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The disposal of nuclear waste involves extensive time scales. Technical experts consider up to 1 million years for the disposal of spent fuel and high‐level waste in their safety assessment. Yet nuclear waste is not only a technical but also a so‐called sociotechnical problem and, therefore, requires interdisciplinary collaboration between technical, natural, social sciences, and the humanities in its management. Given that these disciplines differ in their language, epistemics, and interests, such collaboration might be problematic. Based on evidence from cognitive psychology, we suggest that, in particular, a concept like time is presumably critical and can be understood differently. This study explores how different scientific disciplines understand extensive time scales in general and then focuses on nuclear waste. Eighteen qualitative exploratory interviews were conducted with experts for time‐related phenomena of different disciplines, among them experts working in nuclear waste management. Analyses revealed two distinct conceptions of time corresponding to idiographic and nomothetic research approaches: scientists from the humanities and social sciences tend to have a more open, undetermined conception of time, whereas natural scientists tend to focus on a more determined conception that includes some undetermined aspects. Our analyses lead to reflections on potential difficulties for interdisciplinary teams in nuclear waste management. We focus on the understanding of the safety assessment, on potential implications for communication between experts from different disciplines (e.g., between experts from the humanities and engineering for risk assessment and risk communication), and we reflect on the roles of different disciplines in nuclear waste management.  相似文献   
朝核危机是国际社会关注的焦点,也是影响东北亚地区安全稳定的潜在挑战.为缓解这一危机,相关各方正在通过六方会谈机制寻求解决办法.这是冷战后,东北亚地区各国首次就安全问题进行多边合作,是为构建东北亚地区安全合作框架进行的一次有建设性的尝试.实现东北亚的持久和平与稳定必须要完成东北亚区域安全合作框架从合作模式到制度模式的转换.  相似文献   
朝鲜核问题是由冷战后东北亚战略失衡导致朝鲜的空前的不安全感而引发的,因此,朝核问题的解决也是各利益相关方博弈的过程。两次朝核危机中,中国依据自身实力和有所侧重的外交理念,采取了不用的政策和姿态。从中国政府对朝核问题的逐步介入和目前的态势来看,在参与同中国利益密切相关的重大全球性问题过程中,如何把握量与度已然成为中国外交在全球舞台中的重要课题,而对六方会谈积极参与的成功经验可以为中国在其他全球性问题的解决上提供宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
核能被视为高效、清洁的能源,然而,核能在提供能源的同时,核电事故、放射物质泄漏等灾难性事故却时有发生。核电企业的社会责任除了具有普通企业社会责任的内涵外,还应该从核电企业的特殊性质来定义。文章首先综述国内外社会责任会计评价指标体系研究现状;然后阐述我国核电企业的特殊性以及建立社会责任会计指标评价体系的必要性;再将定性与定量指标相结合,构建了一套核电企业社会责任会计指标评价体系;最后以大亚湾核电运营管理公司为例,对建立的指标进行应用分析并提出相关的合理化建议,为各利益相关者了解核电企业履行相关的社会责任情况提供决策参考。  相似文献   
现今的世界上,有许多人由于内战、贫困与饥饿、环境破坏等威胁,迫使他们的生命及尊严处于危险状态,也有大批人仍然饱受着人权侵害、种族歧视的痛苦。为和平、人权、人道的奋斗,绝不是低层爬到高山的顶峰就可以达到终点那样。重要的是要创建一股一代接一代、谁也阻挡不了的滔滔洪流,并日积月累地把它发展和扩大。这就是我们为了建设一个和平未来的不断挑战。  相似文献   
17至18世纪期间不仅是英国资本主义迅速成长的时期,而且在这种经济中,财富和成就都必须个人化,从而为资本化提供手段和动力。社会变革的步调也紧随其后,作为社会最小单位的家庭则成为这种变化最直接的指示剂。生物、社会、政治、经济、心理和性的变化,为个人主义的兴起提供了契机,为社会个体尤其是传统的弱势群体争取更好的生活条件、创造更多的个人发展空间、满足日益增长的个人情感需求提供了精神上的动力,也成为现代自我意识的肇始。因此,个人主义的兴起被视为18世纪英国资本主义经济繁荣的必要条件。此时英国上层社会中流行的情感式个人主义不仅打破了中世纪以来宗教道德对人性及家庭的束缚,也在社会中引领了一种新的风尚。  相似文献   
核信息公开透明是保障核安全的一个重要因素,法国国会2006年出台《核透明与安全法》。该法以核透明为主要原则,设立一个独立的行政管理部门一国家核安全局统一负责法国民用核活动的监管;设立核安全与信息透明高级委员会和地该方核信息委员会专门负责核信息的公开;扩大了信息公开义务主体、知情权人和应公开“核信息”的范围;以上做法有多处可资我国核领域立法借鉴。  相似文献   
针对“9·11”恐怖袭击事件所引发的人们对国际“核恐怖”的关注,分析了以国际原子能机构、《不扩散核武器条约》和国际原子能机构监督检查程序为主要内容的国际核安全机制所面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   
王小琴  卿向阳 《管理学报》2007,4(3):326-329
通过模型的建立和求解,对信息非对称条件下的核心技术员工的激励问题进行了探讨。认为在信息非对称条件下管理者的任务就是制定科学的激励方案,对员工实行有效激励和约束,从而实现管理效用最大化,并对模型应用中应注意的问题进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   
Local Acceptance of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The siting of nuclear waste facilities has been very difficult in all countries. Recent experience in Sweden indicates, however, that it may be possible, under certain circumstances, to gain local support for the siting of a high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) repository. The article reports on a study of attitudes and risk perceptions of people living in four municipalities in Sweden where HLNW siting was being intensely discussed at the political level, in media, and among the public. Data showed a relatively high level of consensus on acceptability of at least further investigation of the issue; in two cases local councils have since voted in favor of a go-ahead, and in one case only a very small majority defeated the issue. Models of policy attitudes showed that these were related to attitude to nuclear power, attributes of the perceived HLNW risk, and trust. Factors responsible for acceptance are discussed at several levels. One is the attitude to nuclear power, which is becoming more positive, probably because no viable alternatives are in sight. Other factors have to do with the extensive information programs conducted in these municipalities, and with the logical nature of the conclusion that they would be good candidates for hosting the national HLNW repository.  相似文献   
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