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注意力是一种稀缺资源,社会组织的发展与领导注意力密切相关。乡镇社工站作为一种在乡村振兴实践中广受关注的农村基层社会服务组织,正在吸引基层政府的注意力并在各地渐次兴起。本文以雨露机构的社工站建设为案例,从纵向发展历程和横向发展类型两个维度剖析乡镇社工站建设中的领导注意力现象。从纵向发展历程看,对应领导注意力经历个体重视、群体推动和制度建设三个阶段,乡镇社工站亦走过零星出现、逐渐扩散到规范发展三段历程;从横向发展类型看,依据注意力主要来源于上级主管机关民政部门还是上级政府部门的不同,乡镇社工站的领导注意力可分为以块为主的紧密型、以条为主的疏离型以及条块结合的联动型三种类型。研究显示,唯有实现持续的制度性注意力吸引和条块结合的注意力联动,乡镇社工站方可获得持续稳定发展。为此必须内外同时发力,一方面必须提高相关领导对社工站建设的认知,另一方面社工行业务必在乡镇社工站建设事业中做出实效。  相似文献   
We explore how the Chinese diaspora state during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 managed to transform a severe health crisis into a geo-political opportunity for transnational nation-building through diaspora governance based on extensive use of social media technologies. By adopting a multi-scalar perspective, we analyse the intertwined nature of top-down and bottom-up processes of the Chinese Party-state's diaspora mobilization. Based on discourse and ethnographic analysis, we argue that China's diaspora governance exposed a new and strong capacity for extra-territorial governance. We explore how discursive hegemony, social control and diaspora mobilization were achieved by widely employing the Chinese social media application, WeChat. We also contend that this was facilitated by the Italian government's and media's pro-China attitudes to emphasize the importance of considering transnational embeddedness when studying the implementation and impact of interactive online technology for diaspora governance in an illiberal political context.  相似文献   
南京都市圈作为全国首个跨省域都市圈,如何推动行政毗邻地区社会治理一体化是都市圈建设的一项重要议题。推进毗邻地区社会治理一体化,对于落实国家发展战略、推动区域协调发展、促进公共事务治理、实现社会互融共促具有重要意义。通过对南京都市圈“浦口-和县”社会治理一体化的案例分析,认为其在党建引领治理合作、搭建技术平台、健全完善运行机制等方面形成了较好的实践经验,主要是因“浦口-和县”在治理基础上拥有相同的历史文化,在治理需求上面临共同的社会问题,在治理机制上遵循多重的运作逻辑。通过上述分析,认为应采用系统化思维方式,立足长三角一体化及南京都市圈高质量发展的战略高度,从规划制定、队伍建设、数据治理、平台搭建、主体参与、文化认同等6个层面协同推进行政毗邻地区社会治理一体化,提出应制定跨界协调规划、组建专业人才队伍、持续加强数据治理、搭建治理实体机构、鼓励多元主体参与、增强跨域文化交流,最终实现“纵向联动无断层、横向协同无缝隙”的社会治理一体化形态。  相似文献   
在推动组织振兴与乡村振兴同频共振的叙事中,中坚农民群体被寄予厚望,然而其参与乡村治理的角色甄定仍需实践验证。基于皖东南H县X镇的个案分析表明,特定乡村治理场域下的惯习(隐性文本与行动逻辑)、资本(有限优势与转化屏障)、位置(在任者的惯性与新进者的策略)导致村两委选举结果与中坚农民“挑大梁”的预期出现背离,而中坚农民以“搭把手”的方式深度嵌入支农项目建设却释放出善治效应,使其成为项目落地前的公意维护者和项目建设中的协调转圜者。在异质化特征明显的当代中国农村,中坚农民参与乡村治理究竟应该“挑大梁”还是“搭把手”,似乎也不该定于一尊,需在政策层面赋予中坚农民三重空间:一是把工商和农民的资源优势结合起来,形成利益共同体,确保获利空间;二是优化政策体系实现对中坚农民的全链条开放与吸纳,给予其决策空间;三是引导中坚农民的行为趋向超越单一的村干部竞聘与经济示范引领,更多拓展至村庄公共秩序领域,从而在乡村治理中壮大其行动空间。总之,中坚农民参与治理的角色功能不应该也不可能整齐划一,地方政府不必强行将其推向幕前,而更应根据治理场域和场景精准设计其嵌入方式的同时打破制度性桎梏。  相似文献   
在生态治理过程中,治理主体属性是生态治理合法化的重要基础,它直接关系到生态治理行为方式和评价依据,因而成为生态治理研究的热点之一。自然界的先在性是生态治理主体存在的前提,它从根本上奠定了生态治理实施的场域,然而生态治理主体内部却存在群体与个体之间的张力。实际上,生态治理主体的合理性建基于群己关系,并根据这种普遍关系的伦理性赋予生态治理行为的合法性。为此,需要从有机思维角度重构生态治理主体的行为规范,即立足于人类社会聚焦于生态消费观念及其行为。  相似文献   
生命政治全面推行以来,西方现代化不仅未能延续其繁荣,而且越发陷入困境。历史地看,生命政治因人口治理而崛起,因新自由主义而繁荣,因新冠疫情而陷入困境。然而批判性地讲,尽管生命政治发展为人口学、例外状态、经济治理与数字生命政治等形式,但这不仅没有给予个体更多人权与自由,也没有产生通往人类解放的现实路径。这表明生命政治在理论与实践上都行不通,所以不能走其西方现代化老路,而要走人民至上的中国式现代化新路,这是研究生命政治的当代价值所在。  相似文献   
以沪深A股上市企业2011—2020年数据为研究样本,运用固定效应模型,研究金融科技与公司治理水平的关系以及财务风险在其中的中介作用。结果表明:金融科技能够显著提高公司治理水平,企业财务风险在两者之间发挥部分中介作用;金融科技对会计信息披露质量优秀企业的治理水平影响最大,对会计信息披露质量不合格企业的治理水平没有显著影响;相对于内部控制存在缺陷的企业,金融科技对内部控制不存在缺陷的企业促进作用更大。为此,政府应对金融科技企业给予足够的政策支持,完善金融监管体系;企业应加大运用金融科技的力度,提高会计信息披露质量,减少企业内部控制缺陷,降低企业财务风险,以提高公司治理水平,促进企业高质量发展。  相似文献   
Even though the extant literature has pointed to the steady growth of public relations research in different contexts, the developing economy context continues to be marginalised in terms of scholarship, theory development and, consequently, the practice of the discipline. This has necessitated calls from scholars to document research in the discipline to trigger future research agendas. This study was therefore undertaken to scientifically synthesise and analyze 26 peer-reviewed public relations studies in Ghana, which were published over a period of 10 years (2012–2021) to document the dominant issues, gaps, and future research avenues. Through a systematic review, the study found that there is an over-concentration on themes such as CSR and CSR communication, public relations within higher education institutions, and dialogic public relations at the expense of other key subject areas within the discipline. Methodologically, 65% of the studies reviewed have employed the qualitative methodology as opposed to the quantitative and mixed-method approaches, thereby reducing the ability to extrapolate their findings to other populations. The study has thoroughly discussed the implications for public relations scholarship, theory development and practice within Ghana and other emerging contexts.  相似文献   
High-tech research infrastructure is essential for state-of-the-art research, but requires many resources. Relatively weak actors, such as SMEs, cannot secure enough of those. Applying the concept of collaborative consumption via digital platforms, we examine the cooperative behavior of Korean SMEs that share research equipment to overcome their lack of resources. Also, we analyze configurations of a collaborative consumption network using the Exponential Random Graph Model. Network structural factor analysis shows sufficient effects of network positive feedback through cooperative consumption with a variety of popular providers and attributes analysis shows that SMEs frequently engage in collaborative consumption with their counterparts in the same region. This new cooperative model can achieve a virtuous cycle of policies, as it increases the efficiency of research infrastructure, preventing the unnecessary building of new research equipment and enabling relocation of underutilized infrastructure and online reservation of equipment.  相似文献   
《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102121
The ability of Top Management Teams (TMTs) to reflect critically on their own actions represents an important element of effective TMT decision making and governance effectiveness. This paper therefore examines how the TMT-board interface internal to the organization, as well as the TMT interface with the external supervisory authority, shape TMT reflexivity. Drawing from governance and psychological theories, we posit that cognitive conflict at the TMT-board interface can escalate by increasing levels of affective TMT-board conflict, and hereby, harm TMT reflexivity if not managed well. This proposition was tested in a multisource team-level data set collected in the field among TMTs (N = 111 TMT members) and their supervisory boards (N = 152 board members) of 56 Dutch insurance companies. The findings demonstrate that the link between cognitive and affective TMT-board conflict is mitigated by board membership influx. Yet in cases where conflict escalation does occur, its subsequent impact on TMT reflexivity hinges on the degree to which an external supervisory authority monitored TMT actions. The results illustrate that TMT decision making processes can be effectively influenced by internal and external TMT-governance interfaces, yet at different conflict stages, and through different governance actions.  相似文献   
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