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美国是典型的实行三权分立制度的国家,总统与国会相互独立且相互制衡。具有国家权力平衡功能的联邦最高法院居于其中,对二者关系进行调节。凡是越过自身权力界限侵犯另一方的权力,就要被联邦最高法院制止,从而保证国家机关依法定的权力界限行事。美国诉尼克松案就是阐释联邦最高法院的权力平衡功能的最佳案例。  相似文献   
内战期间,大量逃奴及获得自由的数百万黑人无以为生。起初,是联邦军队、民间团体及慈善组织采取种种措施帮助他们生存。军队及民间力量的不足促使联邦政府承担起解决黑人生活问题的责任,国会对建立自由民局的必要性、合宪性等问题进行了辩论,支持建立者获得微弱优势,最终建立起统一的帮助自由民、难民重建社会生活与生产秩序的联邦机构自由民局。它的创建是美国福利制度发展史上的突破,预示了联邦制下权力布局的改变。  相似文献   
本文针对德国联邦银行的发展状况和货币政策的目标、职权、组织机构及其在国际货币体系中的作用略加研究评述,以期对我国目前的金融体制改革有所裨益  相似文献   
根据1984的量刑改革法案,美国量刑委员会为联邦刑事法律系统制定了量刑指南。但该指南既没有满足法案的期待,也没有提供一个全面性的、可操作性的制度。一个现代的、有原则的和可操作的量刑制度,应当明确首要的目标和必要的起草原则;还应当构建一个可向理想性制度转化的可操作性制度,并鼓励这个制度保持其运用的内在一致性以及能够不断的改良。  相似文献   
We start by considering the Alternate Strike (AS) scheme, a real-life arbitration scheme where two parties select an arbitrator by alternately crossing off at each round one name from a given panel of arbitrators. We find out that the AS scheme is not invariant to “bad” alternatives. We then consider another alternating-move scheme, the Voting by Alternating Offers and Vetoes (VAOV) scheme, which is invariant to bad alternatives. We fully characterize the subgame perfect equilibrium outcome sets of these above two schemes in terms of the rankings of the parties over the alternatives only. We also identify some of the typical equilibria of these above two schemes. We then analyze two additional alternating-move schemes in which players’ current proposals have to either honor or enhance their previous proposals. We show that the first scheme’s equilibrium outcome set coincides with that of the AS scheme, and the equilibrium outcome set of the second scheme coincides with that of the VAOV scheme. Finally, it turns out that all schemes’ equilibrium outcome sets converge to the Equal Area solution’s outcome of cooperative bargaining problem, if the alternatives are distributed uniformly over the comprehensive utility possibility set and as the number of alternatives tends to infinity. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: C72.  相似文献   
Multi-site evaluations, particularly of federally funded service programs, pose a special set of challenges for program evaluation. Not only are there contextual differences related to project location, there are often relatively few programmatic requirements, which results in variations in program models, target populations and services. The Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery–Priority to Veterans (JDTR) National Cross-Site Evaluation was tasked with conducting a multi-site evaluation of thirteen grantee programs that varied along multiple domains. This article describes the use of a mixed methods evaluation design to understand the jail diversion programs and client outcomes for veterans with trauma, mental health and/or substance use problems. We discuss the challenges encountered in evaluating diverse programs, the benefits of the evaluation in the face of these challenges, and offer lessons learned for other evaluators undertaking this type of evaluation.  相似文献   
20世纪70年代,美国爆发了滞胀危机,美联储屈从于政府的政治压力,扩大货币供应量加深了滞胀危机.为迅速有效的抑制通货膨胀,1979-1982年间,在新任主席保罗·沃尔克领导下,美联储一改过去治理通胀不力的形象,不惜牺牲美国经济短期内的发展以降低公众通胀预期,持续的执行紧缩货币政策,建立美联储的公信力.而沃尔克在维护美联储的独立性的前提下,与政府达成了妥协保全了美联储.最终美联储成功的解决了通胀问题,使美国经济实现了低通胀的高速发展.  相似文献   
德国在工业化之后逐步建立了由企业代表会制、监事会劳资共决制、劳工经理制和超企业共决制共同构成的劳资共决制。作为战后劳资合作机制的主要组成部分和工会经济民主化政策的核心,劳资共决制从劳动保护、公共安全和福利保障等三个方面影响了联邦德国社会安全管理体制改革,使社会安全管理体制呈现出典型的"小政府大社会"特点,强调社会的组织化、国家职能的明确化和权力的民主化。  相似文献   
2008年美国遭遇自上世纪30年代经济大萧条以来最为严重的一次金融危机,姑且不论过去数年,联储局的货币政策或监管措施是否有瑕疵,在2008年危机日益恶化,眼见整个美国金融市场功能即将崩溃之际,联储局运用了传统功能以外的机制,发挥了一个中央银行面对瞬息变化的金融体系应有的弹性。联储局的权力虽然让它看起来像是宪法中规定美国政府三个部门外的"第四个部门",但是2008年一连串的行动,确实也是度过此次危机的关键。这些行动纵然有美中不足之处,但达到了向银行与交易商提供资金以缓和"去杠杆化"过程的目的,并且改善信用市场的流动性以舒解融资渠道,扩充了商业融资渠道,防止金融机构资产负债的失衡。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the presentation by Elisabeth Garner at the 26th annual North Carolina Serials Conference in 2017. Garner described the workflow she developed to reconcile previously cataloged government document serial records with newly updated U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) catalog records from MARCIVE, Inc., through the Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP).  相似文献   
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