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国务院于2008年出台的《关于进一步推进长江三角洲地区改革开放和经济社会发展的指导意见》,以及国家发改委目前正在抓紧修订之中的《长江三角洲地区区域规划》,标志着长三角大城市群新一轮发展的历史时期已经到来。中央关于长三角区域布局与协调发展的思路愈见清晰,突出表现在按照优化开发区域的总体要求,统筹区域发展需要所提出的"一核六带"空间布局已经非常明确到位。而苏州在承接区域战略布局及上海核心的辐射中,适时提出加快经济转型升级和建设"三区三城"的新目标。然而,指导意见的贯彻实施和区域规划的深化细化,还需要一个实践发展和认识深化的过程,需要长三角各城市的密切配合和共同努力,方能渐入佳境,百尺竿头。  相似文献   
“事业高于一切、责任重于一切、严细融入一切、进取成就一切”的核工业精神是中华民族精神和时代精神结合的产物。在经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化的背景下,弘扬核工业精神,对培育大学生民族精神、推动大学生思想政治工作具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
江堤文化散文论——当下衡阳作家系列研究之一   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江堤文化散文集中考察古老的书院文化,以书院为代表的种种文化景观、遗存、碎片成为作者反复探寻、感受、体悟、吟唱、思索的对象。同时,洞察城市文明与乡土文明的现代性冲突,提出了“两栖人”这一独特文化概念。形式方面,在诗性与乡土的连缀中,丰富的生活意象闪烁着生命力度的智慧之光。  相似文献   
俄罗斯核污染对北极生态环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东西方冷战时期,前苏联拥有世界上最庞大的核潜艇部队。然而,随着冷战的结束、前苏联的解体以及时间的推移,这些核潜艇绝大多数退出现役。由于缺乏燃料装填和存储设备(包括服务的船舶、转移基地、基地存储)及维修不善,加之目前俄罗斯经济萧条、军费拮据,退役核潜艇的"善后处理"问题成了俄罗斯军方甚感头痛的"一大难题"。核潜艇退役和事故成为北冰洋核废料的重要来源,并对北冰洋的生态环境构成了严重威胁。目前,俄罗斯对大量退役核舰艇的拆解和处理工作不仅需要资金和技术支持,还需要加强国家间的合作与交流。  相似文献   
朝核危机视阈中的“停战体制”:流变与困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束后,朝鲜半岛局势的动荡不安和核危机久拖不决表明,1953年建立的停战机制已经难以适应局势发展的需要,而在东北亚地区构筑新的安全保障机制已成为大势所趋。六方会谈的各参与方在高度重视朝核危机和自身国家利益的同时,都应以客观和现实的态度看待朝鲜的生存关切,尽量规避狭隘的传统地缘政治观念与零和游戏的机械思维,努力从根本上促使朝鲜半岛停战体制的转化与和平机制的理性塑立,这不仅有利于朝核及其连带问题的解决,而且有利于在本地区实现多赢的格局。  相似文献   
文章对核电厂主控室组织安全管理绩效进行了评价。首先采用文献研究法,设计调查问卷,计算出指标相对重要度,建立组织安全管理绩效指标评价体系。其次,为避免主观性的影响,将层次分析法与熵权法结合,得到主控室组织安全管理绩效评价体系各指标的权重,进而建立综合评价方法。最后,结合模拟数据利用综合评价方法实现对不同组织安全管理绩效的评价。结果表明,所得组织安全管理绩效评价体系较为全面,该评价方法能够实现对核电厂主控室组织安全管理绩效更为客观有效的评价。  相似文献   
核安全监管是生态文明建设的重要议题。生态文明建设面临的能源生态问题、经济生态问题、社会生态问题对核安全监管提出了新挑战。只有将现代生态理念植根于核安全监管现代化全过程,进一步优化核安全监管组织架构、法律体系、技术措施和公众沟通机制,才能有效解决生态文明建设面临的系列问题,推动高质量高水平的生态文明建设。  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(3):535-547
In the wake of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, the Ministry of Environment in Japan asked municipalities nationwide to accept and treat disaster waste. This call for cross‐jurisdictional waste treatment provoked considerable public controversy. To explore how the national and municipal governments can seek more public acceptance in the wake of future disasters, this study implemented a nationwide survey and addressed the question of what factors influence the public's willingness to support their municipalities’ plans to host disaster waste. Three strands of the literature—on risk perception, public dissent, and prosocial behavior—offer valuable insights into hypothesis building, although none has addressed the above question. Estimates from an ordered logistic regression (N = 1,063) reveal that the conditions of a nuclear accident and living with a small child in the household would lower the level of support for accepting disaster waste, although this does not mean that people would give their support in the absence of a nuclear accident. The results also suggest that the national and municipal governments should communicate more with the public about the risks, benefits, and costs associated with hosting disaster debris, and make efforts to improve public trust in the national government.  相似文献   
The media play an important role in risk communication, providing information about accidents, both nearby and far away. Each media source has its own presentation style, which could influence how the audience perceives the presented risk. This study investigates the explanatory power of 12 information sources (traditional media, new media, social media, and interpersonal communication) for the perceived risk posed by radiation released from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant on respondents’ own health and that of the population in general. The analysis controlled for attitude toward nuclear energy, gender, education, satisfaction with the media coverage, and duration of attention paid to the coverage. The study uses a large empirical data set from a public opinion survey, which is representative for the Belgian population with respect to six sociodemographic variables. Results show that three information sources are significant regressors of perceived health‐related risk of the nuclear accident: television, interpersonal communication, and the category of miscellaneous online sources. More favorable attitudes toward nuclear power, longer attention to the coverage, and higher satisfaction with the provided information lead to lower risk perception. Taken together, the results suggest that the media can indeed have a modest influence on how the audience perceives a risk.  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(5):947-961
Many studies have investigated public reactions to nuclear accidents. However, few studies focused on more common events when a serious accident could have happened but did not. This study evaluated public response (emotional, cognitive, and behavioral) over three phases of a near‐miss nuclear accident. Simulating a loss‐of‐coolant accident (LOCA) scenario, we manipulated (1) attribution for the initial cause of the incident (software failure vs. cyber terrorist attack vs. earthquake), (2) attribution for halting the incident (fail‐safe system design vs. an intervention by an individual expert vs. a chance coincidence), and (3) level of uncertainty (certain vs. uncertain) about risk of a future radiation leak after the LOCA is halted. A total of 773 respondents were sampled using a 3 × 3 × 2 between‐subjects design. Results from both MANCOVA and structural equation modeling (SEM) indicate that respondents experienced more negative affect, perceived more risk, and expressed more avoidance behavioral intention when the near‐miss event was initiated by an external attributed source (e.g., earthquake) compared to an internally attributed source (e.g., software failure). Similarly, respondents also indicated greater negative affect, perceived risk, and avoidance behavioral intentions when the future impact of the near‐miss incident on people and the environment remained uncertain. Results from SEM analyses also suggested that negative affect predicted risk perception, and both predicted avoidance behavior. Affect, risk perception, and avoidance behavior demonstrated high stability (i.e., reliability) from one phase to the next.  相似文献   
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