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基于分形理论下的外汇市场的预测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在全球金融一体化的大背景下,汇率的变动作为一个重要指标越来越被人们所重视,利用非线性特征来研究汇率问题已经成为研究的前沿和热点,将混沌与分形运用到汇率预测与汇率控制中是汇率研究的一个重要的分支。为此,分析了分形中的R/S方法,研究了转折点的选择;并以外汇市场中的美元、日元、欧元为例进行了实证分析,指出外汇市场服从分形分布; 运用该方法对外汇的变化进行分析,不仅得出汇率变化遵循有偏的随机游走,而且还预测出这三种汇率未来的走势。 相似文献
This study examined the influence of intergenerational assistance with household chores and personal care from sons, daughters, and daughters‐in‐law on the depressive symptoms of older adults in rural China. The sample derived from rural Anhui Province, a region with a strong hierarchy of support preferences that leads with sons and their families. We used data from a random sample of 1,281 adults aged 60 and over, who were interviewed in 2001 and 2003. Analyses indicated that depressive symptoms were usually reduced by assistance from daughters‐in‐law and increased sometimes when such support was from sons. These relationships held most strongly when mothers coresided with their daughters‐in‐law. This research suggests that the benefits of intergenerational support are conditional on culturally prescribed expectations. 相似文献
美国金融控股公司加重责任制度的主要内容是 ,要求金融控股公司完全或部分地保证其所管理的子公司的清偿能力 ,要求金融控股公司向其不能清偿债务的子公司重新注入资金 ,或向政府机构赔偿因子公司经营失败而给公众债权人造成的损失 ,或赔偿公共保险基金。它要求控股公司对子公司作出开放式的财务承诺 ,表明了对传统的公司有限责任制度的制度突破。加重责任制度与公司法人人格否认制度本质上存在很多差异 相似文献
众所周知,美国已经垄断了很大一部分国际新闻话语权,其舆论宣传的触角早已辐射全球,那么,现在为何还要斥巨资设立专门覆盖中东22个国家的卫星电视台?用该电视台负责人的话说,是要向阿拉伯国家提供一个“观点全面和公正的”新闻平台。这无疑是美国对阿拉伯国家进行舆论渗透、文化入侵和攻心伐谋的战略武器,是美国推行整合中东、改造伊斯兰世界政策的重要宣传工具,是一场没有硝烟的战争。 相似文献
美国是当代世界的霸权国家,中国则是世界影响力日益增强的地区性大国。在中东,两国在能源安全、反扩散、反恐和维护地区稳定等方面都存在广泛的共同利益。但是,由于两国在国家实力、国际地位和文化传统等方面的差异,中美在中东地区又存在分歧与矛盾。随着中国国家力量的不断增强,中美两国既有更多的合作机会,又有相互竞争的可能。 相似文献
美国政府反贫困政策体系的创立可追溯到20世纪30年代,《社会保障法》的颁布是其开始的标志。作为全球最大的农业保险市场,农业保险在这一体系中起到了不可替代的作用。美国农业保险制度经过一系列改革,形成了完善的运行机制,它作为一项创新支农扶贫政策,具有广泛的覆盖范围和各种保障计划,并且通过双向财政补贴手段进行保费补贴,确保农业保险的正常运作。再保险机制以及巨灾援助计划等手段则充分保障了农民收入,成功促进了本国农业经济的发展。我国需要借鉴国际经验,尽快完善农业保险制度,加快发展。为此从制度分析的角度,了解美国反贫困体系的发展,对美国农险扶贫政策的政策框架、保障水平等核心内容进行剖析,得出的建议对我国农险扶贫的实践有指导意义。 相似文献
《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1962-1971
Given the recent increase in dust‐induced lung disease among U.S. coal miners and the respiratory hazards encountered across the U.S. mining industry, it is important to enhance an understanding of lung disease trends and the organizational contexts that precede these events. In addition to exploring overall trends reported to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the current study uses MSHA's enforcement database to examine whether or not compliance with health regulations resulted in fewer mine‐level counts of these diseases over time. The findings suggest that interstitial lung diseases were more prevalent in coal mines compared to other mining commodities, in Appalachian coal mines compared to the rest of the United States, and in underground compared to surface coal mines. Mines that followed a relevant subset of MSHA's health regulations were less likely to report a lung disease over time. The findings are discussed from a lung disease prevention strategy perspective. 相似文献
James A Davis 《Social science research》1978,7(2):151-179
A review of recently developed simple techniques for analyzing data in the form of proportions from replicated, cross-sectional, sample surveys. (A) One variable over time—tests for homogeneity, pooling homogeneous proportions, tests for linear trends with as few as three time points, tests for departures from linearity; (B) Two variables with a constant percentage difference—four fold tables as rudimentary causal models, decomposing change with linear flow graphs; (C) Extension of the flow graph techniques to—three or more variables and changing coefficients; (D) Comments implying panel designs are somewhat over-rated and successive cross-sections somewhat under-rated. 相似文献
江泽民同志在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年大会上的讲话,内涵丰富,博大精深.三个代表重要思想,进一步丰富了新时期宣传思想工作的内容,为创造性地做好新时期宣传思想工作提出了新的更高的要求. 相似文献