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现今的世界上,有许多人由于内战、贫困与饥饿、环境破坏等威胁,迫使他们的生命及尊严处于危险状态,也有大批人仍然饱受着人权侵害、种族歧视的痛苦。为和平、人权、人道的奋斗,绝不是低层爬到高山的顶峰就可以达到终点那样。重要的是要创建一股一代接一代、谁也阻挡不了的滔滔洪流,并日积月累地把它发展和扩大。这就是我们为了建设一个和平未来的不断挑战。  相似文献   
Public and political opposition have made finding locations for new nuclear power plants, waste management, and nuclear research and development facilities a challenge for the U.S. government and the nuclear industry. U.S. government-owned properties that already have nuclear-related activities and commercial nuclear power generating stations are logical locations. Several studies and utility applications to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission suggest that concentrating locations at major plants (CLAMP) has become an implicit siting policy. We surveyed 2,101 people who lived within 50 miles of 11 existing major nuclear sites and 600 who lived elsewhere in the United States. Thirty-four percent favored CLAMP for new nuclear power plants, 52% for waste management facilities, and 50% for new nuclear laboratories. College educated, relatively affluent male whites were the strongest CLAMP supporters. They disproportionately trusted those responsible for the facilities and were not worried about existing nuclear facilities or other local environmental issues. Notably, they were concerned about continuing coal use. Not surprisingly, CLAMP proponents tended to be familiar with their existing local nuclear site. In short, likely CLAMP sites have a large and politically powerful core group to support a CLAMP policy. The challenge to proponents of nuclear technologies will be to sustain this support and expand the base among those who clearly are less connected and receptive to new nearby sites.  相似文献   
2010年,东北亚安全格局发生了微妙的变化,包括日美安保同盟重新定位,"天安"号事件,延岼岛炮击,朝鲜半岛的紧张局势与韩国推迟收归军事指挥权,日本民主党政权回归现实主义的对美政策,朝鲜推进核聚变技术,中日撞船事件等。2011年3月的日本核泄露事故又为东北亚的局势增添了新的变数。美国不仅继续主导东北亚地区的安全事务,而且,仍在东北亚地区发挥着强大的政治、经济和军事等综合影响力。除了美国以外,其他东北亚地区各国也都依据自身经济和军事实力成为东北亚安全格局中的变量。面对复杂的东北亚安全格局,中国必须认识到本国的全局利益和长远利益。在反对美国舰队演习等问题上当谨慎行事,重视政治大局,维护东北亚的稳定和现状,树立和平发展,公益、道德、正义的国际形象,重视大国关系的协调与合作。今后能否理性对待这类问题,是对中国外交是否具有长远战略的一个重大考验。  相似文献   
通过制定核电产业发展战略的关联分析模型,应用该模型对我国核电产业进行了分析。在此基础上,提出了我国核电产业“引进消化,自主创新,批量生产”的自主创新战略,并从核电站的设计、制造、建造与运营四个方面分析了我国核电产业自主创新战略的目标、核心和技术路线。认为中国核电产业自主创新战略应制定自主创新整体规化、建立健全自主创新的管理支持体系、构建核电科技自主创新平台、建立完善的市场竞争机制和法律支持体系等。  相似文献   
为了保证海上浮动核电站的安全运行,系统了解海上浮动核电站中存在的人因影响因素,以小型反应堆及船舶人因失误因素分析为基础,总结海上浮动核电站人因失误特点,建立了HFACS模型,从外部因素、组织因素、不安全监管、不安全行为前提条件以及不安全行为等5个方面探讨了海上浮动核电站人因失误影响因素,并从人、物、制度与程序、组织与管理等角度提出人因失误防控措施,为海上浮动核电站人因风险分析提供理论参考。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒感染的暴发已成为全球最具挑战性的公共卫生突发事件。在我国新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎被纳入传染病防治法规定的乙类传染病,采取甲类传染病管理。核医学科作为多个临床科室的“桥梁”,在实验室检查、临床影像检查及核素治疗中扮演重要角色,是科学防控的关键部门。为切实做好疫情防控工作,保证医疗质量和医疗安全,现根据核医学学科特点和性质及新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学和传播特点,制定江苏省核医学科防控意见和建议。  相似文献   
科学发展观的确立与落实——湖南核电启动再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从湖南核电的四次启动,2003年"电荒",提出了发展核电是科学发展观落实的命题,然后,从湖南经济的崛起,资源、环境、可持续发展的需要,以及湖南电力结构、地区结构、季节供求调整等方面,论证了湖南发展核电的必要性.  相似文献   
冷战结束后,朝鲜面临着安全利益和经济发展两大亟待解决的问题。安全问题既影响了朝鲜有限资源的配置,也影响了朝鲜经济发展所需要的外部环境。为解决这一困境,朝鲜似乎希望通过朝鲜半岛核问题来推动问题的解决。从目前朝鲜经济政策调整发展的趋势和朝鲜半岛核问题发展的进程来看,朝鲜应该是在寻找一条能够推动经济发展的渐进的适合朝鲜国情的改革发展道路。  相似文献   
自2002年10月以来,朝核问题一直成为国际社会关注的热点问题。"三方会谈"以及6轮"六方会谈"的成功召开把朝核问题纳入到一个多边框架下解决。尽管中国在朝核问题上发挥了其他国家所不可替代的作用,但是,从朝核问题的发展过程上可以看出,中国的作用也受到了一定的局限。尽管解决朝核危机的钥匙不在中国手中,然而中国在朝核问题上的立场和今后的政策趋向不容忽视,它不仅与中国的当前利益密切相关,而且也将影响到中国未来所处的国际环境,关系到朝鲜半岛、东北亚地区乃至整个国际社会的安全与稳定。  相似文献   

Nuclear colonialism, or the exploitation of Indigenous lands and peoples to sustain the nuclear fuel cycle from uranium mining and refining to nuclear energy and weapons production and the dumping of the resulting nuclear waste, occurs in many parts of the world and has generated considerable protest. This article focuses on a contemporary and ongoing case of nuclear colonialism in Canada: attempts to site two national deep geological repositories (DGRs) for nuclear waste on traditional First Nations land in Southwestern Ontario near the world’s largest operational nuclear power plant. Through histories of the rise of nuclear power and nuclear waste policy-making and their relationship to settler colonialism in Canada, as well as actions taken by the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) and white settler anti-nuclear waste movements, the article explores how gender is at work in nuclear colonialism and anti-nuclear waste struggles. Gender is explored here in terms of the patriarchal nuclear imperative, the appropriation of Aboriginal land through undermining Aboriginal women’s status and the problematic relationship between First Nations and white settler women-led movements in resistance to nuclear waste burial from a feminist decolonial perspective  相似文献   
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