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作为一个交叉领域,媒介社会学似乎时刻都需要界定自身。“同心圆”意象有助于把握媒介社会学的知识和学术状况,激发理论、方法与议题层面的对话。传播学百科和社会学手册中对媒介社会学的概括,构成了有趣的对照,也揭示出媒介研究视角和社会学视角下“媒介社会学”的内在差异和张力。在媒介社会学的理论资源中,既有“思想”也有“学术”,但重要的并非所谓“思想与学术之争”,或者在二者之间选边站,而是如何从“思想”中找回活生生的“学术”,持续不断地叩问思想或经典及其背后的假设,进而探讨媒介的社会逻辑与社会的媒介逻辑的交错。  相似文献   
作为当代自由主义的重要代表 ,诺齐克被视为洛克思想的继承者。通过对二者的自然状态理论的比较分析 ,试图描述出自由主义的国家起源的逻辑结构 ,并对两种不同的方法做出概括。在此基础上 ,指出表面上相同的自然状态理论中所暗含的实质上的区别。  相似文献   
略论赫德与晚清中国国家邮政   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赫德是中国近代史上有着重要影响的外国人。本文从赫德与晚清中国国家邮政关系出发,探讨赫德对晚清国家邮政创办的作用、影响,以及赫德对中国加入万国邮联和禁阻客邮的消极态度,以便更好地了解和把握赫德在中国近代国家邮政史上的特殊地位和殖民面貌。  相似文献   
美国现代戏剧巨擘尤金·奥尼尔的成名作《天边外》是一部以主人公罗伯特梦起梦灭为主题的文学作品。在这部充满了浪漫诗情的剧本中,奥尼尔彰显出一位悲剧大师在塑造悲剧人物时的艺术自觉和美学意识。他力求艺术的真实模式,关注人们精神层面的彷徨与哀伤,并以诗意的方式歌颂人在残酷命运面前的高贵与从容。在文本细读的基础上结合美学理论对罗伯特至纯至美的“诗意人生”予以评述,不仅更深层次地揭示了该部作品的思想内涵与美学意蕴,同时也拓展了该剧的探索空间和力度。  相似文献   
弗罗斯特诗歌的魅力在于它貌似自然、直接、简单,而实际上根本就不像其表面上看的那么自然、直接、简单。人说他的诗歌清新明了,但诗人似乎存心让天真的读者迷恋于他那明朗透亮的外衣,以至无法透视诗人所配戴的微妙假面。在弗罗斯特看来,诗歌创作的最高境界在于其形式的简单而内容的深邃。在追求诗歌创作艺术中这种简单深邃的“隐秘性”过程中,弗罗斯特筑起了一座在美国诗歌史上风格瑰异的艺术大厦。  相似文献   
从异化与归化的角度,以罗(慕士)译本为研究语料,讨论《三国演义》中人名的英译。认为:作为翻译思路和方法的法和异化法不是一个孰是孰非的问题,而是一个"度"的问题。具体采用哪种方法与语言环境和译者的目的、意图有关,也与读者的接受效果有关。  相似文献   
罗伯特·弗罗斯特是美国20世纪最伟大的诗人之一,他的诗以"简单而深邃"的风格著称。当众多现代派诗人努力摆脱传统诗歌的束缚,寻求新的诗歌创作模式时,罗伯特·弗罗斯特对这场改革似乎并不热衷,但以独特的诗歌创作手法和智慧的思考获得了社会的认可。从罗伯特·弗罗斯特对待传统诗歌的态度、写作视角、对工业文明的看法等方面与同时代许多现代派诗人的比较,说明其虽独立但不孤立。  相似文献   
通过分析罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦的小说《国王的人马》的主题,运用原型分析的方法,试图找到作者意欲表现的善恶观.分析发现,沃伦的作品中表现的善恶观,源于《圣经》对作者的浸染,带有原罪与救赎的内涵.  相似文献   
Rethinking about Civilizations: The Politics of Migration in a New Climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Suliman 《Globalizations》2016,13(5):638-652

In this paper, I will lay out some useful conceptual/theoretical markets that will help us to understand, and resolve, significant political challenges to ‘action’ on climate change migration. Thus, while this paper is concerned with climate change and migration responses, it is also concerned with understanding how we understand migration in the context of climate change, and how climate change forces a radical shift in such understandings. To do so, I pick up on the work of Robert W. Cox and push it in a different direction. In particular, I am interested in his work on civilizations, and how this civilizational account of world politics opens up space for thinking about climate change broadly, and climate change migration specifically. I argue that Cox’s account of ‘inter-civilizational’ politics helps us to solve a pressing analytical problem: how to rethink the coordinates of contemporary cosmopolitics in the ‘Anthropocene’, and reconsider the frames of analysis that we adopt to understand and respond to climate change migration. I demonstrate this by considering two distinctly different ‘civilizational’ accounts of migration and mobility in the Asia-Pacific/Oceania region (one territorial and the other maritime), and consider how these might reveal an important source of future change. By sketching out this approach, my intention is to mobilize the resources offered by Cox in order to further his project of envisaging alternative world orders, and post-hegemonic political relations therein.  相似文献   

This essay reflects on Robert W. Cox's work on global production, labour, and labour governance, and considers how his insights might illuminate the present conjuncture for labour in production. I work with an understanding of that conjuncture as involving the rise to pre-eminence of global production networks (GPNs) and global value chains (GVCs) as the contemporary expression of the ongoing globalization of production. The primary tasks of the essay are twofold: first, to explore the dynamics of labour and power in the GVC-based global economy, with a particular emphasis on labour exploitation; and second, to link these questions to those of the governance of the global economy, focusing on the shift towards transnational private governance as the dominant mode of contemporary governance, and on the evolving strategies of organized labour and the International Labour Organization in that context.  相似文献   
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