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This study investigates the potential impacts of the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, upon tourism, retirement and job-related migration, and business development in Las Vegas and the state. Adverse impacts may be expected to result from perceptions of risk, stigmatization, and socially amplified reactions to "unfortunate events" associated with the repository (major and minor accidents, discoveries of radiation releases, evidence of mismanagement, attempts to sabotage or disrupt the facility, etc.). The conceptual underpinnings of risk perception, stigmatization, and social amplification are discussed and empirical data are presented to demonstrate how nuclear images associated with Las Vegas and the State of Nevada might trigger adverse economic effects. The possibility that intense negative imagery associated with the repository may cause significant harm to Nevada's economy can no longer be ignored by serious attempts to assess the risks and impacts of this unique facility. The behavioral processes described here appear relevant as well to the social impact assessment of any proposed facility that produces, uses, transports, or disposes of hazardous materials.  相似文献   
The current fascination with risk acceptability, risk benefit analysis and other devices for relating risk to social gain is a manifestation of the loss of faith amongst certain groups in modern western society with the honesty and competence of those who assess and finally make judgements about public safety. The problem lies as much in a suspicion over the motives of leading personalities and the fidelity of assessment procedures as it does with the collective psychology of individual beliefs and judgements. "Real world" studies involving carefully sampled households monitored over a period of time may well reveal better information on the complexities of risk cognition and evaluation than laboratory investigation of the views of individuals responding in isolation.  相似文献   
东北亚地区自古以来就是大国利益纵横交织,形势纷繁复杂,热点问题频发的一个区域.冷战结束以后,东北亚地区战略位置凸显,合作机制缺乏.作为东北亚地区的主要大国,中国国家核心利益与东北亚地区局势密切相关.冷战后东北亚地区由于受历史原因、战争遗留问题和领土争端、大国关系交织博弈等因素的影响,安全局势错综复杂,充满变数.目前,解决朝核危机是当前东北亚安全问题的关键所在,因此构建多边安全合作机制是解决东北亚安全问题的努力方向,而中国应在东北亚区域安全中发挥重要作用,树立中国负责任大国的国际形象,重塑区域国际关系,进而促进东北亚地区安全局势朝着更加和平稳定的方向发展.  相似文献   
财务竞争力是企业持续发展的基础,文章结合财务竞争力的特征和核电行业上市公司的行业特征,通过信度检验与描述性统计,构建核电行业上市公司财务竞争力指标,并选取了2011~2013年20家核电行业上市公司作为研究样本,运用因子分析法对核电行业上市公司财务竞争力进行研究,研究结果表明:短期偿债因子的影响最大,行业特征因子的影响最小。  相似文献   
"线性生态文明观"面临着难以自圆其说的逻辑漏洞,"系统生态文明观"应当成为检视和构建《核安全法》基本原则的指导性理念.《核安全法(草案)》中的"确保安全方针"与"安全第一原则"构成语义重复,同时放入基本原则条款无异于焚琴煮鹤;"纵深防御"并不具有原则的特质,更适宜作为一项制度进行规定;"严格管理"和"全面保障"宜合并为"全过程严格监管原则".此外,从解释论的角度看,"责任明确原则"应当偏重理解为行政权力的"决策担责",方能从源头规避和治理核安全风险;从建构论的角度看,《核安全法》中应当增加"信息公开原则"和"公众参与原则",从而实现"监管核安全监管者"之目的.  相似文献   
核电作为一种高效清洁能源在全球性的能源危机以及环境问题中得到重视。几次大型核电安全事故,告诫当追求核电经济效益时一定要注重核电的安全发展,走核电安全经济发展道路。中国核电行业安全监管中存在寻租行为,文章运用博弈模型对公众、政府安全监管部门及核电企业三方寻租机制进行分析研究。结果表明,公众监督受到罚款金额和行贿的影响,与惩罚金额呈反比关系,与行贿呈正比关系;政府安全监管部门选择行动概率受到工资、行贿、惩罚金额及监督成本的影响;核电企业行动概率与政府监管部门的工资及惩罚金额相关。  相似文献   
我国内陆核电站正处于重启阶段,科学完善的核电厂选址政策和程序是保证核电厂安全运行的第一道屏障。法国和美国是两个最具典型的拥有丰富内陆核电站选址和运行经验的国家,比较分析中美法核电厂选址政策的演化过程以及选址的一般程序,可看出美国拥有更完善的核安全体系结构,而法国却有着便捷的审批程序;最后结合我国具体国情,给出适合我国内陆核电站选址政策的建议和未来发展方向。  相似文献   
核能人因安全数据分析在核安全管理中的地位越来越重要。然而,不同人因分析领域、目标和方法,有不同人因数据需求,同时在大数据背景下,人因数据分析面临着海量、低价值密度人因数据的集成与抽取;非结构化数据的处理与融合等问题。为解决这些问题,应用大数据技术,根据人因数据采集与处理的特点,建立了核能安全人因大数据采集、存储、分析和处理系统框架。该系统框架由数据源层、数据预处理、人因大数据处理中心、人机交互系统等部分组成。  相似文献   
为了从国际法视角探索当前全球核电安全保障的合理性的问题,文章通过文献分析法、法律文本分析法和案例分析法,对当前核电领域的核应急法律规制问题进行了分析。研究认为,核应急日益成为核安全保障和国家安全发展以及人类共同安全的重要一环,但从国际法规制层面看,存在着法律责任不明确、条约强制力不足、国际合作不紧密、争端解决机制不健全等缺陷。结合核事故应急实践,国际社会应该强化核应急立法执法的安全文化理念、明确缔约国责任、加强国际合作和条约的可操作性、推进争端解决机制多元化、立法组建国际应急救援联合队伍。  相似文献   
《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):419-446

Romania is situated in the southeast of Central Europe with more than two millennia of agitated history. The main dimensions of the Romanian cultural model are represented by Latinity and Christianity and have involved very consistent principles. This article is focused on the specific aspects of the Romanian family and its present transformation under major structural changes in the socio-cultural context. In Romanian contemporary society there are two main types of effects that were generated by communism in the middle of the 20th century and by the rediscovery of democracy in 1989. The Romanian family has supported the consequences of these events, first by the abusive insertion of state control into the domestic sphere and second by the necessity of redeveloping self-reliant capacities for family survival. Under the pressure of continuous change in the social context, the contemporary family has valuable resources inherent in traditional Romanian culture and in the family's internal strengths.  相似文献   
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