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福柯的《知识考古学》主要面对《词与物》最后提出的“人之死”这样一个问题,福柯认为“人之死”是尼采的“上帝之死”的伴随事件。福柯指的“人”是欧洲18世纪末19世纪初开始的所谓资本主义大写的“人”、资本主义的一般主体性。福柯认为,法国大革命给欧洲带来了一种主体性,欧洲现代史就是这个主体性的历史。法国大革命成为福柯《知识考古学》思考的中心事件,法国大革命在福柯文本中是隐匿的。  相似文献   
As landscapes become ordered according to certain sets of economic, political, ecological or social practices and discourses, other possible orderings become limited in their potential. This article illustrates this with an example taken from the field of tourism and place marketing. The empirical focus is golf experiences in Scania, Sweden, bookable by individual consumers over the Internet. The ordering of what is termed the ‘golfscape’ is unfolded with the help of an assemblage of arguments taken from writings on mobility, biopower and subjectification, post‐foundational views of the materiality of the social and recent conceptualisations of the socio‐cultural and spatial impact of tourism. The booking sequence, i.e. the interaction between consumer and booking software, is analyzed as a series of negotiations, techniques and technologies of control and enactments of power. It is concluded that mobility studies can benefit from a Foucauldian power perspective when explaining practices of mobility and spatial fixation.  相似文献   

In this article, I suggest that social workers should be servants and seekers of truth and that they should do their utmost to re-legitimise the quest for truth in social life and professional practice. I hold that while post-modernism must be applauded for its incisive critique of the totalising tendency' of the quest for truth, especially when fuelled by passionate ideological conviction, yet its forthright rejection of truth itself has had disastrous social consequences and serious deleterious effects on professional practice in social work. Over the last two decades or so, the baby (truth] has been recklessly thrown out with the bath water (totalistic Ideologies) and the consequences have been sorely felt in society, in the personal lives of individuals, in the human service professions as a whole and in social work, especially of course in the writings and professional practice of those who have enthusiastically embraced post-modernism. I also suggest, however, that social work needs to take full advantage of the insights of post-modernism (and especially of Foucault) in order to avoid falling into a totalistic chasm' as the profession pursues its own quest for truth.  相似文献   
Written as a fictitious dialogue between two of this generation’s most prolific social theorists, this unique analysis explores the similarities and divergences of Michel Foucault’s and Yannick Ripa’s scholarship on madness. During an imagined meeting at a local café, a spirited dialogue emerges addressing mutual agreement and unwavering criticism of each author’s perspective of how madness was constructed and managed throughout the classical and Victorian eras. Ripa’s primary motive is to challenge Foucault for ignoring the feminine critique within his over-arching theories of social and patriarchal systems of control. On the other hand, Foucault’s vested interest is to explore Ripa’s narrowed historical scope that he feels was essentially built upon his own scholarship without acknowledgement. Drawing upon a comparative study of Foucault’s History of Madness and Ripa’s Women and Madness, the two theorists engage in a revealing conversation about aspects of political economy, shifting roles of religious ideology, gender effects, the social construction of insanity, and the historical methods of incarceration.  相似文献   
福柯的知识考古学是一种新的历史分析方法.它受新史学的影响,与传统史学有着完全不同的史学观念。它反对连续,提倡断裂和去主体性,并且具有独特的研究对象和分析方法,分离出一个独特的分析层次。考古学历史分析方法从根本上说是对话语规律的探讨,福柯用考古学的方法去分析文献、话语乃至陈述在不同条件、环境和关系中的形成规律。  相似文献   
本文通过分析福柯对理性的反叛、对传统历史叙述方法的改变以及对传统历史观中历史连续性问题的否定 ,阐述了站在历史边缘的福柯 ,如何用他的后现代史观对传统史学进行强烈冲击 ,并对现代史学的进一步发展产生有力的推动  相似文献   
微观权力学说是米歇尔.福柯先生的独创性学说之一。按照他的理解,不仅“权力”一词已具有了新的内涵,知识、真理、知识分子与权力的关系也具有了新的内涵与特征。虽然福柯的思想发展具有相当的跳跃性,但是,后现代思潮毕竟是其思想诞生的时代背景,为此,本文从后现代科学知识观角度进行了认真的思想梳理。  相似文献   
The article examines the rationality behind the simultaneous enhancement and restriction of mobility of various categories of migrants in the European Union. Through Foucauldian understanding of economic man as a dominant subjectivity in neoliberal risk society, the article shows how the European migration law produces two types of economic men: EU citizens and bogus asylum seekers. Whereas migration of EU citizens is considered not only rational but also moral behaviour, migration of those perceived as bogus asylum seekers is condemned as immoral and irrational. This differing approach towards EU citizens on the one hand, and asylum seekers on the other, constitutes a mode of governing migration in the EU referred in this article as technology of morality.  相似文献   
《1984》隐喻地呈现了一幅极权主义统治的梦魇图景。在后现代主义空间及语言双重转向的视阈下,依托福柯的权力/话语理论,同时结合其理论视野中互为一体的身体、空间和凝视等观点对文本进行解读,揭示极权统治得以延续的秘密,说明现代主体在极权运作下解体和消亡的必然性。奥威尔以一种后现代的反乌托邦的形式构想了乌托邦空间,以此启示人类找寻走出极权生存困境的新途径。  相似文献   
赛义德后殖民理论对福柯和德里达理论的借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赛义德的后殖民理论主要包括对东方学的剖析、对话语革命策略的探索,以及对未来理想文化蓝图的建构。在这几个方面,赛义德分别借鉴了福柯和德里达的有关理论。他用福柯的知识与权力关系理论来剖析东方学,揭示东方学的实质是东方主义、文化霸权主义或霸权话语;用福柯的权力与反抗关系理论来探索话语革命的策略,指出消解话语霸权的方式是争夺话语权;用德里达的延异理论来建构未来理想的文化蓝图,提出作为自由游戏的杂交文化理论。  相似文献   
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