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海德格尔辛口杜威都具有丰富的技术哲学思想,但二者在技术哲学领域中的地位是不同的,杜威的实用主义哲学思想受到人们的忽视。通过从技术的涵义、本质、技术奴役问题的根源以及拯救之路等方面对两者思想进行比较研究,得出杜威的科学技术及道德拯救之路较之海德格尔的“诗”和“思”更具现实可行性和重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   
由柏拉图奠基的传统形而上学是一套视觉性的文化传统,这一传统使存在的意义这个属于存在论层次上的问题陷入存在者层次上的窠臼,一直隐而不显,处在被遗忘的状态。在《存在与时间》中,海德格尔借助以“Sicht”(视、看、见)为核心的一组视觉性的词,来表达作为Dasein(此在)的人在世界中与其他存在者打交道的情形。海德格尔试图赋予这些视觉性的词以更加具有开放性的意义,来突破传统形而上学语言的桎梏。最终,海德格尔意识到了这种努力的失败。  相似文献   
于成 《东方论坛》2020,(2):68-77
麦克卢汉的“媒介是人的延伸”这一代表媒介生态学关于人与技术关系的命题,突出了技术的能动性/结构作用,可以从四个角度来理解:硬性决定论、软性决定论、控制论和技术现象学。以直面技术本身的现象学,来处理人与媒介的关系问题之技术现象学取径,是一种值得媒介研究者关注的视角。媒介研究需要把媒介本身拉回到媒介研究的中心焦点,以媒介形式、历史性、文化嵌入以及具身等方面作为突破口,撬开“媒介黑盒子”。  相似文献   
倪梁康 《求是学刊》2004,31(6):20-32
本文是对海德格尔与佛家思想的关系的一个尝试性探讨。这个探讨的主要目的并不在于对海德格尔思想作发生学意义上的考证,而是更多偏重于从佛教哲学的角度来理解海德格尔的一些基本思想。因此,海德格尔思想与佛教思想之间的历史实际关联在这里并不是至关重要的,核心的问题毋宁说在于:海德格尔思想与佛教思想之间是否存在着他所承认的那种"深藏的亲缘关系"以及他所指出的那种"深层对话"的可能性。探讨的结果表明,海德格尔在与东方思想、尤其是佛教思想的相遇中所表达的误解多于理解,但在开启西方与远东之间对话上,海德格尔的确比其他任何欧洲哲学家都做得更多。  相似文献   
Contemporary cultural criticism is increasingly recognizing the central place that tourism occupies in organizing interactions, both economic and social, between different peoples in the world today. In this paper, I take up the question of what role photography plays in determining the nature of touristic experience.By drawing on Martin Heidegger's account of modernity as the epoch of modern technology, I seek to articulate an understanding of touristic photography that goes beyond conventional critiques of its objectifying character and tendency to conform to predetermined semiotic markers. Instead, by considering the examples of the photographing of local peoples, and of attempts to photograph what I refer to ‘the unphotographable sight’, I develop an alternative perspective on both the dangers and the epistemic possibilities of touristic photography. Such a perspective, it is argued, allows us to move beyond the identification of photography with the ocularcentric discourses of Western modernity and towards a consideration of the possibilities of touristic photography as art. By foregrounding the role of photographic images in the production of memory and self identity, it is suggested that tourism can be understood in terms of what Michel Foucault refers to as the creation of one's life as a work of art. Finally, I argue that by attending to the limits of touristic photography, the potential to develop a new way of seeing may be fostered.  相似文献   
In modern Chinese thought, “philosophy” and the whole disciplinary system rooted in it have had a far-reaching influence on the Chinese understanding and interpretation of their own tradition. If we are to avoid a naïve and simplistic final interpretation of traditional thought, the most prudent and reliable way to go about it is to ponder the whole framework and realm on which this understanding is based before we proceed to understand tradition. Before the inevitable problematization of “Chinese thought,” we should try to problematize “philosophy.” This demands that we find, in the constant rise and fall of philosophical trends, the view of philosophy by which Chinese thought is generally judged, and make it the object of questioning. Mou Zongsan’s attempt to reinterpret classical Chinese thought, based directly on Aristotle’s theory of the four causes, cannot be viewed as a success. The so-called first beginning of philosophy means establishing, led by the question of being—ontology, a system in which cheng (completion) is prior to and identical with sheng (generation). Now that Chinese thought has encountered Heidegger and thus rediscovered Aristotle and the whole of classical Western thought, the time is ripe for us to reexamine and assess the beginning of philosophy in terms of the complete and original experience whence Chinese thought arose.  相似文献   
海德格尔存在主义理论中关注的是以人的存在为全部哲学基础的本体论,从分析存在主义的思想和社会根源、本真存在的提出、基本本体论建立、此在和存在状态进一步分析存在。通过研究存在意义的问题,分析存在的原义以及基本本体论与传统本体论二者的不同。对于真正勇敢并且有办法进入生命和生活之流本身的人来说,这是最原本的理性的构成之处,体验自己此时此刻的存在是把握人生价值和人生真理唯一的方法,从而在存在的基础上进行自我创造,使人们生活得丰富精彩。  相似文献   
通过双重透视,亦即通过海德格尔视域对康德的透视,儒学视域对康德、海德格尔的透视,来探索哲学中的一个根本问题形而上学的奠基问题.海德格尔所谓的形而上学莫基指的是为传统存在论哲学奠基,具有两层含义莫基不仅为形而上学提供新的基础,而且这个新基础将决定形而上学本身的重建.根据这个观念,海德格尔批判地继承了康德的形而上学莫基工作.儒家哲学的重建也有自己的形而上学奠基问题,但是儒学的奠基既不同于康德,也不同于海德格尔的思路.它不是康德式的理性奠基,而是由情感来莫基;但它也不是海德格尔式的"烦"的情绪奠基,而是由"爱"的情感来莫基.  相似文献   
庄子的神遇与海德格尔素朴的看   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海德格尔素朴的观看是先天的寻视,这样的寻视仅仅对相遇照面的东西有所领会、有所解释。庄子庖丁解牛的神遇也是一种有别于感性认识的视而不见的视。本文试图在海德格尔与庄子的视之间寻找诠释学的境域。  相似文献   
言、象、意三者关系的探讨肇始于中国哲学思想的发端,经魏晋“言意之辨”更直接导致了中国哲学新方法和流派的出现。20世纪以来,随着西方语言哲学的兴起和语言学转向,意义问题更贯穿了从现象学、解释学到分析哲学和科学理论的各种哲学思潮,从根本上带来了知识理论和研究范式的全新革命。借助分属于“欧陆人文哲学”与“英关分析哲学”两大传统中的海德格尔的生存论语言观与维特根斯坦的日常语言学的语言哲学之思,就人与世界、语言与人、文学与世界等诸多关系上的揭橥,使得在言、象、意问题上取得了全新的审视与启悟。  相似文献   
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