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This study investigated the impact of anxiety and depression on sexual activity and substance use behaviors in a sample of 56 community- (traditional living arrangements) and foster care-dwelling adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. It was hypothesized that higher levels of anxiety and depression would be related to higher rates of risky sexual activity and substance use. Regression analyses were used to examine impact of the internalizing predictors on the risky behaviors. Results of the sample were presented with group membership emerging as a robust predictor of both sexual activity and substance use. Results suggest that adolescents within out-of-home care are at increased risk for engaging in these behaviors when compared with community-dwelling peers, and they may benefit from specific interventions aimed at decreasing participation. Future research may focus on assessing the effectiveness of interventions for these youth.  相似文献   
Graduate students' acquisition and use of verbal interviewing skills in field settings were studied. The frequency and the proportional use of skills were judged in simulated ten-minute interviews videotaped before and after training, in eight-month post-training interviews, and in subsequent interviews recorded in the students' practica settings. Predicted changes from pre-training to post-training interviews were not significant. However, significant changes were found between training and practica interviews.  相似文献   
A random, geographically stratified sample of over 2,600 individuals aged 16 and over was interviewed in all states and territories of Australia to determine the prevalence of classes of behaviors which are associated with HIV infection. Returns from the anonymous risk behavior questionnaire (60.2% return rate) suggested that the prevalence of both male and female homosexual behavior, and contact with prostitutes, was substantially lower than that estimated by Kinsey et al. (1948, 1953). Data suggest that prevalence of classes of behaviors which place Australian individuals at risk of HIV infection may be lower than American estimates. However, the proliferation of HIV into the Australian homosexual community may be more extensive than previously assumed. The implications of these data for HIV preventive education programs and their targeting are discussed.  相似文献   
The development of AIDS interventions for adolescents is hindered by the lack of data on the conditions that influence high‐risk sexual behavior. We examined psychosocial correlates of condom use and multiple partner sex for a sample of sexually‐active heterosexual adolescent women. Respondents reported higher levels of vaginal intercourse than the “average” adolescent. A minority were engaging in anal intercourse. Condom use was associated with perceived enjoyment of condoms and communication skills. Number of sexual partners was associated with susceptibility beliefs, social norms, and sexual communication skills. The findings support the general observation that AIDS interventions with adolescents should build sexual communication skills, address motivational issues, and teach people how to enjoy safe‐sex activities.  相似文献   
This paper describes the sexual behaviors of 101 male clients with female street prostitutes. An earlier study (Freund, Leonard, & Lee, 1989) was limited to sexual behaviors of street prostitutes themselves. Interviews were given by 62% of the clients approached. The clients were mature men (mean = 39.8 years), long‐term residents of Camden, NJ (mean = 19.2 years), and currently or previously married (78/101). Racial composition was similar to the general population of the area, 65% white, 33% black, 2% Asian. Clients reported a mean of 5.3 years of using prostitution, with 81% having been clients of Camden prostitutes for more than a year. Most were regular (or repeat) clients; 93% monthly or more frequently, and 63% weekly or more frequently. About one‐half (55%) reported sex with the same prostitute or same small group of prostitutes. The primary meeting place was the street (78/101) and 43% of the sexual encounters took place in the clients' cars. Ejaculation into the vagina was most frequently reported (43/101), followed by ejaculation into the mouth (39/101) Reports of condom use were substantial; 72% for vaginal and 33% for oral intercourse (mean = 58% of encounters).  相似文献   
Using the first and second wave data of the Panel Study of Korean Children (PSKC), which is comprehensive longitudinal data with a nationally representative birth cohort, this study explores whether and when dual-working families place their infants and toddlers in child care centers and what factors influence these families' selection process. Among the 2078 families examined in the PSKC, 466 dual-working families which had any kind of nonparental care arrangement for their very young children at the time of the second survey were included in the analysis. Since our research questions address when the use of child care centers occurred, an event history analysis was conducted. The results show that 32.4% of the families had placed their infants in child care centers prior to the second interview. Family structure and income variables (number of children, nonparental adults in the household, and household income), mother's education level, and the mother's number of working hours turned out to be significantly related to the probability of child care center use.  相似文献   
Adolescents involved with foster care are five times more likely to receive a drug dependence diagnosis when compared to adolescents in the general population. Prior research has shown that substance use is often hidden from providers, negating any chance for treatment and almost guaranteeing poor post-foster care outcomes. There are virtually no studies that examine the willingness (and its determinants) to foster youth with substance abuse problems. The current study conducted a nationally-distributed survey of 752 currently licensed foster care parents that assessed willingness to foster youth overall and by type of drug used, and possible correlates of this decision (e.g., home factors, system factors, and individual foster parent factors such as ratings of perceived difficulty in fostering this population). Overall, willingness to foster a youth involved with alcohol and other drugs (AOD) was contingent upon the types of drugs used. The odds that a parent would foster an AOD-involved youth were significantly increased by being licensed as a treatment foster home, having fostered an AOD-involved youth in the past, having AOD-specific training and past agency-support when needed, and self-efficacy with respect to positive impact. Surprisingly, when religion played a large part in the decision to foster any child, the odds of willingness to foster an AOD-involved youth dropped significantly. These results suggest that a large proportion of AOD-involved youth who find themselves in the foster care system will not have foster families willing to parent them, thereby forcing placement into a variety of congregate care facilities (e.g., residential treatment facilities, group homes). Specific ways in which the system can address these issues to improve placement and permanency efforts are provided.  相似文献   
Young adults who were served in public systems of care as children are much more likely than their peers to be parenting in adolescence and young adulthood. They are also more likely than their counterparts to have a history of mental health problems. This study examined the perspectives of young adult parents with mood problems who had been involved in public systems of care before age 18. Qualitative interviews with twenty-eight participants were analyzed to examine the experience of managing moods and parenting. Young parents described how their symptoms impact their parenting and how parenting impacts their coping. They also described the strengths and challenges of using mental health services while parenting. Findings highlight the need to provide interventions that include supports for both parenting and symptom management and for providers to include both tangible and emotional support in their interventions.  相似文献   
本文采用多种统计方法,运用人口变动与产业结构演变和土地利用互动的作用机理,对四平市进行了整体分析,研究结果显示:(1)通过“三率”分析表明四平城市化超前于工业化;(2)用人口分布与产业结构对比分析表明四平城市化进程中人口变动的职业转移相对落后于空间转移;(3)通过多因素分析表明四平城市化非经济拉动,而是建制镇数量增加和其规模扩大所致;(4)通过土地利用现状和潜力分析表明四平城市建设与农村住宅“双重”蚕食耕地,加剧了人地矛盾;(5)今后四平应以农村产业化拉动人口职业转移,挖掘土地潜力,走内涵式发展道路。  相似文献   
People’s welfare is a function of both time and money. People can – and, it is said, increasingly do – suffer time-poverty as well as money-poverty. It is undeniably true that people feel increasingly time pressured, particularly in dual-earner households. But much of the time devoted to paid and unpaid tasks is over and above that which is strictly necessary. In that sense, much of the time pressure that people feel is discretionary and of their own making. Using data from the 1992 Australian Time Use Survey, this paper demonstrates that the magnitude of this ‘time-pressure illusion’ varies across population groups, being least among lone parents and greatest among the childless and two-earner couples.  相似文献   
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