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This study synthesizes two theoretical literatures to explain gender differences in Twitter usage and effectiveness among US Congressional candidates. The first suggests that candidates in perceived disadvantaged positions, females in this case, innovate to improve their chances of success, and the second, that female politicians often adopt stereotypically masculine behaviors to be successful. On the basis of these theories, we hypothesize and confirm that female candidates are more likely than males to integrate Twitter into their campaigns, but our results are less conclusive regarding a difference in the likelihood that females use negative campaigning tactics via Twitter. Our results also indicate that those females who use Twitter more than their male counterparts tended to do better electorally, but this difference is conditional. Female Republican candidates who tweeted more increased their vote share, but the opposite is true for Democrats. We speculate that this differential effect may be a product of different audiences for social media in each party’s electorate.  相似文献   
This article examines engagement with digitally networked, politically contentious actions. Maintaining engagement over time is a key challenge for social movements attempting to network digitally. This article argues that proximity serves as a condition to address this challenge, because it configures the personal networks upon which transmission depends. This is a paradox of digital activism: it has the capacity to transcend barriers; however, proximity is essential for sustaining relations over time. Examining Twitter data from the #not1more protest campaign against immigrant deportations in the United States, quantitative and social network analyses show a differentiated development of engagement, which results in a particular geographical configuration with the following attributes. First, there is a robust and connected backbone of core organizers and activists located in particular major cities. Second, local groups engage with the campaign with direct actions in other cities. Third, a large and transitory contingent of geographically dispersed users direct attention to the campaign. We conclude by elaborating how this geographically differentiated configuration helps to sustain engagement with digitally networked action.  相似文献   
Based on the communication mediation model, the third-person effect hypothesis was integrated to analyze the influence of the exposure to South China Sea news on its perceived effects on the self and others. In addition, the influences of such exposure on online discussions and political attitudes were examined, specifically in relation to nationalism and government evaluation. The survey (N?=?868) found that the respondents perceived a stronger media effect on others than on themselves, whereas exposure to traditional and news media exposure exhibited equivalent effects on the self and on others. Moreover, the perceived effects on oneself promoted online discussion and nationalism, whereas the perceived effects on others improved government evaluation. The findings of this study indicate that the effects of media exposure on nationalism and government evaluation are marginally mediated by perceived effects, online discussion, or both.  相似文献   
新媒体时代中国传统文化传承的困境与反思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新媒体时代中国传统文化传承面临困境.于外,后殖民时期,现代西方文化霸权通过操控各种大众媒介来传播并强化其主流文化观念和价值取向,欲图通过“颜色革命”达到文化殖民的目的;于内,发达的电子媒介通过改变中国人的生活、交往方式而彻底改变了社会机体.形而下的“变局”或者“断裂”,必然会导致形而上失去“滋养”和“依托”,出现“文化滞差”.所以,身处巨变之时代,中国传统文化传承应着眼于文化的主体——培养具有人本精神的现代主体.通过确立这样一种人的主体性,达到对中国传统文化的选择、转型以及重建这个最终目的.  相似文献   
新媒体代表人士是掌握着现代新媒体技术运营和内容发声的精英人士,是国家政治生活中的一支新生力量,在引领社会舆论发展、促进思想文化传播、调节社会阶层矛盾、优化政治生态环境、加快国家治理方式转变等方面发挥着重要作用。加强对新媒体代表人士的政治引导,意义重大,关系到我国民主政治建设的发展进程和主流意识形态的安全与稳定。对于当前统战部门来说,有效开展新媒体代表人士的政治引导,需要从实际问题出发,深刻分析新媒体代表人士的阶层特点及政治引导内涵,客观评价他们的社会地位及现实影响,全面总结近年来开展新媒体代表人士政治引导工作的宝贵经验及存在的不足,并有针对性地提出解决现实问题的建议与对策。  相似文献   
意识形态的表达、展现及传播与网络传媒技术紧密关联,在深刻透析网络传媒技术本身与意识形态的关系的学术难点基础之上,结合网络媒介意识形态传播的后现代背景解读,判断出在网络媒介时代,互联网等新兴网络媒介作为一种意识形态的传播工具本身,表现出强烈的后现代特征,消解乃至颠覆了传统的意识形态传播,而且媒介意识形态传播的社会发展宏观背景进入了后现代的符号生产和消费的社会.从而,网络媒介意识形态传播有了“日常生活化”转向.这意味着“媒介化生存”已成为许多人“在世”的方式,网络媒介意识形态传播进入“生活化”的空间和“生活化”的符号消费.  相似文献   
Increasingly, advocacy organizations employ social networking sites as inexpensive and often effective ways to disseminate outreach messages. For groups working to reach lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth, social media provide key platforms for connecting with target audiences. Although these young people increasingly utilize social media, little is known about how digital advocacy campaigns influence their sexual identity formation. This article applies concepts of social identity to examine how LGBTQ youth understand advocacy campaigns, how they perceive LGBTQ as a social category presented in campaigns, and what values they assign to LGBTQ group membership.  相似文献   
The legal battle around the reform of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code brought the provisional decriminalization of homosexuality in 2009, which was overturned by the Supreme Court of India in 2013. Queer politics in India thus stands at a critical juncture regarding the goal to foster social acceptance of LGBT individuals. This paper offers an analysis of two recent media representations in India—a gay matrimonial ad and an online advertisement for an ethnic apparel brand featuring a lesbian couple—to demonstrate how the Indian family is emerging as an important arbiter of queer relationality. The negotiation of same-sex relations within the familial is premised on bourgeois notions of class, caste and gender, an ideological normativity that queer of color critique and queer theory have foundationally put up resistance to. This paper goes beyond the queer and feminist critiques of gender and class normativity to suggest that queer visibility in the Indian context is being negotiated not in opposition to, but through, the mandates of the familial.  相似文献   
In recent years the relationship between women and sport fandom has undergone significant shifts. The rapidly changing sphere of global sport is seen to offer women newly visible roles in the global sport economy as fans, broadcasters, celebrity athletes, and media personalities. In light of calls for greater inclusivity and diversity in sport, this paper examines the emergence of new forms of “sexually empowered” female fandom, which situate women as active participants in the sporting spectacle. Whereas sexy women who followed men’s sport or male athletes were once derided as “groupies,” thus socially marginalised and excluded from identification with sport fan communities, I argue that the sexy sport fan has emerged in the context of post-feminism as a visible and necessary type of feminine fan identity to meet the needs of the global sport economy. This study extends feminist sport media analysis beyond its focus on how female athletes are represented whilst also contributing new insights to sport fan research by analysing how female supporters are constructed through mediated accounts in terms of gender, sexuality, and nation.  相似文献   
英美学者从不同角度研究传媒话语,取得了不同的研究成果。迄今为止,仍在起着重要影响的主要研究方法有:语言学和社会语言学方法、会话分析方法、符号分析法、话语批评分析法及话语分析法等。笔者从研究对象、研究成果和局限性几个方面对这些起着重要影响的研究方法进行简要述评,得知:采用不同的途径,多角度、多层次、跨学科、全方位地研究传媒话语,已成为传媒话语研究的趋势,这种研究定势也将更加丰富传媒话语的理论。  相似文献   
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