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The Global Assessment Scale for Children (GAS-Children) and the Children's Impairment Scale (CIS) were examined for inter-rater reliability, discrimination of outpatients from inpatients, and clinician acceptance. Forty-four clinicians used the two scales to rate 146 recently admitted children and adolescents in eight mental health programs. An additional study assessed the inter-rater reliability of the two scales compared with the Connors Parent-Teacher Questionnaire and the correlation of the GAS-Children with both the Connors Parents Questionnaire and Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist. The GAS-Children showed better interrater agreement than any of the four subscales of the CIS, although the sum of the CIS subscales also showed adequate inter-rater reliability. Among adolescents, the GAS-Children correlated highly with the adult GAS, but the scales showed different mean values. Clinicians slightly preferred the GAS-Children over the CIS. To assess comparability of scale usage across sites, clinicians rated six case vignettes. Inpatient clinicians rated the vignettes as more dysfunctional than did their outpatient counterparts. Bias-adjusted scores still discriminated outpatient from inpatient children. Nevertheless, these rater biases should make evaluators cautious about comparing functioning scores across programs, even when the rating scale is ostensibly the same.  相似文献   
This case describes the changing roles of an evaluator as the program he was evaluating changed and developed, and as the needs of his client and primary intended users changed over time. The focus in this case is on the relationship between the external evaluator and the staff of a philanthropic foundation as a major initiative unfolded. The focus of the evaluation was learning and improvement, and as the evaluator developed recommendations for organizational capacity-building, he was commissioned by the foundation to implement his own recommendations, a form of developmental evaluation. The case explores the dynamics and challenges of such an arrangement and relationship. Those involved have agreed to have their real names used because this is a highly visible initiative and attempting to disguise the foundation and key players might undermine, in this instance, the authenticity of the case. The initiative that is the focus of the case is the Central Valley Partnership of The James Irvine Foundation headquartered in San Francisco.  相似文献   
美国小说家詹姆斯·琼斯的代表作《从这里到永恒》(1951)描写了二战爆发前驻守夏威夷的美国士兵的军旅生活。在小说中,布鲁斯音乐不仅作为展示士兵业余爱好和娱乐生活的一种方式在小说中数次出现,而且成为一种特殊的象征符号预示着人物命运的走向,并推动着故事情节的发展。本文试图以布鲁斯为切入点,将其与小说所反映的美国20世纪三四十年代广阔的社会背景联系起来,分析布鲁斯承载的文化意义的流变在这一时期的具体表现,再将其与小说主题相结合,进而探讨布鲁斯音乐与小说文本的互动。  相似文献   
What explains the sharp movements of the yield curve upon the release of major U.S. macroeconomic announcements? To answer this question, we estimate an arbitrage-free dynamic term structure model with macroeconomic fundamentals as risk factors. We assume that the yield curve reacts to announcements primarily because of the information they contain about the fundamentals of output, inflation, and the Fed’s inflation target. We model the updating process by linking the factor shocks to announcement surprises. Fitting this process to data on yield curve movements in 20-min event windows, we find that most major announcements, especially those about the labor market, are informative largely about the output gap rather than about inflation. The resulting changes in short-rate expectations account for the bulk of observed yield movements. But adjustments in risk premia are also sizable. In partly offsetting the effects of short-rate expectations, these adjustments help to account for the well-known hump-shaped pattern of yield reactions across maturities.  相似文献   
借助角色服饰转换的戏剧手段和紧凑的文本情节,莎士比亚为我们成功塑造了《威尼斯商人》中巴沙尼奥、鲍西亚、安东尼奥及夏洛克等个性鲜明的人物形象。通过对不同人物面对具有法律效应的契约和包含人性宽容的情感契约的不同表现的描绘,莎士比亚最终将读者引向对基督教社会金钱与情谊孰轻孰重这一主题的深层考量。  相似文献   
理雅各《尚书》译本问世至今一直被奉为儒经翻译“标准译本”,然而我们仍可从中找到不少“遗憾”:有理解方面的,也有表达方面的,有拼写或文献标注方面的,也有结论方面的。这一事实再次证明:金无足赤,译无定译,经典永远呼唤新译本。经典复译不仅必要,而且有一些原则需要遵守。理氏《尚书》译本给我们的启示有:以“信”为本,调和“显化”和“异化”,拒绝过度“归化”,实行“合作共享”。  相似文献   
随着住房产业作为国民支柱产业的确立以及货币分房政策的实施,住房抵押贷款将成为全社会最主要的住房消费方式.随着住房贷款市场规模的日益增长,不仅给银行带来了越来越大的信贷压力和资金供需矛盾,也因"短存长贷"引致的资产负债不匹配程度加重而加重银行的资产流动性风险,就可能构成金融危机的隐患,本文认为缓解这一矛盾的出路在于住房抵押贷款证券化.  相似文献   
在哲学史上,休谟问题的提出与诸多的解决尝试,极大地推动了对知识的本性和科学方法论的深入研究.詹姆士改造了传统经验主义,"彻底的经验主义"消解了休谟问题,"实用主义的方法"解决了这一问题.  相似文献   
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