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本文从分析目前大学英语教学中存在学生课堂参与度不高这一现状的原因人手,探讨并尝试了在网络环境下运用罗森塔尔效应,建构一种旨在让学生参与课程资源开发和利用的新型大学英语教学模式。这种新型的教学模式充分体现了学生的认知主体作用及教师的主导作用,使教学过程达到最优化、学习效果达到最佳。  相似文献   
万世师表孔子的教育思想丰富、深刻、系统,它集中体现于《论语》之中。其中的育才济世、有教无类的教育方针,德才兼备、学行并重的教育内容,学而不厌、诲人不倦的教学态度,因材施教、循循善诱的教育方法,发愤忘食、不耻下问的学习态度,温故知新、学思结合的学习方法等对当今深化教育体制改革、培养高素质的人才有所裨益,对改进教育教学工作有所启迪。  相似文献   
This article contains a conversation with Robert (Bob) G. Hamlin and is part of aseries that focuses on different human resource development (HRD) scholars. Theaim is to better understand the people behind the names we see in print and at HRD scholarly conferences. Bob is professor emeritus and chair of HRD at the University of Wolverhampton Business School, UK and a management and organization development consultant at Oaken Consultancy. Bob has spoken at many HRD conferences in Europe and the United States and was one of the founding members of the University Forum for HRD. The conversation explores Bob's career in HRD practice, research, teaching and management. Among the topics covered are the significance of practical experience and the influence it can then have on research, the power of evidence-based practice, and the need for HRD research to be seen as relevant and having utility within the world of practice.  相似文献   
A plea has been made for replacing the perspective of “symbolic interactionism” with a new interactionist's perspective—“radical interactionism.” Unlike in symbolic interactionism, where Mead's and Blumer's ideas play the most prominent roles, in radical interactionism's, Park's ideas play a more prominent role than either Mead's or Blumer's ideas. On the one hand, according to Mead, the general principle behind the organization of human group life was once dominance, but it is now “sociality.” On the other hand, according to Park, this general principle is now and has always been dominance. Blumer takes a position much closer to Mead's than Park's arguing that the general principle underlying the organization of human group life is sociality. Under certain special conditions, however, it can become dominance. Although like radical interactionism, symbolic interactionism is rooted in pragmatism, unlike in radical interactionism, symbolic interactionism is still plagued with strains of utopian thought, among which the notion of sociality is the most virulent. Sociality may be the principle on which human group life is organized in heaven, but, down here on earth, it remains organized on the basis of domination. Thus, radical interactionism provides a much‐needed antidote to the idealistic overtones still found in symbolic interactionism.  相似文献   
苏格兰诗人———彭斯 ,1999年被评为“世纪名人” ,这无疑要归功于他在苏格兰民歌的收集、改编和诗歌创作方面的成就。本文就其脍炙人口的一首爱情诗和一首带有政治意义的诗 ,从审美的角度 ,运用阐释、分析、对比等方法 ,对语言特色、写作风格、文字内蕴等方面进行了点评。  相似文献   
罗伯特.B.马克斯在《现代世界的起源》中从全球的、生态的角度对现代世界的起源进行了非欧洲中心论的阐释。在罗伯特看来,1800年以前,世界的经济中心在亚洲,亚洲与欧洲地位的变化发生于19世纪始自英国的工业革命。英国的工业革命纯粹由于便利的煤炭开采和殖民地,而在其他国家,政府起到了核心作用。走上工业化道路的西方国家把先进的技术应用于武器装备,对中国和非洲等地区进行疯狂掠夺,是这些国家工业资本主义得以顺利发展的重要条件。  相似文献   
鸦片战争后,葡萄牙多次无理要求清政府承认其永驻已长期强占的澳门未果。后来在英国人赫德的支持下,强迫清政府签订不平等条约承认葡萄牙永驻澳门。赫德为了完全夺取澳门地区的鸦片税厘,以达到控制清朝统治者使其为英国殖民利益服务的目的,在葡萄牙强占澳门的政治交易中,充当了一个损害中国主权的帮凶角色。  相似文献   
罗伯特·达尔认为,人类在能力、优点和机会等各个方面都不可能生来平等,而教育、环境和运气则令最初的不平等更加恶化,然而追求政治平等是人们内在平等价值的要求和公民能力的体现。影响政治平等的因素主要包括政治资源、技能和动机的分配,不可复归的时间限度,政治制度的规模,市场经济的盛行,国际体系的存在以及严重危机的必然性等。达尔认为,完全的政治平等是无法获得的,政治平等的未来存在着不确定性,而朝向理想迈进的努力是可行的。  相似文献   
《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):195-205
Teleministries are establish businesses in the family (non-profit) sector. This paper looks at: the relationship between teleministries before the fall and other family businesses; the fall and consequent crises; changes, the impact of these changes; and the future of teleministries. The discussion revolves around the major televangelists, but the issues have implications for all family businesses.  相似文献   
默顿的博士论文《十七世纪英格兰的科学、技术与社会》是一部科学社会学与科学史的经典著作。文章从科学编史学的角度对之进行了解读,分析了默顿对编史学方法的运用及其特色,由此彰显出科学编史学对于科学史研究的重要意义。  相似文献   
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