity gave way to complexity, the abstract to the concrete, the ideal to the real, deduction to induction, rationalism to empiricism, and so on. To some extent, this was motivated by the superiority—widely acknowledged among intellectuals of the Third Republic—of German science and Protestant scientific education. But an additional motivation was Durkheim's belief that only a real, concrete entity—society as a “thing” (chose)—could provide an object worthy of the veneration of the “new man” of the Republic. Durkheim's attempt to construct a science of social facts was therefore itself subsidiary to another, “higher” purpose—i.e., the construction of a moral authority (real, concrete, complex) adequate to the needs of the Third French Republic. Rather than an end in itself, Durkheim's sociology should thus be seen as a means to other ends—i.e., the “construction” of a particular kind of “fact”—within a specific social and historical context.  相似文献   
The energy and mass balance of Los Angeles County   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We conducted an urban “metabolic” study of inputs and outputs of food, water, energy, and pollutants from Los Angeles County, USA. This region has been the subject of recent debate about the nature of population density and distribution as it relates to urban form and associated environmental impacts. We found that with the exception of food imports and wastewater outputs, inputs of resources and outputs of pollutants generally declined on a per capita basis from 1990 to 2000. Reductions likely reflected a combination of changes in public policy, improvements in technology and public infrastructure, and impacts of increases in population density. However, in comparison to other municipalities and urban regions, resource consumption per capita was still relatively high in some categories, particularly inputs of water and transportation energy. Per capita greenhouse gas emissions were lower in Los Angeles County than for the average of the USA as a whole but higher than previous analyses of urban areas internationally, largely due to comparatively high emissions from the transportation sector. Wastewater discharge accounted for less than 40% of water inputs excluding precipitation; however the partitioning of water outputs through other potential losses, specifically evapotranspiration, runoff, and groundwater recharge, remains highly uncertain. We suggest that more detailed information about water losses will greatly improve future mass and energy accounting for analyses of urban environmental sustainability in this semi-arid region.  相似文献   
从1937年冬至1940年,在以太行山为中心的太行、太岳、冀南、冀鲁豫几块抗日根据地的创建和发展,像一道坚强的民族抗战的脊梁,傲然挺立于华北大地。在长期的持久抗战的艰苦岁月里,八路军129师成功地运用了游击战的战争艺术,有力地打击了日本侵略者,取得了辉煌的战果;太行山抗日根据地还创造了第一流的工作,特别是民主政权的建设方面树立了模范样板。129师太行山抗战的斗争史迹,是中国共产党领导敌后抗战的一个缩影。其丰功伟业,早已载入了中华民族解放斗争的光辉史册;其成功经验,不仅为时人赞叹,更为今人和后人留下了一笔丰厚的历史遗产。  相似文献   
新疆生产建设兵团以屯垦戍边为职责,集党、政、军、企为一体,在国家实行计划单列。由于兵团体制和社会经济发展状况的特殊性,兵团的迁移人口状况、流动人口状况也呈现出了很强的独特性。本文以兵团农八师石河子为样本,对其迁移人口和流动人口的现状进行了较为深入、全面的分析。  相似文献   
在能源领域,中国与中东国家已成为重要的合作伙伴,合作前景广阔。虽然中国与中东产油国间合作的重要性已成为双方的共识,各项制度安排逐渐形成,合作条件日趋成熟,但双方合作还受到各种因素的制约,如生产设施的滞后、运输瓶颈等,尤其是中东地区的环境安全。双方还面临着如何将双边合作与多边合作相结合的艰巨任务。  相似文献   
构建金文历谱以推求古史年代的方法,在目前对上古历法不能考明的情况下还不可行。夏商周断代工程依据少量铜器断代所建立的推定西周王年的支点多不可靠,为构建金文历谱所预设的西周历法要点也仍有待证明。工程列为标志性成果之一的共和以下历谱,由于不知共和原不单独纪年,可能问题最多,而由此上推共和以前年代亦必致多误。  相似文献   
《战国策》作为战国典籍,在思维上具有发散特征,主张注重对形势的顺应和改造,言辞上磅礴恣肆,较之战国时代其他典籍,有着鲜明的个性特色。作者由《战国策》4种“势”的情况中的地势,引出了“地理势能”这个新概念,认为地理的分裂造成了这种潜在的蓄势力量,从而形成了战国中的外交合和力与张力,对策士的心理和行为产生了影响,并因此造就了《战国策》中的一系列特征。同时还分析了地理势能与4种“势”的关系,其中地理势能与时势、事势是并向的,与人势是对向的。  相似文献   
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