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This study investigates a supply chain comprising an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and a contract manufacturer (CM), in which the CM acts as both upstream partner and downstream competitor to the OEM. The two parties can engage in one of three Cournot competition games: a simultaneous game, a sequential game with the OEM as the Stackelberg leader, and a sequential game with the CM as the Stackelberg leader. On the basis of these three basic games, this study investigates the two parties' Stackelberg leadership/followership decisions. When the outsourcing quantity and wholesale price are exogenously given, either party may prefer Stackelberg leadership or followership. For example, when the wholesale price or the proportion of production outsourced to the CM is lower than a threshold value, both parties prefer Stackelberg leadership and, consequently, play a simultaneous game in the consumer market. When the outsourcing quantity and wholesale price are decision variables, the competitive CM sets a wholesale price sufficiently low to allow both parties to coexist in the market, and the OEM outsources its entire production to this CM. This study also examines the impact of the supply chain parties' bargaining power on contract outcomes by considering a wholesale price that is determined via the generalized Nash bargaining scheme, finding a Stackelberg equilibrium to be sustained when the CM's degree of bargaining power is great and the non‐competitive CM's wholesale price is high.  相似文献   
基层党组织领导班子直接选举是发展基层党内民主的重要举措,促进了党员主体地位的回归,理顺了党内权力授受关系,显著改善了党群关系,推动了干部选拔任用机制的改革。在共产党十八届四中全会提出全面推进依法治国的背景下,深化完善基层党组织领导班子直接选举,要在确立其价值取向的基础上,增加配套制度供给,实现直接选举制度的规范化,健全直接选举的后续监督管理机制。  相似文献   
国格是国民共同的精神支柱,是民族凝聚力所在。苏武历经十九年磨难,始终不移大志,以自己的人生秉承儒家国格伦理,并给予彰显为:尽忠守节、忠君爱国;生死度外、死守大义;自强不息、高风亮节。新时期,弘扬苏武国格伦理,一是有助于加强当代青年的爱国主义教育;二有助于塑造和完善当代青年诚实守信的理想人格;三是有助于加强当代青年意志力的培育;四是有助于加强当代青年人生价值观教育。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,围绕五四运动是否是新民主主义革命开端问题的讨论成为学术界的-个热点.争论的焦点在于如何看待五四运动的性质.新民主主义革命实际上存在狭义和广义两种含义.狭义的新民主主义革命,就是无产阶级领导的民主革命;广义的新民主主义革命,则是指发生在十月革命后的中国民主革命.五四运动产生了新民主主义革命的因素,五四运动是广义的新民主主义革命的开端;也是狭义的新民主主义革命的开端.五四运动后资产阶级领导的民主主义运动,其本身虽仍是旧民主主义性质的运动,但因为与无产阶级领导的革命运动的联合,所以具有明显的新民主主义革命的属性.  相似文献   
建设生态文明是关系人民大众福祉、关乎中华民族未来的长远大计,是马克思主义生态观关切中国现实的时代使命。建设美丽中国这一全新理念的提出,是对人与自然关系认识的升华和深化。中国特色的生态观明确批判资本主义生态意识形态,宣扬社会主义、共产主义生态意识形态,要发挥党在生态文明建设中的领导作用,让人民群众享受生态文明的成果,通过生态文明建设让中华民族对世界文明做出更大贡献。  相似文献   
幼儿园课程改革的深化,课程质量的提高与园长课程领导力的提升具有密切的关系。然而,农村双语幼儿园园长课程领导力的发挥程度不容乐观,这将严重制约幼儿的健康快乐成长。通过对南疆喀什地区1市11县的30名农村双语幼儿园园长的问卷调查发现:园长在课程领导力的具体实践过程中,如幼儿园课程愿景的形成、课程发展团队的组建、幼儿园课程方案的编制等方面都存在一定的问题。为此,可从三方面着手:幼儿园园长提升自身素质,幼儿园建立课程领导共同体;教育行政部门转变管理方式。  相似文献   
进入新时代,以习近平为核心的党中央站在新的历史起点上,切实加强党的领导和党的自身建设,全面分析从严治党的新情况新问题,形成了科学系统、不断完善的新时代全面从严治党思想。新时代全面从严治党要向纵深推进,要求中国共产党在新时代中国特色社会主义建设的新实践中以更大的勇气和更坚定的决心全面加强从严治党,完整把握新时代全面从严治党思想的科学内涵和价值意蕴。  相似文献   
实现共同富裕直接关系到人民群众对美好生活的追求,在中国式现代化进程中,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的理论指引、百年来中国共产党人的科学探索以及党的全面领导三者有机结合,为共同富裕提供了理论指引、坚实基础及政治保证。现阶段我国推进共同富裕还面临着个别农村基层组织带领致富的作用仍待加强、内生动力不够强劲、精神文明建设存在短板、民生保障不完善、生态文明建设仍需进一步推进等难题。因此要以加强农村基层组织建设为牵引,增强共同富裕的引领保证;以高质量发展为基调,强化共同富裕的动力支撑;以加强精神文明建设为抓手,营造共同富裕的思想境界;以保障和改善民生为重点,打造共同富裕基础性工程;以提升生态文明水平为手段,确保共同富裕的自然前提。  相似文献   
Organisations nowadays try to be ambidextrous, that is, to balance exploitation and exploration, at the level of the organisational unit, or even at the individual level. Recent studies found that important drivers for contextual ambidexterity are a high level of empowerment and an orientation towards continuous improvement (CI) and innovation. It is, therefore, to be expected that empowering leadership and leader commitment to CI are associated with contextual ambidexterity. However, literature about the relationships between empowering leadership, committed leadership for CI and contextual ambidexterity is scant. Based on two separate survey studies, we validated both the relationship between empowering leadership and contextual ambidexterity, and the mediating effect of committed leadership for CI in the organisational unit level and the individual level. The managerial implications of this research is that organisations that want to facilitate contextual ambidexterity should not only empower employees so that they can decide more independently on how to organise their time and make choices when they conduct exploratory activities and when they perform exploitative activities. Management must also act as committed ambassadors for CI, as CI functions as an integration mechanism to create both alignment and adaptability, and hence contextual ambidexterity.  相似文献   
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