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This article focuses on a youth participatory action research (YPAR) program called the Social Justice Education Project (SJEP) that fostered young people of color’s critical consciousness. Their critical consciousness emerged through praxis (reflection/action) while focusing on preserving ethnic studies in Tucson, Arizona. Because the SJEP home was in ethnic studies, the youth also struggled to keep their program alive. The Arizona Department of Education claimed the program bred ‘radicals’ who wanted to overthrow the government and therefore lobbied the state legislature to ban K-12 ethnic studies in public schools. In January 2012, the ban went into effect, shutting down ethnic studies classes as well as the SJEP. Young people’s qualitative research on their struggle led to action to save the education that gave them hope for a more equitable and just world. The article addresses the praxis of YPAR, which sparks a thought process leading to the drive to take action. Observing and documenting educational injustices inspire the need to seek radical change of Self and schools. Through the reflection and action facilitated by YPAR, young people of color construct a message about the importance of ethnic studies for individual as well as social transformation.  相似文献   
回顾<青海民族研究>成长的历程,阐述她的学术品格、特色和优势,展望她的发展前景和趋势,提出加强编辑力量、提高编辑水平的建议.  相似文献   
The last two decades have seen major shifts in the way international organisations (IOs) address migration. While state sovereignty remains central in the politics of migration, IOs are increasingly developing their visions regarding how the cross-border movements of people should be governed (or ‘managed’) and, in some cases, they have become important actors in the design and implementation of migration policy. Research on the role and functions of IOs remains scarce, however, and there are major uncertainties, concerning not only their actual influence, but also the political context in which they operate and the outcome of their initiatives. According to their advocates, the involvement of IOs would enable greater international cooperation, which would lead to policies that pay greater attention to human rights and development imperatives. Yet, at times, interventions by IOs seem to reinforce existing imbalances, as these organisations primarily tend to align themselves with the interests and agenda of developed receiving states. In addition, the work of IOs is embedded in a complex institutional setting, characterised by sometimes-problematic institutional relations between them, as well as between IOs and other international cooperation mechanisms.  相似文献   
清人黄图珌《看山阁集》有九首诗与《鸳鸯幻》传奇作者及其内容有关,此前无人注意.从黄图珌诗中可知,《鸳鸯幻》是一部才子佳人戏,约作于乾隆初至乾隆二十二年(1757)之间,作者是松江府(今上海市)诸生戴蓉石.收录于台北文海出版社出版的《清代稿本百种汇刊》(79)中的《灵山会》传奇,未见任何曲目及曲籍记载,其作者幻园居士为清宗室,剧作完成于咸丰五年(1855)七月.《海宁州志稿》卷二九载陈乃赓《黄堂梦》传奇八卷,无其他文献记载.陈乃赓是光绪十八年(1892)进士,曾官刑部主事,长于词曲,卒年34岁.《黄堂梦》当为其于光绪二十二年(1896)回籍后所作.  相似文献   
近代中国征地思想伴随着晚清土地所有权观念的产生及在法律中的实践而逐渐被人们接受,并随着世界征地思想的发展而演变,经历了一个由纯粹法理上的引入到实际解决中国土地问题的过程。在学者和政府的共同推引下,学界形成了一个对征地制度及其运行实践的精神、学理、原则、条文内容进行阐释的研究体系。  相似文献   
长期以来,反规避作为反倾销的延续和发展,在反倾销法上曾一度被指责为理论目标与现实相冲突,尤其是在反规避被理解为贸易保护主义措施的背景下,对反规避性质的界定更多是否定意义上的。从辩证角度看,反规避不仅具有合法性,也具有明显的合理性,反规避立法与现有的法律体系具有相融性和协调性,反规避法调整的后果事实上具有相当的积极作用。所以,正确认识反规避的合法性与合理性对国际反规避统一立法和我国反规避立法的完善具有明显的现实意义。  相似文献   
文学研究的时代课题——生态文学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态文学是西方人文主义者通过对现代工业和科学技术的反思、质疑及对经济全球化过程中环境污染和人类生存状况的忧思而展开的课题。它在文艺学领域引起强烈的反响,并迅速发展为一门显学。拟以建设社会主义生态文明为背景,探讨生态文学的研究价值,呼吁文学研究对生态文学的高度关注。  相似文献   
将合法性理论运用于大学学术权力分析,探讨大学学术权力合法性问题,其根本目的在于破解大学学术秩序何以可能及何以持久的问题,是探索存在于大学之中的学术权力是否具有合法性,凭借何物得以合法存在,凭借什么获得学术组织成员的集体认同。通过该问题的研究探讨,对于我们深入理解大学学术组织内部权力构造与组织发展模式,加快世界一流大学建设具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   
哈贝马斯法律有效性两个向度之剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律因何有效是法律思想研究不可回避的问题。哈贝马斯通过分析法律有效性的两个向度即事实有效性和规范有效性各自的渊源、相互间的张力及其表现,从而在法律自身的属性上找到法律有效性的根据,并深刻论证了法律与道德之间既相互区别又相互补充的道理。  相似文献   
《红旗谱》研究五十年述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五十年来的《红旗谱》研究曾掀起三次研究高潮。从关注作品的时代背景、主题、人物形象、认识价值到第二次研究高潮中对其艺术风格、版本、情节构成的深层探讨,再到第三次研究高潮中叙事学角度的分析、文化、美学领域的拓展,《红旗谱》的研究由单一的文本阐释走向了多方位、深向度的交叉学科研究。  相似文献   
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