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“电磁场与电磁波”作为电子通信类专业的一门专业基础课,在学科建设中发挥着承上启下的作用,提高该课程的教学质量是非常必要的。通过实践,探索该课程中教学方法和手段的改革,以适应相关专业的人才培养目标和满足当前的社会需要。  相似文献   
Economists have concentrated on aggregate economic growth to measure countries' development progress and in recent years have also considered income distribution performance. This paper reverses the conventional emphasis by placing income distribution at the forefront. I examine what is known about the distributions of income and poverty in the developing countries of the world and probe the correlations between poverty, inequality, and development. I explore the main sources of inequality and the extent to which individual countries have managed to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality in the course of economic growth. Employing evidence from case studies of six developing nations. I suggest some explanations for differing patterns of development and call for development planning founded on a firm commitment to helping the poor.  相似文献   
基于语义场理论,以理论加实例的方式,探讨了如何在同义义场、反义义场、上下义场、整体与部分义场内,进行英汉两种语言词汇互译策略,以期实现英汉词汇概念意义和附加意义均能对等,取得最佳修辞效果。  相似文献   
Within social work education, there may be a failure to adequately and critically examine neoliberalism and processes of neoliberalization. In this context, those seeking to grasp the meaning of neoliberalism should be attentive to at least six interconnected components: how we might define neoliberalism in relation to the ‘embedded liberalism’ it endeavoured to supplant or displace; the role of the state within neoliberalism; the concept of ‘accumulation by dispossession’ which illuminates how neoliberalism has constantly aimed to redistribute in favour of the rich; the centrality of insecurity and precariousness; the renewed and retrogressive faith in incarceration and, more broadly, what has been termed the ‘new punitiveness’; and how neoliberalism, in practice, is often at variance with the theory and rhetoric. It will be suggested that contemporary interpretations of neoliberalism by, for example, David Harvey and Pierre Bourdieu—along with the insights of Antonio Gramsci—might aid our understanding during a period of, now perhaps, faltering neoliberalization.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship between chosen field of study and the race gap in college completion among students at elite colleges. Fields of study are characterized by varying institutional arrangements, which impact the academic performance of students in higher education. If the effect of fields on graduation likelihoods is unequal across racial groups, then this may account for part of the overall race gap in college completion. Results from a large sample of students attending elite colleges confirm that fields of study influence the graduation likelihoods of all students, above and beyond factors such as students’ academic and social backgrounds. This effect, however, is asymmetrical: relative to white students, the negative effect of the institutional arrangements of math-oriented fields on graduation likelihood is greater for black students. Therefore, the race gap is larger within math-oriented fields than in other fields, which contributes to the overall race gap in graduation likelihoods at these selective colleges. These results indicate that a nontrivial share of the race gap in college completion is generated after matriculation, by the environments that students encounter in college. Consequently, policy interventions that target field of study environments can substantially mitigate racial disparities in college graduation rates.  相似文献   
刑事司法实践活动实际上是被限定在司法场域之中的.司法场域的行动者依其在该场域中所拥有的权利或权力资本而被分层,其对活跃在司法场域各种形式资本的竞争,主要是围绕着案件事实与法律适用的话语权而展开争夺的.司法场域行动者对刑事司法过程的影响,是在对场域权力或权利资本进行不断地争夺、交换、整合过程中实现的.场域行动者的资本权重越重,资本能量越大,在案件事实确认与法律规范适用方面的话语权就越重.  相似文献   
国际服务贸易往往反映着一国或一地区的国际综合竞争力。近年来,我国及上海的国际服务贸易发展呈现强劲势头,同时也存在着不少矛盾和困难,尤其是存在一些体制机制性的羁绊。应当进一步提高思想认识,以深化改革和开放新平台为主要抓手,突破体制机制瓶颈;研究制定科学的战略思路和方略举措,把握机遇,整合优势,抓住后金融危机时期的有利时机,以贯彻“十二五规划”为契机,有重点有选择发展高端市场和优势领域,完善长三角城市群的区域联动协调机制,加快培育和建设上海国际服务贸易的若干“高地”。  相似文献   

The notion of transnational citizenship emphasizes the mobility and flexibility of transmigrants with respect to the affective claims and disciplinary operations of the nation-state. Such representations tend to make redundant the analysis of the deep commitments of time, acculturation, and identification that have traditionally been considered the sine qua non of national belonging. I shall aim to put these modalities of citizenship into a more dialectical relation by arguing that in order to reap the full benefits of their mobility, that is, to be able to secure the highest rates of conversion for their transnational cultural capital, transmigrants must legitimate their claims to national membership by accumulating practical national belonging. These issues will be explored through an ethnographic analysis of the strategies by which overseas Vietnamese attempt to assert and accumulate legitimacy as subjects of national belonging in Vietnam.  相似文献   
For French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the issue of the agency of intellectuals was paramount. Bourdieu maintained that intellectuals have a fearsome form of social responsibility. Having witnessed the ‘institutional misuse of authority’ common among academics, the ‘canonized stupidity’ that was part and parcel of the educational system, the faddishness of intellectual trends and the ‘cult of “transgression”‘ that underwrote this faddishness, Bourdieu crafted an alternative position and practice that were to bear fruit in the context of the fight against neo-liberalism during the last two decades of the twentieth century. This essay provides an examination of Bourdieu's theory of the gap between theory and practice, how intellectuals shape and are influenced by this gap and what can and should be done to challenge it.  相似文献   
农社是朝鲜民族村落共同体的形式之一。农社起源与朝鲜民族传统的稻作农业文化有着密不可分的关系。坚持古代起源说的学者认为农社可以追溯到生产力尚不发达的时代,其雏形是三韩时代的部落女性参与的积麻活动,属于劳动、游戏、宴乐与军事的融合体。坚持朝鲜后期起源说的学者认为农社是生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,农社是相对成熟的劳动共同体,内部有明确的人员分工和任务分配。本文旨在总结前人研究成果基础上进一步厘清农社起源问题。  相似文献   
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