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Dialogue and persuasive strategic communication are often perceived by public relations scholars as two distinct approaches to the practice. After revisiting and reassessing debates surrounding the two approaches, this article introduces accounts of the use of dialogue and strategic communication in the political life of Martin Buber, whose philosophy has inspired PR scholarship on dialogue. It traces Buber’s writings and activities as communicator in the service of the early Zionist movement and, in his later life, as campaigner against the establishment of the State of Israel, and as promoter of dialogue between Zionists and Arab Palestinians. Based on archival research the article uncovers Buber’s political and PR work to provide insights into his philosophy in the context of his political and life experiences. Inspired by Buber’s work the article argues that dialogue and strategic communication both have the potential to be deployed ethically, and for prosocial causes, or to be deployed in a self-serving and unethical way. In this, it supports other scholars’ argument that public relations should reconcile with the fact that both are legitimate tools and it further argues that both might be used either ethically or unethically. It concludes that ethical PR practice depends less on the form of communication, and more on transparency, honesty, openness, and respect in the way dialogue or strategic communication are conducted.  相似文献   
如何在现代学术立场上,证明古书、古史的真伪是史学理论研究的重要课题,从“顾颉刚难题”到“汉代改造说”、“古代文献不断重写”,层累理论不断发展,我们对此进行了深入剖析。今天的史学研究中有把王国维和顾颉刚刻意对立起来的倾向,其实他们活着的时候也不是这样。二重证据法和层累说应当结合起来,用二重证据法探讨古史真相,用层累说积极的一面,研究传说演变,那么,我们古史研究又会是一番新的景象。  相似文献   
抗战期间,顾颉刚<中华民族是一个>一文,在昆明报刊上引发了一场关于中华民族"一"与"多"之间的理论争鸣.以顾颉刚为代表的支持"中华民族是一个"的理论一定程度上顺应了抗战这一时代主题,为抗战大业的完成提供了重要智力支持.以费孝通为代表的主张中华民族"多元"的理论观点,则与 "中华民族多元一体格局"民族观是一脉相承的,更具学理意义.民族理论的争鸣,同时拓宽了民族史研究范围,一定程度推动了民族史学的发展.  相似文献   
在梳理白寿彝先生等关于少数民族史学史论述的基础上,文章认为,中国少数民族史学史研究的是我国历史上和当代各少数民族史学的历史。其研究内容包括少数民族史学家、以少数民族语言写成的史学著作、少数民族所建割据政权的修史机制和修史活动。少数民族史学史的任务是探讨少数民族史学发展的过程及其规律。所研究的方面包括各少数民族史学本身的发展,各少数民族史学在发展中与该民族其他学问方面的关系,各少数民族史学之间及其与汉族史学的相互关系,少数民族史学在发展中所反映的时代特点,少数民族史学对本民族乃至对整个中华民族所具有的影响。同时,文章对如何开展少数民族史学史提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   
Studies in public relations often conclude that the field is misunderstood [Kopenhaver, L. L. (1985). Aligning values of practitioners and journalists. Public Relations Review, 11(1), 34–42; Stacks, D. W., Botan, C., & Turk, J. V. (1999). Perceptions of pubic relations education. Public Relations Review, 25, 9–29] and misrepresented in media [Spicer, C. (2000). Public relations in a democratic society: Value and values. Journal of Public Relations Research, 12(1), 115–130]. Public relations professionals themselves often do not know what is involved in or support public relations education [Wright, D. K., & Turk, J. V. (2007). Public relations knowledge and professionalism: Challenges to educators and practitioners. In E.L. Toth (Ed.), The future of excellence in public relations and communication management: Challenges for the next generation (pp. 571–588). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum]. Both the special issue (Public Relations Review, 1999) on public relations education and a following study published in this journal [Bowen, S. A. (2003). I thought it would be more glamorous: Preconceptions and misconceptions of public relations among students in the principles course. Public Relations Review, 29, 199–214] argued that public relations majors often do not realize what is involved in the academic discipline or the professional field. This research builds on the findings of those studies to ask: are public relations educators doing any better in communicating the core competencies, responsibilities, knowledge requirements, skills, and abilities of the discipline and the public relations major? Through the use of 10 focus groups across majors at a top research university, we can see that little is known about public relations among non-majors, but public relations majors can articulate the requirements and functions of the field. Several primary areas of confusion emerged about public relations related to: marketing or promotion, spinning the truth, image, and public relations as a career choice. These ideas show a critical lack of transparency in public relations. Credibility of the public relations function is hampered by this failure to communicate about the functions and core competencies of the field. Implications for both the public relations practice and for public relations education are discussed.  相似文献   
道教史学编纂肇自魏晋,其发展大势,则自隋唐两宋始。此一时期,除教士外,教外士宦亦积极参与其中,推动史著大幅增加。同时,道教史家打破了魏晋单一的由私家完成的编纂模式,御制、奉敕编次、私家撰修等编纂方式的出现,使史学编纂呈现多元化特征。弘扬道教;维护统治秩序;参与、记录儒释道间的融合与冲突以及促进道教史学的建设,构成其编纂旨趣和目的。隋唐两宋,道教史学编纂渐趋成熟,这种成熟也是中国道教史学迈向繁荣的表现。  相似文献   
坎坷前行--20世纪后半叶中国历史学的演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪后半叶,中国历史学理论的探索进程,坎坷曲折.在初期确立了唯物史观的主导地位,并努力运用于中国历史诸问题的讨论,其间受到左的错误思想的干扰,陷入困境乃至歧途.拨乱反正后,史学理论研究空前活跃,很多问题重新引起讨论和反思.立足中国生动具体的历史和国情,坚持唯物史观的指导,独立思考,进行实事求是的科学研究,是人们的共识,也为新世纪学术的发展和繁荣,奠定了扎实的基础.  相似文献   
英国辉格史学派先驱者论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常,学界仅将哈兰、林加德和麦考莱视作英国辉格史学派的先驱或奠基人,这显得有些偏颇.若将麦考莱当作该学派横坐标的原点,往前还可以追溯到约翰·罗素、麦金托什和福克斯,其中福克斯和麦金托什可被视为遭受质疑的先驱者,而罗素又是被遗忘的先驱者.他们史学著作的共同点,是关注本国早期宪政发展,并相继在自由主义的立场上,对社会政治变革采取了相当谨慎的评判.在领略和适当接受20世纪末年英国学界相关新观点的基础上,揭示福克斯、麦金托什、罗素和麦考莱等人的史学成就和思想,他们各自与辉格一自由党的亲疏不等的关系,以及他们在构建辉格早期史学派时的实际功用,这对于较完整地研究英国辉格史学派先驱者的行列及其作用,是很有裨益的.  相似文献   
厦门大学的史学研究肇始于20世纪20-30年代,与当时的史学发展潮流亦步亦趋,主要体现在趋向科学化的史学研究理念、主流与地域相结合的史学研究实践和注重现实的史学关怀等方面.这些研究趋向表明,厦门大学并没有因为地理位置的原因处于学术的边缘,反而由于国学院的创办而产生了学术自觉,与主流思潮颇多应和之处;同时又能因地制宜,利用厦门地处东南沿海的特殊文化资源拓展自具特点的研究领域.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,中国的史学研究取得了前所未有的成就,研究的规模和成果的数量都是空前的.但如果仔细审视这种发展现状,不免有"只见树木,不见森林"之虞,原因在于史学的研究质量还有改进的余地.因此,在知识经济时代,史学若想与时代同步,必须改变研究现状,在提高自己的研究质量上下功夫,以学术研究质量的最优化来获得社会效益的最大化.  相似文献   
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