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Visual management is much used within operations management practice, particularly in association with process improvement initiatives in diverse areas such as production and healthcare. The practitioner literature abounds with suggested best practice. However, there is little attempt to theorise about why the design and use of ‘visual’ devices for such process improvement works in practice. Within this paper we describe a novel theory of operation which highlights the role that material and visual artefacts proposed by visual management practitioners play within particular ways of organising work. We develop an innovative way of employing the theory of affordances to explain how first- and second-order affordances, situated around the visual devices at the heart of visual management, connect three domains of action, which we refer to as articulation, communication and coordination. Our analysis of three cases from healthcare, clothing manufacturing and software production help ground the theorisation discussed.  相似文献   
This study developed and tested a moderated-mediation model of work stress and alcohol use, based on the biphasic (stimulant and sedative) effects of alcohol and the self-medication and stress-vulnerability models of alcohol use. The model proposes that exposure to work stressors can increase both negative affect and work fatigue, and that these 2 sources of strain can subsequently motivate the use of alcohol. However, the relations of negative affect and work fatigue to alcohol use are conditional on the joint moderating effects of alcohol outcome expectancies and gender. Data were collected from a national probability sample of 2808 U.S. workers. Supporting the model, the results indicated that work stressor exposure was conditionally related via negative affect to heavy alcohol use among both men and women holding strong tension-reduction alcohol expectancies and to after work alcohol use among men holding strong tension-reduction alcohol expectancies. Also, work stressor exposure was conditionally related via work fatigue to both heavy alcohol use and workday alcohol use among men holding strong fatigue-reduction alcohol expectancies. The results have application in the identification of individuals at higher risk of problematic alcohol use and are relevant to workplace safety and to the design of appropriate interventions.  相似文献   
轨道交通网络化发展对北京职住分离的改善及城市空间结构向多中心转变具有重要意义。当前北京轨道交通网络功能层级缺失,尚未适应现有职住空间格局;覆盖范围有限、空间形态不合理,无法有效引导城市空间结构优化;市郊线路规划为非贯穿式放射形态,远期将加剧职住空间失配;融资结构单一,无法支撑未来大规模网络化建设。因此,应完善轨道交通网络功能层级、基于远景规划审慎扩大网络范围、优化市郊线路空间布局、加强新城局域级网络及综合枢纽建设、实现多层次融资体系构建及物业联合开发。  相似文献   
Previous research suggests that the quality of men's work group social relations varies depending on the sex composition of the work unit. Previous studies also suggest that men derive different benefits from working with other men than with women and that the higher status associated with men and masculinity advantages men in their relations with women workers. Previous sex composition studies tell us little, however, about the extent to which the quality of men's work group social relations with women and other men depends on how well a man fits dominant masculinity stereotypes. Drawing on sex composition and gender constructionist approaches to gender and work I investigate in this study the effects of men's individual similarity to masculinity stereotypes on the affective quality of their social relations with coworkers, given the sex composition of their work groups. The data for this study consist of male, mostly white, non‐faculty employees of a public university in the northwest United States. I discuss my results in terms of both individual outcomes and implications for understanding sex and gender inequalities in work organizations.  相似文献   
职业教育中的实践是指学生在结构化的真实或虚拟的职业情境中,在教师的指导下通过自己的行动建构职业综合能力和职业身份的过程。实践教学是指教师在这一过程中的引导、示范、纠错、评价以及创设结构化的职业情境所做的一切工作。泛实践教学特指实践教学活动的多样性、理论的丰富性以及对学生发展的深层关注与关怀。泛实践教学模式中的“三向”是指模式的三种目标,即主体取向、素质指向和岗位导向;“四级”是指模式实现其目标的具体方法,包括职业兴趣培养、职业意识养成、职业技能实训和职业综合能力提升。泛实践教学模式的推进策略主要包括五个方面:完善培养体系、强化保障体系、健全行动体系、丰富课程体系和构建示范体系。  相似文献   
从企业社会责任的基本内涵入手,提出了企业社会责任的内化和外化的观点,认为企业只有首先承担起内化的社会责任,才能为承担外化的社会责任奠定良好的基础,而对员工的责任是企业内化的社会责任之核心。在此基础上,以性别法律方法分析了企业对员工的社会责任。最后,在企业社会责任与平等就业权,企业社会责任与员工生育权,企业社会责任与职场性骚扰三个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   
There is a substantial mainstream literature on coming out in organizations, which investigates the positive effects for gay people of being out at work, but very few contributions that challenge the discourse of coming out. Taking as its starting point Butler's famous question ‘So we are out of the closet but into what?’, this paper problematizes coming out discourses in the workplace. We report on a study in which ten men were invited to talk about their coming out in the workplace. There were three main ways through which our participants constituted themselves as gay men when they talked about coming out: by defining themselves as, and admitting to, being gay; by introducing themselves as being in a gay relationship; and by adopting legitimate subject positions such as the Other, the different one, or the normal gay. Through our analysis, discussions and conclusions, we show how participants position themselves within different discursive variations, thus revealing the multiplicity of ‘the gay self’ and highlighting how coming out repeats and supports normative systems.  相似文献   
Based on my own experience of parenting a child with mental disability, I raise the question of how disability unfolds in the spatial organization of work environments, specifically that of academic offices. I scrutinize the role of family pictures placed in offices for public display, and the way this element functions when pictures show your child is disabled. I do so in a provocative and contrasting manner to highlight the point that families with a disabled relative, especially a child, are deprived of a presence in a collectively shared symbolic reality that supplies structure, meaning, and meaningfulness to individual workplace lives. I argue that non-disabled spaces require daily repeated practices and narratives which images of disabled children disrupt.  相似文献   
职场性骚扰严重侵害劳动者的人格权,同时也带来一定的社会问题。本文从劳动法学理论的视角,对雇主禁止性骚扰义务的价值及法理来源予以论证,借鉴各国的经验,建议在劳动合同法中予以制度设计,以有效地防治性骚扰。  相似文献   
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