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This article describes the use of a listserv to make a contribution to that sector of the human service profession which struggles with burnout. The author develops, conducts and evaluates an online support group for social workers.  相似文献   
There is now overwhelming experimental evidence that individuals systematically violate the axioms of Expected Utility theory. In reality, however, many economic decisions are taken by, or on behalf of, groups whose members have a joint stake in those decisions. This paper reports on an experiment in which pairs of individuals are tested for Common-Ratio inconsistencies. We find that the agreed choices of subject-pairs follow a pattern of inconsistency very close to that of individuals' choices. We also look for evidence that group participation increases the consistency of the individuals themselves. With one solitary exception, we find none.  相似文献   
民族工作必须体现时代的精神,党中央在我国社会主义建设的关键时期提出的各民族需“共同团结奋斗,共同繁荣发展”,顺应了时代的要求。少数民族的发展只有在建设中国特色社会主义的共同事业中才能逐步解决。  相似文献   
Improving outcomes of telebehavioral psychoeducation requires rethinking program design when delivered wholly or partially for self-directed participation. Discussion forum participation often follows the “90-9-1 Rule” where 90% of participants lurk, rather than contribute content. A theoretical perspective on the behavior can help explain its adaptive functions, as well as the threats that this behavior poses to the lurker. Implications for practice require program redesign that actively links individual skills training and group-based discussion. The proposed linking design can synergize individual and group participation to support the development of mutual aid, as well as greater interaction with psychoeducation content and materials.  相似文献   
孙中山的社会福利思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨琪 《晋阳学刊》2009,(4):87-89
孙中山的社会福利观一方面继承了中国社会福利思想的传统,又受到资产阶级民主革命和西方福利思想的影响,形成他颇具特色的社会福利观,成为其民生主义的重要内容。孙中山关注社会弱势群体,认为为国民提供社会福利是政府的责任,倡导社会福利的制度化和法治化建设。孙中山的社会福利思想对民国的社会福利实践产生了重要影响,在中国社会思想史上占有重要的地位。  相似文献   
民族发展是各民族的共同诉求.民族发展理论是中国特色社会主义民族理论的重要内容,党和国家的民族发展理论和实践经历了一个丰富与发展的过程.科学发展观的提出赋予了民族发展和谐的本质特征,自主性、全面性、永续性、质量与速度的统一性是新世纪新阶段我国民族发展的基本特征  相似文献   
赵洁 《兰州学刊》2009,(12):116-119
改革开放以来,在传统的计划型劳动力就业机制向新兴的市场型劳动力就业机制转变的过程中,一大批失业人员成为处手社会底层的弱势群体。正确认识这一群体的现状,并提出积极有效的解决对策,对于正确处理人民内部的利益矛盾和构建和谐社会具有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
Several studies have described and analyzed the development and diffusion of hate crime laws in the United States, but none specifically examined state-level differences in protected categories. Forty-five of the 50 states have a hate crime statute, but only 30 of those include sexual orientation. In this study the social construction framework is applied to the hate crime policy domain in order to determine whether or not variations in the social and political status of gays and lesbians are associated with the inclusion of sexual orientation in state hate crime laws. Content analysis of daily newspapers in six states revealed that a positive social construction is associated with groups seeking hate crime law protections, and that political influence may also be a key factor.  相似文献   
Despite the evidence of unmet support needs among young people who have lost a parent to cancer, only a few support group initiatives have been reported. This observational prospective study explored the psychosocial well-being of young people who participated in support groups at a Swedish specialist palliative care setting. On three occasions, 29 participants, aged 16–28 years, answered questionnaires covering characteristics of the participants, circumstances of the losses, psychosocial well-being of the young people, and their own assessment of the support groups. The support groups attracted mostly young women who were often unprepared for the loss. The living arrangements differed between younger and older participants; however, the loss-related variables did not differ. Significant positive changes were found regarding a sense of meaning in their future life and life satisfaction. The helpfulness of the group was assessed as high/very high and the group brought a valuable fellowship with others in a similar situation. Universality and beneficial interactions were reported and strengthened psychosocial well-being developed over time. This change, according to the young people themselves, may be attributed to the group support. The findings are useful for planning interventions to support young people in bereavement in order to enhance their psychosocial well-being.  相似文献   
基层党政领导干部选任制度的运作轨迹,主要体现在党管干部与群众公认原则、候选人的提名方式和利益集团的参与等方面。本文试图运用新制度主义的方法,对制度因素产生的“路径”进行分析。  相似文献   
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