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陶涛 《南方人口》2011,26(1):41-47
利用2010年中国人民大学组织的家庭及生育状况研究调查数据,采用固定效应的Logistic模型和多元回归模型,研究农村儿子、女儿对父母的经济支持差异。结果发现,尽管农村中女儿比儿子更有可能对老人进行正向经济支持,但在对父母进行正向经济支持的人中,儿子对老人的经济支持力度仍然比女儿大。在控制了一系列微观个体特征、中观家庭特征和宏观区域特征后,对老人的经济支持力度的性别差异越发明显。在我国农村,儿子对父母的经济支持力度仍然显著强于女儿。  相似文献   
TEI@I方法论及其在外汇汇率预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于TE I@I方法论的理论框架,构建了一个基于TE I@I方法论的外汇汇率预测模型。在此模型中,传统的经济计量模型用于处理外汇汇率的主要趋势,人工神经网络技术用于分析外汇汇率的非线性,而文本挖掘和专家系统用于处理外汇市场中的突现性和不稳定性。最后,基于集成的思想,利用支持向量回归技术对上述3个部分进行非线性集成,从而获得一个更为精确的预测结果。通过实证方法验证了基于TE I@I方法论的外汇汇率预测模型的有效性。  相似文献   
From a motivational perspective of feedback-seeking behavior, we examined the mediating role of leaders' negative feedback-seeking from subordinates in the relationship between the quality of leader-member exchange (LMX) and subordinates' evaluation of leader effectiveness, along with the moderating role of subordinate expertise in the mediated relationship. Using 151 unique matched sets of leader and subordinate reports obtained from 5 large Korean companies, we found that the positive relationship between LMX and leader effectiveness was mediated by leaders' negative feedback-seeking. Additionally, the positive relationship between LMX and leader negative feedback-seeking was stronger when perceived subordinate expertise was lower. Lastly, the indirect effect of LMX on leader effectiveness through leader negative feedback-seeking was stronger when perceived subordinate expertise was lower. These findings were obtained after controlling for leaders' power distance and goal orientations that might influence their motives to seek or avoid feedback. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper we explore the context of the relationship between leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). We maintain that workgroup leader's power distance and the extent of task interdependence in the group exert cross-level effects on the LMX-OCB relationship. We assert that leader power distance attenuates the relationship between LMX and OCB, and this effect is stronger in workgroups with high degree of task interdependence. Results of hierarchical linear modeling analysis of data gathered from 245 employees nested in 54 workgroups supported our hypotheses. LMX-OCB relationship was weaker in workgroups led by high power distance leaders. Further, the three-way cross-level interaction between LMX, leader power distance and group task interdependence demonstrated that the tendency for LMX to have a stronger positive effect on OCB when leader power distance was low rather than high was more pronounced in high task interdependence teams.  相似文献   
In the current investigation, idiosyncratic deals (i-deals; individualized work arrangements) are modeled as differentiated resources that shape leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships in workgroups. We integrate literature on leader-member exchange (LMX) with research on i-deals to argue that employee evaluations of i-deals received from the grantor –typically the leader- enhance employee perceptions of LMX, which in turn become instrumental in generating positive performance outcomes. Furthermore, because workgroup characteristics have potential implications on the relationship between a deal grantor and the deal recipient, drawing upon social identity theory of leadership, we reason that the i-deals-LMX relationship is affected by the overall value congruence among the group members. Cross-level moderated mediation analyses on multi source data obtained from 289 employees nested in 60 workgroups showed that the mediational role of LMX in the i-deals to performance outcomes relationship was weaker in high value congruence groups.  相似文献   
By applying the supplies-values (S-V) fit approach from the complementary person-environment (P-E) fit literature to the leader-employee perspective, and drawing upon social exchange theory, we examine how fulfillment of different work values is related to Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and work outcomes. First, polynomial regression analyses combined with response surface analysis of data collected at two time points (N = 316) showed that LMX (Time 2) was higher the more the leader fulfills the employee's work values (Time 1). Second, LMX (Time 2) was higher when leader supplies (Time 1) and employee work values (Time 1) were both high than when both were low. Third, analyses of data from a sub-sample of matched leader-employee dyads (N = 140), showed that LMX (Time 2) played a mediating role on the relation between S-V fit (Time 1) and work outcomes (Time 2). Specifically, we found eight out of 10 relationships between S-V fit (Time 1) and leader-rated task performance and OCB (Time 2) to be fully mediated by LMX (Time 2). LMX (Time 2) partially mediated the relation between S-V fit (Time 1) and job satisfaction (Time 2) as only two out of five relationships were fully mediated.  相似文献   
国际组合投资涉及多币种汇率风险,分别使用双边货币期货进行套保要承担较高套保成本。参考美元指数期货的实践,本文提出基于人民币指数期货的综合套保策略。实证结果表明,无论对于单个货币资产还是分散化投资的国际股指、债指组合,引入人民币指数期货能够显著降低收益率波动,提高抵御汇率波动的能力,同时拓展收益空间,是有效的汇率风险综合套保工具;人民币指数期货套保效率显著优于货币期货篮子,在发达国家股指市场表现更加突出。采用基于指数加权移动平均模型(EWMA)的动态套保策略,使得人民币指数期货收益对股指或债指市场波动敏感度降低,在市场极端状况时仍能保持相对中性。  相似文献   
基于工程项目临时性社会网络组织的本质特征,从社会交换的视角,通过理论分析构建了以业主初始信任为前因、承包商对于合同的公平感知为中介、合作为结果的概念模型,并以68个财政投资项目为样本采集到162套有效数据,运用结构方程模型的方法进行实证检验。研究表明:业主初始信任对于承包商公平感知的形成具有显著的正向影响;承包商的程序公平正向影响其分配公平,二者均对合作具有显著的正向影响;承包商公平感知在业主初始信任与合作之间起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   
基于Copula模型的商业银行碳金融市场风险整合度量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前低碳经济已经成为转变经济发展方式的战略措施之一, 碳金融业务逐渐成为金融机构助力低碳经济发展的重要金融创新领域, 而风险控制问题始终是影响金融创新成败的关键。目前中国的碳金融市场以清洁发展机制(CDM)下商业银行参与的间接金融为主导, 商业银行参与碳金融业务面临国际碳价波动、碳交易结算货币汇率波动等诸多风险, 且多源风险因子之间具有业务共生性和复杂相关性。论文选取2009-2012年美国洲际交易所(ICE)的核证减排量CERs期货价格和欧元兑人民币汇率价格作为金融时间序列的样本数据, 探究运用ARMA-GARCH模型分别刻画碳价风险和汇率风险特性的方法, 研究处理风险因子间的非线性相关关系的Copula函数方法, 构建Copula-ARMA-GARCH模型并利用Monte Carlo模拟计算碳市场多源风险的整合VaR。实证发现:碳金融市场收益率具有波动聚集性和异方差特性;潜在的碳价风险要高于汇率风险;若忽视不同风险因子之间的相关性会高估碳市场风险;政府汇率监管在一定程度上降低了碳市场的风险。研究贡献在于探究符合碳金融资产风险特征的多源风险整合度量技术, 为商业银行有效控制碳市场风险、促进碳金融创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The workforce is rapidly aging. Already at record highs, labor force participation rates of both over-55 and over-65 age segments are expected to nearly double in the immediate future. The current chapter describes how these sweeping demographic changes necessitate both the unprecedented utilization of older workers and intergenerational collaboration, but also present the danger of heightened generational tension. We describe the specific risk factors for such tensions, highlighting the presence of generational boundaries at multiple levels: (a) individual, (b) interpersonal, (c) institutional, and (d) international. Drawing from our own work and relevant management literature, we then identify three broad domains within which intergenerational tensions are particularly salient at each of these levels: active Succession tensions over enviable resources and influence (e.g., employment), passive Consumption tensions over shared asset usage (e.g., healthcare) and symbolic Identity tensions over figurative space (e.g., cultural fit) (SCI). We conclude with suggestions for potential interventions, and major open areas for future organizational research, both of which should focus on how to maximize the utility of unprecedented intergenerational collaboration.  相似文献   
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