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台湾问题之转机与出路在于 ,台湾当局应顺应历史发展潮流 ,调整过时的“戒急用忍”政策 ,回到“九二共识”、承认“一中”原则、重启协商机制的轨道上来 ,并以“先易后难”的务实原则 ,优先发展两岸经贸技术合作 ,以化解两岸对峙僵局 ,纾解台湾政经危机。  相似文献   
The interpretation of strategic issues as threats or opportunities influences strategic actions and firm performance. The extant research identifies cultural differences as an important driver of strategic issue interpretation. Specifically, research from a socio-cognitive perspective shows that differences in cognitive styles across cultures lead to differences in the interpretation of strategic issues by East Asian and Western managers. Based on cross-cultural research on emotions and decision-making, we argue that cultural affordances also lead to differences in emotional experiences and behavioral consequences across cultures which affect the strategic issue interpretation of managers from East Asian and Western cultures in different ways. We theorize that Chinese managers are similarly affected by fear and happiness in their strategic issue interpretation, while German managers are only affected by fear. For German managers, this effect is moderated by issue framing, which is not the case for Chinese managers. A vignette-based decision experiment involving 194 German and 174 Chinese executives offers support for our hypotheses. These findings have implications for cross-cultural research on strategic issue interpretation and for cross-cultural research on strategic decision-making in general.  相似文献   
南海问题与中国经济安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海问题不仅仅是中国与东盟有关国家关于南沙群岛主权归属之争的问题,而且还是一个经济安全问题。南海问题的国际化和复杂化的趋势日益明显,对中国的经济安全的制约越来越明显。中国应该采取经济、政治和外交等手段消除南海问题对中国经济安全的影响。这些手段主要有:重视南海的经济开发,充分利用南海的资源;增强中国军力,保证航线的安全和加大外交的力度,增强和平解决南海问题的可能性。  相似文献   
在全球化过程中,尤其是“9·11”后,美欧穆斯林移民问题日渐凸现,既影响了美国的反恐战略和国土安全,也制约着欧盟一体化进程;美欧清真寺在穆斯林移民问题形成中扮演了不可或缺的角色,成为穆斯林移民宗教信仰与文化持守的精神家园,也成为这些社会边缘人摆脱物质生存挤压的缓冲地带,还成为美欧关于阿拉伯-伊斯兰国家战略决策的晴雨表,甚至成为全球化进程中异质文明间或对话或冲突的感应场;在全球治理的过程中,美欧清真寺为缓解西方与伊斯兰世界的紧张关系发挥了特殊作用。  相似文献   
从霍梅尼对清真寺的基本认知、坚守、支持和利用等进一步解读伊朗伊斯兰革命,旨在强调清真寺管道与伊朗内政外交的关联性,进而凸现精神领袖在解决伊朗核问题中的深远影响,尤其是国际社会更应正视围绕伊朗核问题而形成的四种话语阻障了彼此的沟通与对话。因此,国际社会必须在畅通沟通与对话的前提下,不断拓展外交解决此问题的空间与途径,以期采取行之有效的解决措施。  相似文献   
This study attempts to identify the effects of issue ownership of a corporation on its reputation, and the moderating effect of issue obtrusiveness. Two representative Korean corporations (Hyundai and SK) were selected and their reputations were measured. It was shown that a corporation, which owns issues that were perceived as important by publics, has a higher corporate reputation. There was no moderating effect of issue obtrusiveness on the relationship between issue ownership and corporate reputation; however, there was a possibility of issue obtrusiveness as an independent variable. Implication for public relations research and practice was discussed.  相似文献   
以引发群体性突发事件为关切的社会稳定问题,在微观层面上因为政策过程不完整、政策导致的利益分配差异化而形成,进而影响到社会稳定问题的问题域.户籍、政策稳定程度是政府界定问题域的基本维度,前者限定了与社会稳定问题密切相关的公共品提供的范围和程度;后者限定了既有社会稳定问题和现有社会稳定问题的性质和范围.社会预警指标体系设计应关注预警层次、指标定义、主观指标、逆向指标、指标相关性等问题,相应的信息系统还存在缺乏整合、覆盖面不足的问题.  相似文献   
伊朗核问题与中东地缘政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年美国等西方国家与伊朗在核问题上的分歧逐渐扩大,加深了原已存在的对抗程度.伊朗核研发最初在美国等西方国家支持下开始实施,目前认为伊核问题将威胁地区安全与世界和平的也是美国等西方国家.伊朗在恶劣的环境中却能不断提升自身实力和扩大在中东的影响,是中东举足轻重的地区大国.奥巴马执政后美国对伊朗进行军事打击的可能性降低,但伊朗仍有可能遭到来自以色列的军事打击.伊朗不可能放弃和平利用核能的合法权利,美国等西方国家与伊朗在核问题上的博弈将长期化.  相似文献   
The broad field of public relations is plagued by difficulties of definition, none more problematic than the definitional challenges facing issue management and crisis management. After considering the need for commonly understood language as a basis for meaningful discourse, the paper identifies the particular reasons for ongoing ambiguity in issue and crisis management and charts some distinct approaches which have developed within each discipline. It then analyzes how these evolutionary changes are creating further difficulties for defining the interplay between the two, and identifies a more integrated process approach focused on characterizing clusters of activities.  相似文献   
自愿性信息披露是对强制性信息披露的补充和扩展,是体现资本市场信息有效性的重要手段,但目前自愿性信息披露方面仍存在许多问题。股权结构是影响自愿性信息披露的重要因素。通过对信息技术行业上市公司的股权结构与自愿性信息披露进行实证分析,发现上市公司流通股占总股本的比例与自愿性信息披露之间存在着正相关关系,股权集中度与自愿性信息披露之间有负相关关系,但相关系数比较小。因此完善上市公司股权结构,加强上市公司自愿性信息披露的研究,有利于推动和引导我国上市公司进行自愿性信息披露。  相似文献   
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