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1946年解放战争的爆发是由于国民党政府当时的刻板、僵硬的政治体制,是国民党政府未能建立一个能够适应不断变化的政治参政模式体制的必然结果。由于国民党政府无法为当时新的社会力量、新的上层分子提供参与政治的渠道和参与政治体系的机会,而当时被排斥于政治之外的社会力量、上层分子又具有参与政治的强烈愿望,这种政治体制和社会力量两种因素一但碰到一起,革命就会爆发。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村诸问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建设社会主义新农村,是我们党立足农村实际作出的重大选择,是全面落实科学发展观、统筹城乡经济发展、构建和谐社会的必然要求,充分体现了党和政府对“三农”问题的高度重视。建设社会主义新农村是一个艰巨而长期的任务,必须科学规划,充分认识其重大意义,遵循其基本原则,正确处理好相关关系,提供有效保障,才能扎实稳步地推进。  相似文献   
中国食用农产品安全生产面临的新挑战,既包括农业生产环境的恶化趋势、高产与优质的不可兼得、农业生产体系的先天病态化、现行标准的模糊执行等仍较严重的内忧,又包括农业发展的对外依赖性风险、农业体系的世界边缘化风险、国外转基因产品的持续流入、外来生物的不断入侵等日益突出的外患,必须有的放矢地采取坚持实施可持续发展战略,切实搞好农村环境保护,精心搞好综合促动,认真落实农业清洁生产,扎实推进农业标准化升级,积极构筑农业创新体系,尽快健全重大疫病、虫害快速扑灭机制,加紧完善全程监测预警系统等行之有效的应对方略。  相似文献   
抗日战争进入到相持阶段后,刘少奇赴华中任华中局书记、华中部队总指挥部政治委员、新四军政治委员,对建立巩固的华中根据地和发展壮大华中军事力量卓有建树。他建立巩固的华中根据地和发展壮大新四军的韬略思想与湖湘文化的集大成者王船山的战争战略指导艺术有明显的学脉相承之处。  相似文献   
Since Skinner's [40] landmark article depicting the manufacturing function as the “missing link” in corporate strategic processes, a portion of the blame for inferior performance in many firms has been attributed to the subordinate strategic position of manufacturing. It has been argued that part of the solution to misalignments between the capabilities possessed by manufacturing and the requirements dictated by customers is for manufacturing to take a more proactive stance. However, little research has been reported which examines manufacturing proactiveness empirically. In this paper, we address this gap by developing an operational definition of manufacturing proactiveness and testing empirically whether a link exists between proactiveness and performance based on data collected from a sample of manufacturers. Based on the manufacturing strategy literature, we identify two major dimensions of manufacturing proactiveness: (1) the degree of manufacturing's involvement in the strategic processes of the business unit; and (2) the degree of commitment to a long-term program of investments in manufacturing structure and infrastructure aimed at building capabilities in anticipation of their need. We develop reliable scales for measuring each of the dimensions of proactiveness and use the data to provide evidence of a clear link between manufacturing proactiveness and business performance. We show that investments in structural programs coupled with either high levels of manufacturing involvement in strategic processes or planned investments in infrastructural programs correlate with higher than average performance.  相似文献   
列宁在领导俄国人民进行社会主义革命和建设,指导东方民族民主革命的过程中,从多个侧面和不同的角度继承与发展了马克思的东方社会理论。这种继承和发展集中体现在列宁关于“非资本主义发展”、“一国首先胜利”、“未来社会发展阶段”以及新经济政策的思想理论中。  相似文献   
深入研究习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是中国学界的重要使命。当前学界关于习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的研究已经形成了诸多优秀成果,但同时也存在一些问题,主要体现在问题意识、研究主题和对象、逻辑话语、方法范式、研究内容等层面。站在社会主义现代化建设的新的历史起点上,深化习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究,应立足中国大地和中国实践,不断提升现实洞察力,在把握历史规律的基础上丰富研究的思想性,创造出更多引人入胜、令人澎湃、引发深思、充满启迪的经典作品。  相似文献   
体大虑周的《文心雕龙》广泛论及了魏晋以来的作家、作品,而唯独对六朝文学中地位甚高、影响至远的《世说新语》只字未提,究其原因,我想主要还是刘勰的文学观造成的:原道、征圣、宗经而崇尚雅正,不满谐隐、杂说;崇儒为主,兼修佛道,反对玄谈;萧统文学集团的参照;重古略今,不论近世。  相似文献   
选取长江经济带软件与信息技术服务业相关数据,利用DEA-BCC模型测算软件与信息技术服务业技术创新效率,并借助自然断裂法和Tobit模型分析区域软件业技术创新效率时空演变特征及影响机理。从静态分析结果看,长江经济带软件业技术创新效率在研究期内呈现先升、后降、再升的螺旋上升态势。从动态分析结果看,技术进步是软件业技术创新效率提升的主要原因。软件业技术创新效率在空间分布上有明显的中间凹陷特征,各地区整体技术创新效率明显上升。科技创新水平、产业结构、对外开放水平、信息化水平、人口密度是影响长江经济带软件业技术创新效率的重要因素,且影响程度存在区域差异。  相似文献   
In this study the potential performance benefits of easy goals were examined within the multiple cue probability learning paradigm (MCPLP). Specifically, the effects of varying levels of goal difficulty on performance and risk propensity (used to define a form of commitment) were investigated. With few exceptions, previous studies demonstrated support for difficult goals. In this study, contrary to the majority of past evidence, as goals became easier decision quality significantly improved. Moreover, risk propensity increased with easier goals and, as suggested by a post-hoc analysis, had more direct impact on decision makers’ behaviors than goal levels. Goal-related behavior in complex MCPLP tasks appears to significantly differ from the majority of goal evidence in other types of research due to the tendency for subjects to view complex task properties in the same context as goal levels.  相似文献   
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