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苏丹是中国外交参与程度较深的发展中国家,中苏双边关系的发展演变不仅始终彰显着共同发展的主旋律,也清晰地反映了中国对阿外交的成长轨迹。在民族解放运动蓬勃发展时期,中国和苏丹的相互援助加速了全球殖民体系的瓦解,整体上推动了发展中国家的社会发展进程。在此后的全球化浪潮中,中国逐步深度参与了苏丹的经济事务,帮助苏丹实现了经济腾飞和国内持久和平。以南北矛盾和达尔富尔人道主义灾难为主要内容的苏丹危机,是中国外交参与国际事务时必须直面的挑战之一。中国外交必须重新审视与西方和发展中国家关系的基本内容和应对技巧,在深度参与中逐步走向成熟,实现外交转型和国家形象重塑。  相似文献   
This study explored South Korean college students' career compromise processes and examined whether preferences for sex type, prestige, or interests would be differentiated by Holland theme interest types, gender, or college major. Participants were South Korean undergraduate students from 2 universities in Seoul, South Korea. They were asked to choose 1 occupation from each of 168 pairs of occupations using a forced‐choice format. A total of 376 surveys were analyzed. There were significant main effects for Holland interest types and for gender but not for college major on their career compromise processes. Implications for career counselors and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   
"南社才子"汪东于1912年参加南社,是较有声望和影响的人物之一。汪东在词学、文字学、音韵学、书法、绘画等领域造诣精深,尤其是开民国词坛宗周之风,得清真词"沉郁顿挫"之妙,堪称宗周一派代表词人,著有《梦秋词》,是南社词人群体中的楚翘。他的治学品格的形成,与其深厚独特的家学有着渊源,他的才学亦为南社增色良多。  相似文献   
Informal urban settlements determine the wellbeing of a large section of global humanity. Yet there has been little research on their role in facilitating social mobility. In theory such settlements may foster human progress by linking rural–urban migrants to the services, contacts and livelihoods concentrated in cities. The article uses longitudinal data for South Africa to explore the magnitude of social progression among people living within informal settlements compared with rural areas and formal urban areas. It finds that there may be some advantage from living in an informal settlement compared with a rural area, but the effect is not strong. The impact may be larger in the more prosperous Gauteng city‐region than in other urban regions.  相似文献   
南戏是中国文学艺术史上的一块瑰宝。明末清初著名学者毛晋,将南戏的著名文本编辑出版成《六十种曲》。今人又对毛氏的《六十种曲》进行校勘、标点、评注,并予以出版,书名曰《六十种曲评注》。本文以翔实的资料,全面阐述了南戏的发展演变、主要剧目及艺术成就;认真考证了《六十种曲》的版本变迁及各种版本的优劣得失;并对《六十种曲评注》一书做出了公允的评价。本文虽为一篇书评,但对南戏及六十种曲的研究,却有着较高的学术价值。  相似文献   
论岭南的汉化和儒化历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岭南先秦时期还是蛮荒之地 ,秦朝统一岭南后 ,随着先进的中原文化的带入 ,岭南文化开始走向汉化。随着“独尊儒术”政策在汉帝国的普遍推行 ,岭南又进入儒化的时代。岭南的儒化过程 ,实质上是汉代经学在岭南的普及和消化的过程 ,其中古文经学在岭南的发展尤为突出  相似文献   
企业承担一定的社会责任是现代企业制度的一个重要特征,同时也是企业立足社会、服务社会、发展自我的关键性因素.改制以前的苏南乡镇企业虽然在形式上承担了许多社区内的公共负担,但是,这是社区政府与乡镇企业所有人主体的重合,而非源于企业的内在动力.所以,实践中出现了对让苏南乡镇企业承担过重社会负担的批评.改制以后,在新的形势下,我们应当重新认识苏南乡镇企业所应当承担的社会责任.  相似文献   
南宋书院与理学的一体化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
讨论了书院与理学的关系。认为通过南宋理学家的努力,理学与书院二者之间从形式到内容相互交融渗透,形成一种互为依托,互为表里,盛衰同时,荣辱与共的一体化关系。而其一体化形态,主要表现在理学家的书院情结、学人学派与书院的结合、书院讲学倡导理学精神,以及二者之间一体结构的制度化、规范化等方面,有形可察,有迹可寻。  相似文献   
The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) is a psychometric instrument widely used internationally to assess the presence of pathological gambling. Developed by Lesieur and Blume (1987) in the United States of America (USA) as a self-rated screening instrument, it is based on DSM-III and DSM-III-R criteria. This paper describes the origins and psychometric development of the SOGS and comments critically in relation to its construct validity and cutoff scores. Reference is made to the use of the SOGS in the Australian setting, where historically gambling has been a widely accepted part of the culture, corresponding to one of the highest rates of legalised gambling and gambling expenditure in the world. An alternative approach to the development of an instrument to detect people who have problems in relation to gambling is proposed.  相似文献   
皤滩文化是指以皤滩为中心的多元文化组合。从文化分布来看,文化遗存点多面广,从远古到近代形态兼备,成为浙东南社会变迁的"活化石";从历史演变来看,其兴衰过程正和浙东南内陆山区的变迁过程相一致;从文化特点来看,它反映了江南社会文化变迁的内在规律。因此,皤滩文化折射出江南尤其是浙东南内陆山区社会变迁的一般规律。  相似文献   
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