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<中国通史参考资料>与<中国史学名著选>的注释,必须遵循一些原则:凡属关键性的和必要的人名、地名、书名、字义、字音、制度等一律加注;典故和与历史事件无关的问题不注;注解要简明扼要.人名注释着重于生卒年代、封爵、官职、著作等;地名重其今天方位、所属;字义凡字义曲折、含义有变、隐曲难解者注;凡难读和不常见的字、形体相近音读不同的字、有特定读音的名词,皆要注音;年代注重公元纪年的注释;史讳缺字、缺笔皆加注.  相似文献   
教派隔阂和教派政治、列强的争夺和外部势力的插手、殖民者的“分而治之”政策、阿以冲突和巴勒斯坦问题是黎巴嫩内乱的四大历史根源。它们是在漫长的历史中逐步形成并发挥作用的,且呈现出积重难返的态势。要彻底结束黎巴嫩的内乱局面,只有逐步实现四个目标:教派利益服从民族国家利益;排除外部势力的恶性干扰;建立平等友好的黎叙关系;实现黎以关系正常化并最终公正地解决巴勒斯坦问题。  相似文献   
何为人类学启蒙? 20世纪的若干教诲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
与进化的发展中承袭下来的观点正相反,不管是政治上的左派还是右派,帝国资本主义的幸存者变得既不是全像也不是一点都不像我们。与20世纪中叶的“失望理论”(即依附理论在逻辑上和历史上的先驱)背道而驰的是,幸存下来的本土人民,意图去为曾经在他们身上发生过的那些东西负起文化的责任。穿越北美北部的大部分地区,即使是狩猎者和采集者也主要通过打猎和采集而生存了下来。爱斯基摩人仍然是在那里,而且他们仍然是爱斯基摩人。全世界的人都在接受一个谎言,即在理论上去接受传统与变迁、本土文化与现代性、城镇人与部落人之间的对立,还有其他一些既有的人类学智慧的陈词滥调。关于本土文化消逝的报道就像人类学的终结一样是被夸大了。  相似文献   
从个体生命活动角度探讨写作问题,在中国写作学研究中尚属薄弱环节。论文以司马迁为案例,揭示了生命写作的内涵、特点和价值。文章认为,大凡远离功利而将个体生命投入写作活动者,即生命写作。还认为,遭遇痛苦,能使生命活动激发一种非凡意义并使精神境界得到提升;勇于探索,能使写作成为鞭挞罪恶并维护人类尊严的有效工具;持之以恒,则能使写作成为个体生存活动的一种提纯形式并获得意料不到的成就。研究生命写作,有助于鼓励精神生产者为社会提供优质作品,也有助于克服当前写作无病呻吟的弊病。  相似文献   
Using historical data for Bayesian sample size determination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  We consider the sample size determination (SSD) problem, which is a basic yet extremely important aspect of experimental design. Specifically, we deal with the Bayesian approach to SSD, which gives researchers the possibility of taking into account pre-experimental information and uncertainty on unknown parameters. At the design stage, this fact offers the advantage of removing or mitigating typical drawbacks of classical methods, which might lead to serious miscalculation of the sample size. In this context, the leading idea is to choose the minimal sample size that guarantees a probabilistic control on the performance of quantities that are derived from the posterior distribution and used for inference on parameters of interest. We are concerned with the use of historical data—i.e. observations from previous similar studies—for SSD. We illustrate how the class of power priors can be fruitfully employed to deal with lack of homogeneity between historical data and observations of the upcoming experiment. This problem, in fact, determines the necessity of discounting prior information and of evaluating the effect of heterogeneity on the optimal sample size. Some of the most popular Bayesian SSD methods are reviewed and their use, in concert with power priors, is illustrated in several medical experimental contexts.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the occupations of black Americans who have been nationally recognized for their business achievements. Data from renowned encyclopedic sources of biographical information show that occupational niches that arose because of racial segregation and limited opportunities for blacks to participate in the economic mainstream, such as personal services and undertaking, are no longer important routes into the “black business elite.” Yet, these data also suggest that, during the 20th century, entertainment, beauty products, and advertising became major pathways into this elite because of an opportunity structure that promoted blacks’ participation in these occupational niches yet restricted it in others, notably, in construction and manufacturing.  相似文献   
湘语模韵只有一个层次,而依声母的不同分为三类读音。鱼虞韵可分为两大层次:鱼虞相混型有五类读音,分属同源层与异源层两大层次;鱼虞有别型有两类读音,都属于同源层次,又可细分为前中古层与中古层两个次层次。  相似文献   
邓小平经济非均衡发展思想是理论与实践、历史与现实相结合的成功典范,它回答和解决了像中国这样的发展中国家如何进行社会主义经济建设的问题.这一思想的产生和形成有深刻的理论渊源和特定的现实基础,其内涵丰富,蕴意深刻,对中国乃至世界社会主义事业的发展都具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来中国共产党解决民生问题的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个国家、政党,其前途命运取决于民心向背。民心向背的关键在于能否全心全意为人民服务即解决好民生问题。新中国成立以来的前30年里,中国共产党在解决民生问题上有曲折有反复;改革开放至今的30多年里,党和政府高度关注民生、切实保障民生、极力改善民生,使中国走上了强国富民之路。回溯历史,中国共产党在解决民生问题的实践道路上既有成功的经验,也有失败的教训,其经验教训可概括为四条:必须始终从战略高度充分认识民生问题的重要性;必须坚持正确的指导思想,始终以经济建设为中心不动摇;必须突出重点,抓住主要矛盾,始终坚持"发展是硬道理";必须始终坚持主要依靠制度和法律来解决民生问题。  相似文献   
This article proposes a theoretical mechanism for explaining why various components of a welfare state may develop differently, given similar economic, political and ideological contexts. Evaluating welfare state plans as products of political processes, the article looks at the role of political actors and their mistakes, considering how these mistakes shape future social policy-making. The article identifies 'unexpected consequences' of institutional design: situations where the decisions of powerful actors lead to the empowerment of their rivals, which in turn may change policies to their advantage. Drawing on a case study from the Israeli welfare state, namely, the introduction and then abolishment of income testing in the Children's Insurance Plan, the article demonstrates how this mechanism may have allowed certain political actors to protect welfare state plans in the face of neo-liberal pressures. It discusses how other political actors can take advantage of similar situations and notes the conditions needed for success.  相似文献   
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