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Suppose a finite population of several vertices, each connected to single or multiple edges. This constitutes a structure of graphical population of vertices and edges. As a special case, the graphical population like a binary tree having only two child vertices associated to parent vertex is taken into consideration. The entire binary tree is divided into two sub-graphs such as a group of left-nodes and a group of right-nodes. This paper takes into account a mixture of graph structured and population sampling theory together and presents a methodology for mean-edge-length estimation of left sub-graph using right edge sub-graph as an auxiliary source of information. A node-sampling procedure is developed for this purpose and a class of estimators is proposed containing several good estimators. Mathematical conditions for minimum bias and optimum mean squared error of the class are derived and theoretical results are numerically supported with a test of 99% confidence intervals. It is shown that suggested class has a sub-class of optimum estimators, and sample-based estimates are closer to the true value of the population parameter.  相似文献   
       摘要:  1894年至1895年的中日甲午战争,是中日两国近代史上重要的转折点,也使整个东亚格局产生了巨大变化。面对帝国主义列强在中国掀起的瓜分高潮,日本统治阶层内部出现了“支那保全论”、“支那瓜分论”两种对华政策。虽然两种政策在主张攫取最大在华利益上并不存在本质的区别,但是两种对华政策的形成是基于日本统治阶层内部对甲午战后国际形势及中国形势的不同认识。“保全论”和“瓜分论”之外,所谓第三种对华政策“日清同盟论”也曾昙花一现,成为当时日本朝野议论的焦点。与此同时,对于陷入严重民族危机和社会危机的中国,日本言论界和政界从“社会凝聚力”的角度,指出了中国衰弱的原因所在。特别是政界重镇伊藤博文为代表的日本统治阶层对中国社会的分析和认识,反过来又深刻影响了日本国内政局的发展与变化。

We prove that the complete graph Kv can be decomposed into dodecahedra if and only if v≡ 1, 16, 25 or 40 (mod 60), v≠16.  相似文献   
本文应用阿基米德的内外正多边形逼近法和开普勒的无穷分割法,站在后人的肩膀上,运用极限理论,洛比达法则,以及收敛法则,夹逼法则,三角函数等近代数学的办法,来为开普勒对上述问题做个解释,从而验证圆的面积计算公式确实为S=πr^2  相似文献   
文章分析了三峡库区各地经济发展和城镇化现状,认为库区应积极推动新型城镇化。重点是对库区内部进行主体功能定位细分,结合各地经济基础、发展潜力与承载能力,促进各种要素和产业向相对适宜发展区域集聚,形成农村富余人口向城镇转移的主要载体区域,优化人口分布,引导城市体系空间重构。  相似文献   
吴洁  桂亮  刘鹏  盛永祥 《中国管理科学》2022,30(12):185-197
专利审查周期缩短政策的提出与专利申请数量急剧增加的现状给实现专利技术领域识别的专利分类工作带来巨大挑战,如何引入专利自动分类技术提高专利分类工作效率、缩短专利审查周期成为重要研究主题。本文提出基于多维特征和图卷积网络的专利技术领域自动识别方法。该方法根据文献计量学与图表示学习理论从专利摘要、引证专利、专利发明人维度提取专利特征;其次利用专利摘要维度特征生成表征专利文本特征的专利-核心词汇异构网络,并将引证专利、专利发明人维度特征作为专利数字特征嵌入专利-核心词汇异构网络;通过图卷积网络进行半监督学习,确定专利-核心词汇异构网络中专利节点的类别标签,完成专利自动分类任务。为验证本文所提方法的识别效果,采用Incopat全球专利数据库中专利数据进行实验;实验结果表明专利文本特征与专利数字特征共同作为专利特征可以提高专利分类准确率,引证专利信息的引入可以提高专利分类准确率。同时,本文所提方法也给专利技术领域自动识别问题提供新解答思路,为缩短专利审查周期政策的实施提供支撑。  相似文献   
通过对划分测试中测试资源受约束、各子域满足一定可靠性要求时测试用例的优化分配问题研究,把非线性整数规划问题转化为无界背包问题,用动态规划方法对它求解,通过随机模拟,给出了最优分配方案。实验数据表明,该方案在测试过程中对提高缺陷检测能力有明显的效果。  相似文献   
Intersection matrices help identify the common graphical structure of two or more objects. They arise naturally in a variety of settings. Several examples of their use in a computer algebra environment are given. These include: simplifying an expression involving array products, automating cumulant calculations, determining the behaviour of an expected value operator and identifying model hierarchy in a factorial experiment. The emphasis is placed on the graphical structure, and the symmetry of arrays help reduce the complexity of the graphical problem.  相似文献   
One of the greatest challenges related to the use of piecewise exponential models (PEMs) is to find an adequate grid of time-points needed in its construction. In general, the number of intervals in such a grid and the position of their endpoints are ad-hoc choices. We extend previous works by introducing a full Bayesian approach for the piecewise exponential model in which the grid of time-points (and, consequently, the endpoints and the number of intervals) is random. We estimate the failure rates using the proposed procedure and compare the results with the non-parametric piecewise exponential estimates. Estimates for the survival function using the most probable partition are compared with the Kaplan-Meier estimators (KMEs). A sensitivity analysis for the proposed model is provided considering different prior specifications for the failure rates and for the grid. We also evaluate the effect of different percentage of censoring observations in the estimates. An application to a real data set is also provided. We notice that the posteriors are strongly influenced by prior specifications, mainly for the failure rates parameters. Thus, the priors must be fairly built, say, really disclosing the expert prior opinion.  相似文献   
通过对分区链表中结点信息的研究,及前后结点中相关数据项比较之后,参照磁盘基数表中所记录相应分区长度,给出了其中任一结点或整个分区链表丢失之后的修复算法.  相似文献   
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