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本文立足于史实,着眼于现实,研究了魏文侯的用人之道。文章认为,魏文侯宽厚端严,闻过则喜的优良品质,任人所长,重用不疑的用人方法以及宏观控制、微观松缰的用人艺术,可为今天的各级领导者纯洁思想,端正作风提供借鉴。  相似文献   
中国是诗的国度,在数千年的文明史中,一代代的文人雅士,创造了无数脍炙人口的诗词歌赋(本文统称为诗)。通过对千余篇古诗词的搜索,筛选出有关昆虫的诗句,从形态结构、生活习性、对人类的影响三个方面进行了分类归纳。  相似文献   
Fengshui theory in urban landscape planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial configuration of urban landscapes results from cumulative interactions between human activities and the physical environment. Traditional philosophies and cultural legacies have had important influences on urban development and planning in East Asia. In Seoul, traditional land use practices based on ‘Fengshui’ have significantly contributed to human-mediated patterns of landscape changes, in addition to the role of the socio-economic background (development) and other human activities. The concept of Fengshui was originally founded upon people’s empirical cognition of natural landscape patterns. Recently, however, advanced economic development, westernization and urbanization have been rapidly altering the old traditions of the holistic landscape systems through changing urban planning practices. Since the type, scale, frequency, distribution and spreading pattern of environmental and human disturbances have been changed, a new paradigm for urban landscape planning is necessary to maintain the ecological and cultural integrity of landscapes in Korea. In this paper, we discuss recent concepts and methods of landscape ecology and urban planning from the viewpoint of Fengshui, the traditional land use patterns in Seoul, whose application has so far been restricted only to traditional land evaluation. We conclude that, to maintain the sustainability of the urban landscape, it is necessary to develop a new urban planning framework for the region that is based on the integration between landscape ecology principles with the traditional concepts of Fengshui.  相似文献   
在剖析土地利用存在问题的主要成因中,本文注重人文因素对它们的影响,并从促进土地生态系统良性发展的角度,提出西双版纳土地利用工程。  相似文献   
New media such as email and mobile phones have made it easier to maintain relationships over distances. The present paper examines which media people use to maintain long-distance friendships. The main focus lies on the comparison of email and phone. Media choice theories like media richness theory assume that media can be classified according to their richness, and that people choose the medium which fits best to the affordances of a specific task. The phone as richer medium should be preferred over email in the case of maintenance of long-distance friendships because it is easier to express emotions and to give immediate feedback via phone than via email. Email is an asynchronous medium and communication via email is therefore independent of space and time. Therefore, it can also be argued that email is preferred over the phone because it makes it easier to communicate across different work schedules or even time-zones. In two studies (Study 1 conducted in the Netherlands, Study 2 conducted in Germany) media use in long-distance friendships was measured. Across both studies, email was the most frequently used medium. In Study 1, an interesting asymmetric influence of closeness of the friendship emerged. The closer the friendship, the more emails were written in total, but the less the relative use of email. Instead, the percentage of phone calls increased. Study 2 aimed to replicate and explain this finding and assessed also the content of the phone call or emails. Whereas the intimateness of the emails did not change with increased closeness of the friendship, the intimateness of the phone calls increased with increasing closeness of the friendship. This result indicates that people use email primarily for staying in touch, whereas important personal matters are still discussed on the phone.  相似文献   
周岱霖 《城市观察》2011,(3):177-182
根据轨道交通车站与土地利用布局的耦合关系,车站地区圈层结构优化可分为适应和引导两种模式。以台州轨道交通1号线为例,通过GIS软件研究在这两种模式下车站地区人口分布、建设强度以及出行强度的空间特征,以此确定站点周边的土地调整方向,并得到适应型与引导型站点土地利用优化方向。  相似文献   
本文主要考察小学语文课本各册《生字表》同《汉字频度表》的对应关系,结果发现,《生字表》里分布的具体汉字没有很好地按照字频由高到低的顺序来安排学习,存在比较明显的阶段性分布不合理问题,有待改进。  相似文献   
为了研究数量模糊语在网络新闻标题中的应用,在对新闻标题中的数量模糊限制语进行分类的基础上,对汉英两种网络新闻标题中的数量模糊限制语进行研究发现:由于网络新闻均具有时效性强、真实性、简明扼要等特点,汉英两种网络新闻标题在语义上具有可对译性及语用功能上具有相似之处;汉英新闻标题中的数量模糊语在结构、词序、使用词汇的丰富程度及频率上均有所不同。  相似文献   
This article puts the democratic potential of using the Internet into perspective through an analysis of how collective uses of the Internet promote social capital. Research results reveal that social capital online (i.e. trust and reciprocity) is enhanced by involvement in collective use of the Internet such as participation in online communities and use of the Internet among informal groups in everyday life. This process could counter negative aspects of Internet use. Further, accumulated online social capital can be a powerful predictor of online political participation, i.e. online reciprocity has a positive effect on intention to participate in online civic discussion. Finally, the authors' analyses indicate the possibility of a spillover of online social capital into offline arenas. It is concluded that collective use of the Internet can be a lubricant for democracy.  相似文献   
Cities as environments   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
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