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The consequences of major changes in employment, due to the decline of manufacturing and the growth of the service sector, have not been well-documented, nor theorized, in the sociology of ethnic relations, even in recent studies. For example, Blumer's classic argument that economic development adapts to 'race relations', rather than the reverse as predicted by the modernization school, has not been either empirically resolved or conceptually applied to the UK. By adapting data from the Labour Force Survey and the Census, the paper begins to fill this gap with a detailed account of three main minority ethnic groups, and a separate analysis of male and female employment. It is demonstrated that, contrary to assumptions that members of the minority ethnic groups suffered most from de-industrialization, they actually did rather well, and in some cases did better than the majority population. These findings are re-conceptualized as collective social mobility, as part of a review of a number of conceptual frameworks in the light of the data.  相似文献   
都市文化和文学的研究是近来学界的研究热点之一,其中,"北京学"以其丰富的研究空间吸引着众多研究者的目光。本文以颜浩的《北京的舆论环境与文人团体:1920—1928》一书为例,展示了北京研究所具备的可开拓性空间。通过分析该书如何选取研究对象、进入城市的独特方式和采用的研究方法等,凸显出从文化或文学层面阅读都市的魅力所在。  相似文献   
Although all psychoanalytically informed approaches to couples therapy recognize the importance of underlying dynamics, there are important differences in the focus of the treatment. This paper suggests a focus that is based on a self-psychological/intersubjective viewpoint. Two concepts that exemplify this model, a sustained empathic focus and an appreciation of the experience of vulnerability, are discussed and applied to a couples session. What is emphasized in this material is a process of focusing on underlying vulnerability, affect and subjective experience.
Martin LivingstonEmail:

Practitioners often face questions about how to approach adolescents to join a group where they can develop healthy relationships with themselves and their peers. A growing number of practitioners and researchers value creative—nondeliberative—forms of working with such groups. This article discusses the artful, actional methods the authors use in their work with time-limited small groups of adolescents (age 14–17) who experienced behavioral challenges. These creative methods were used in settings such as secondary schools, counseling centers, and nongovernmental organizations in Lithuania during social skills training groups facilitated by the social workers.  相似文献   

This article reviews the history of recreational, arts, and music-based activities in social work with groups, providing a nondeliberative practice context. The article begins with an overview of nondeliberative practice, then presents various uses of recreational, art, and music-based activities during the Settlement House and Recreational Movements, in mid-20th-century group work practice and in present practice. The article concludes with a review of current projects in the Chicago land area and highlights their potential to decrease young person on young person violence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explicate the features of a model of practice (and its theoretical supports) that characteristically employs processes other than those that are deliberatively thought out and processed verbally. The model, identified as a nondeliberative form of practice, has the capability of extending significantly the range of social work practice options. This article articulates the central features of nondeliberative forms of practice and provides a conceptual way of thinking about this modality for use throughout the profession, and in particular in social work with groups.  相似文献   
廖建夏 《创新》2012,6(6):46-51,127
布努瑶作为典型的山地民族,生息地是典型的喀斯特地区。布努瑶在适应所处生态环境的过程中积累了丰富的地方性生态知识和形成了特殊的技能,对非木材林产品的保护与利用有自己独特的经验。只有发掘和利用布努瑶传统的生态智慧和技能,逐步改变布努瑶的资源利用方式,当地脆弱生态系统才可能支持布努瑶的可持续发展。  相似文献   
印度东北地区的民族分离运动与反政府武装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自独立以来,印度东北地区民族分离运动、反政府武装活动持续不断,至今未绝。独立以后至20世纪80年代,主要为民族分离主义争取民族自决权与印度政府维护统一的斗争,经过三十余年的较量,印度政府实现了在宪法框架内对东北地区的政治重组;20世纪80年代至今,主要为由移民与本地居民、部落民之间的矛盾激化而引发的反政府武装活动。进入新世纪,反政府武装组织出现恐怖主义化、黑社会化趋向。  相似文献   
洪岩璧 《社会》2010,30(2):45-73
摘 要:本文通过梳理国内外有关族群(民族)分层的文献,认为有必要把“民族”纳入到中国的市场转型和社会分层理论框架之中,并从教育获得的角度对这一问题进行实证分析。影响中国少数民族教育获得的因素主要包括:城乡地域区隔、职业结构(阶层)、文化差异和国家政治进程(政策变迁)。基于对2004年中国西部抽样调查数据分析,作者发现:(1)基础教育阶段入学的族群差异主要由城乡差别和阶层不平等造成,族群不平等已不显著;(2)少数民族子女高中升学概率依然显著低于汉族,其原因部分在于城乡、地域和阶层因素,部分在于少数民族和汉族的文化差异(如语言环境)等因素;(3)与汉族教育不平等的代际传递模式不同,少数民族教育不平等的代际传承以资源转化模式为主,从而影响了不同族群在教育扩展中的获益程度。总体而言,虽然中国西部少数民族的教育获得仍显著落后于汉族,但其教育不平等更多地来自城乡和阶层之间的差异。  相似文献   
渡海神话在盘瑶中广为流传,成为该族群的社会记忆。渡海神话强化了盘王子孙的认同感和归属感,确立了共同的祭祀团体和瑶人十二姓等族群标识。这些标识随着渡海神话的不断演述而得到认定和传承。渡海神话是盘瑶神圣的口述史,强化着盘瑶的自我认同,也成为区别其他族群的显要文化表征。  相似文献   
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