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As the American imprisonment rate has risen, researchers have become increasingly concerned about the implications of mass imprisonment for family life. The authors extend this research by examining how paternal incarceration is linked to perceived instrumental support among the mothers of inmates' children. Results from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 4,132) suggest that recent, but not current, paternal incarceration is independently associated with less maternal perceived instrumental support and that this association persists after adjusting for a rich set of control variables, including prior perceived instrumental support. For families of recently incarcerated men, incarceration may be a double strike, simultaneously increasing the need for instrumental support while decreasing its availability when incarcerated fathers return to the community.  相似文献   
Social status and social capital frameworks are used to derive competing hypotheses about the emergence and structure of advice relations in organizations. Although both approaches build on a social exchange framework, they differ in their behavioral micro-foundations. From a status perspective, advice giving is a means to generate prestige, whereas asking advice decreases one's relative standing. At a structural level these motivations are expected to result in an overrepresentation of non-reciprocal dyads and non-cyclical triadic structures in the advice network, as well as in active advice seekers being unlikely to be approached for advice, especially by active advice givers. From a social capital perspective, advice seeking creates obligations for the advice seeker. At the structural level, this results in an overrepresentation of reciprocal dyads and cyclical triads, and active advice seekers to be unpopular as targets of advice seeking, especially for active advice givers. Analyses of four waves of a longitudinal sociometric study of 57 employees of a Dutch Housing Corporation provide partial support for both approaches. In line with the social capital perspective, we find reciprocal advice relations to be overrepresented at the dyad level. Results at the triad level support the social status arguments, according to which high status individuals will avoid asking advice from low status individuals. The implications for macro-structural properties of intra-organizational advice network are discussed.  相似文献   
This study uses a factorial vignette design embedded in an Internet survey to investigate attitudes toward an adult child and parent living together in response to economic hardship. Over half of Americans said the desirability of intergenerational co-residence depends on particularistic aspects of the family, notably the quality of family relationships. Support for co-residence is greatest when the adult child is single rather than partnered. Support is weaker if the adult child is cohabiting rather than married to the partner, although groups with greater exposure to cohabitation make less of a distinction between cohabitation and marriage. Presence of a grandchild does not affect views about co-residence. There is more support for sharing a home when a mother needs a place to live than when the adult child does. Responses to open-ended questions show that individuals invoke both universalistic family obligations and particularistic qualities of family relationships to explain their attitudes.  相似文献   
朱奎 《学习与探索》2006,(5):209-212
劳动生产率差异、供求非均衡、垄断、非对称信息和非市场定价等条件下的商品交换都会产生不平等问题,但这类不平等问题都源于不等价交换。实际上,商品的等价交换仍然会产生不平等问题,其直接原因在于生产价格的形成,而生产价格的形成是隶属于不同所有者或利益主体的资本追逐利润的结果。生产价格形成后,价值(剩余价值)在不同产业或地区之间发生了转移,劳动投入和所得不再完全一致。不过,这种不一致在一国范围内和世界市场上具有本质的区别。  相似文献   
不同于人类绝大部分交换所遵循的交换者二元对等、相异物品交换、延时交换等原则,箐口村哈尼族丧礼中即赠即还的献祭牺牲礼物,有赠与者与两类接受者共三方参与,同时涉及现实世界与超自然世界两大层面。这种象征性交换的形成,与当地哈尼族的文化观念、经济因素、社会互助等息息相关,其实质是借助一般交换的象征形式,建构多样化的再分配与互惠关系,有效实现当地社会关系的再生产。对于人类丰富多样的礼物交换方式,只有在整体性、多样性和变迁的视野中才能真正加以理解。  相似文献   
基于工程项目临时性社会网络组织的本质特征,从社会交换的视角,通过理论分析构建了以业主初始信任为前因、承包商对于合同的公平感知为中介、合作为结果的概念模型,并以68个财政投资项目为样本采集到162套有效数据,运用结构方程模型的方法进行实证检验。研究表明:业主初始信任对于承包商公平感知的形成具有显著的正向影响;承包商的程序公平正向影响其分配公平,二者均对合作具有显著的正向影响;承包商公平感知在业主初始信任与合作之间起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   
国际组合投资涉及多币种汇率风险,分别使用双边货币期货进行套保要承担较高套保成本。参考美元指数期货的实践,本文提出基于人民币指数期货的综合套保策略。实证结果表明,无论对于单个货币资产还是分散化投资的国际股指、债指组合,引入人民币指数期货能够显著降低收益率波动,提高抵御汇率波动的能力,同时拓展收益空间,是有效的汇率风险综合套保工具;人民币指数期货套保效率显著优于货币期货篮子,在发达国家股指市场表现更加突出。采用基于指数加权移动平均模型(EWMA)的动态套保策略,使得人民币指数期货收益对股指或债指市场波动敏感度降低,在市场极端状况时仍能保持相对中性。  相似文献   
By applying the supplies-values (S-V) fit approach from the complementary person-environment (P-E) fit literature to the leader-employee perspective, and drawing upon social exchange theory, we examine how fulfillment of different work values is related to Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and work outcomes. First, polynomial regression analyses combined with response surface analysis of data collected at two time points (N = 316) showed that LMX (Time 2) was higher the more the leader fulfills the employee's work values (Time 1). Second, LMX (Time 2) was higher when leader supplies (Time 1) and employee work values (Time 1) were both high than when both were low. Third, analyses of data from a sub-sample of matched leader-employee dyads (N = 140), showed that LMX (Time 2) played a mediating role on the relation between S-V fit (Time 1) and work outcomes (Time 2). Specifically, we found eight out of 10 relationships between S-V fit (Time 1) and leader-rated task performance and OCB (Time 2) to be fully mediated by LMX (Time 2). LMX (Time 2) partially mediated the relation between S-V fit (Time 1) and job satisfaction (Time 2) as only two out of five relationships were fully mediated.  相似文献   
This article explains the general nature of the business style of Toyota management strategy, its specific performance, and its development in China. It is quite difficult to find specific revolutionary policies and unusual strategies for the success of the Toyota Motor Corporation.  相似文献   
From a motivational perspective of feedback-seeking behavior, we examined the mediating role of leaders' negative feedback-seeking from subordinates in the relationship between the quality of leader-member exchange (LMX) and subordinates' evaluation of leader effectiveness, along with the moderating role of subordinate expertise in the mediated relationship. Using 151 unique matched sets of leader and subordinate reports obtained from 5 large Korean companies, we found that the positive relationship between LMX and leader effectiveness was mediated by leaders' negative feedback-seeking. Additionally, the positive relationship between LMX and leader negative feedback-seeking was stronger when perceived subordinate expertise was lower. Lastly, the indirect effect of LMX on leader effectiveness through leader negative feedback-seeking was stronger when perceived subordinate expertise was lower. These findings were obtained after controlling for leaders' power distance and goal orientations that might influence their motives to seek or avoid feedback. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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