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介绍安徽朱子研究会2004年学术年会众多专家学者关于朱熹“存天理,灭人欲”思想和“为民”思想、朱熹道德伦理学说的构建、朱熹哲学的世界意义、《四书章句集注》、朱熹研究的方法论等方面的有关观点。  相似文献   
高校科研管理工作的几点思考   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文从五个方面对高校科研管理工作进行了阐述,提出了一些自己的看法,旨在进一步改进科研管理工作.  相似文献   
城市居民旅游感知研究,对了解和掌握当地居民对旅游发展的态度与行为意义重大,是旅游地可持续发展的必然要求。作者针对国内城市居民旅游感知进行量表开发,先查阅了大量的国内外相关学术文献,接着进行了深入的文献研究,在此基础上设计了调查问卷初稿,问卷初稿包括居民旅游经济影响感知、旅游环境影响感知、旅游社会文化影响感知、旅游发展态度和满意的总体感知、居民参与旅游发展经营管理水平感知等五个维度,每个维度包括正面影响、负面影响两个构面。随后对初试问卷进行小样本调查,根据小样本调查的数据,使用统计分析软件SPSS16.0进行数据分析,对问卷量表进行信度和效度检验,对问卷测量题项进行净化,剔除相关度较低的测量项目,最终形成正式问卷。分析结果证明,量表具有很高的信度和效度。因篇幅所限,文章只对旅游环境影响感知、旅游社会文化影响感知二个维度的净化过程进行论述。  相似文献   
Many countries adopt economic development strategies, within which an important element is the maintenance of low and stable food prices. In Indonesia, this is achieved principally through government subsidies to consumers of imported rice, the total cost of which fluctuates considerably from year to year, depending on world price movements and domestic production performance. Higher and possibly less stable domestic food prices appear inevitable in Indonesia, however, as the spectre of reduced oil revenues increases the government's concern with the cost of its food policy. Results from a stochastic simulation model of the agricultural sector show that the food price risk to which consumers and producers would be exposed in the absence of the stabilizing component of Indonesia's food policy would be considerable, rendering this component an unlikely area for significant change. A viable policy option appears to be the continuance of rice and wheat price stabilization, but with a graduated increase in the relative price of rice, reaching a total of 10% by 1985. Such a policy could result in net self-sufficiency in foreign exchange from staple food trade by 1990 and an improvement in aggregate economic surplus, although the expected decade improvement in food-energy consumption per capita would fall from 10% to 8%.  相似文献   
The specification and measurement of program goals remains central to most evaluation research strategies, yet procedures for implementing this approach are not well-articulated. It is the purpose of this discussion to describe a stepwise procedure for programmatic goal setting and monitoring used in a demonstration drug treatment program for women. Three implementation steps are described: (a) goal setting, (b) checking for consistency, (c) monitoring and feedback. The advantages and limitations of this approach are discussed and useful complementary measurement strategies are suggested.  相似文献   
There has been much discussion about the factors underlying inflation in the health care sector and the means to moderate increases in health expenditures. This paper identifies various costcontainment strategies and synthesizes research findings that may be helpful in evaluating their effectiveness. The review demonstrates the complexity of the issues and relationships that must be confronted and understood in cost containment. The delivery system is shown to be not well-suited to improving efficiency and restraining health care expenditure. Any single strategy, whether it involves restructuring the market or more direct regulation, cannot in itself accomplish the combination of expenditure control and adequacy of services that is socially desirable. A number of mutually reinforcing strategies are required. Finally, more empirical and analytical information on incentives, provider and regulatory decisionmaking, costs of regulation, and the dynamics of negotiation, is essential for the design of an effective costcontainment program.  相似文献   
Routinely collected computerized data were used to study the process of service delivery in terms of admission patterns, type and quantity of services rendered, and status at termination for whites and nonwhites in two community mental health centers. Social area analysis techniques were employed to control for socio-economic status, ethnicity and life style variables, and an epidemiologic model was used to analyze admission and service delivery rate differences. It was found that nonwhite admission rates were at least twice as great as white rates. Service delivery rates to the population at large were considerably greater for nonwhites than for whites. Delivery of direct services within the centers differed for whites and nonwhites, but no consistent trends emerged when types and amounts of services rendered were analyzed, controlling for sex, ethnicity, age, diagnosis and social area. Disruption of care indices were greater for nonwhites than for whites. Highlighted were some of the complexities involved in interpreting results of utilization studies.  相似文献   

Web surveys are an established data collection mode that use written language to provide information. The written language is accompanied by visual elements, such as presentation formats and shapes. However, research has shown that visual elements influence response behavior because respondents sometimes use interpretive heuristics to make sense of the visual elements. One such heuristic is the ‘left and top means first’ (LTMF) heuristic, which suggests that respondents tend to believe that a response scale consistently runs from left to right or from top to bottom. We conducted a web survey experiment to investigate how violations of the LTMF heuristic affect response behavior and data quality. For this purpose, a random half of respondents received response options that followed a consistent order and the other half received response options that followed an inconsistent order. The results reveal significantly different response distributions between the two groups. We also found that inconsistently ordered response options significantly increase response times and decrease data quality in terms of criterion validity. We, therefore, recommend using options that follow the design strategies of the LTMF heuristic.  相似文献   
数据包络方法评价企业绩效的有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
旨在研究数据包络方法评价企业绩效的有效性。首先从理论上提出了四个假设,其次选取了2012年中国803家制造业上市公司作为样本数据,对四个假设从绝对有效性和相对有效性两个方面进行了实证检验。最后得出结论:数据包络方法测算的企业效率值与传统绩效评价指标显著正相关,而且在不同的效率水平上、不同地区、不同行业,该效率值作为评价企业绩效的指标既是绝对有效的,也是相对有效的。  相似文献   
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