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论中央苏区的文化建设及其先进性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中央苏区时期,在以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人的领导下,文化建设取得了相当大的成就:马克思主义得到了广泛的传播;全民普遍教育轰轰烈烈;新闻出版红红火火;文、卫、体运动别开生面。苏区文化代表了中国当时先进文化的前进方向,是科学的大众的文化,是为革命战争服务的文化。  相似文献   
西路军西征期间,由于党中央的战略意图,先后两次创建河西苏维埃政权:第一次西进,建立永昌、山丹苏维埃政权;第二次西进,建立高台、临泽苏维埃政权。党中央和中央军委指示西路军在河西建立苏维埃政权,是从全局出发,从战略目的出发,这就是要西路军配合河东红军的战略行动,配合震惊世界的西安事变。在特定的历史背景和特定的军事条件下,西路军失败了,最终河西苏维埃政权也归于失败而不复存在。  相似文献   
1945年8月15日,日本投降后,苏联占领了千岛群岛、库页岛南部和"北方四岛",并参加了盟国对日管制委员会。苏联反对美国单独对日媾和。日本与苏联恢复外交关系的谈判持续到1956年10月才达成协议并发表日苏联合宣言,但未能签订日苏和约。  相似文献   
This short article pleads for research rather than rumor regarding Parsons' alleged role regarding the admittance to United States of an ex-Soviet citizen in 1948 or 1949. Some evidence on background issues that could be found among the Parsons papers at Harvard University Archives is being presented verbatim. I argue that the point is to refrain from fabrications.  相似文献   
瞿秋白是著名的马克思主义政治活动家、文艺理论家,他在领导中央革命根据地后期的文艺宣传工作过程中,较好地解决了无产阶级文艺的服务对象、文艺的发展方向以及创作源泉等问题,对毛泽东文艺思想的形成作出了独特的贡献。  相似文献   
俄罗斯联邦共产党中央委员会组织编写、中共中央编译局马列著作编译部翻译的《列宁生平画传:事件与回忆》(中央编译出版社2020年12月版)一书主题鲜明,观点深刻,风格清新,内容朴实,身份独特,阵容庞大,对于我国广大党员领导干部、马克思主义理论教育工作者和青年大学生具有深刻的教育和启发意义:一是要像列宁那样为党和人民鼓与呼,全心全意为人民服务;二是要像列宁那样求知若渴,广泛阅读马克思主义和人文社科经典著作,矢志为共产主义事业而奋斗;三是要像列宁那样严谨治学,做马克思、恩格斯的好学生,活学活用马克思主义,推动马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化。  相似文献   
Management training as a facilitative process in organizational change is a complicated undertaking even in the most innovative companies in the West. The Russian context adds problems of cultural and management unfamiliarity with the socio-business and the political environment within which Western management trainers operate. In the early 1990s 180 Russian senior managers from four large state corporations participated in a training-needs analysis, which was to estimate the level of knowledge of how market economy concepts work in the West. They were asked to 1) state their organization's training objectives, 2) indicate their understanding of the process, and 3) indicate the level of their personal ownership in carrying out the training objectives. The results showed that Russian top industrial management had no experience of top decisionmaking processes, and individually they felt disorientated by the collapse of the former Soviet Union. Their historical understanding of their professional roles and distrust of the present changes left them demotivated and without any constructive personal aspirations. By 1998, after a period of focusing solely on financial auditing training, large Russian companies began to be interested in management training and development programmes. These findings have some basic cultural implications for Western trainers working with Russian management.  相似文献   
《红旗周报》作为土地革命时期党的机关报,始终致力于马克思主义的阐释与传播,具体表现有三:一是栏目设置充分考虑如何宣传马克思主义在中国具体运用的成果;二是刊物风格突出同非马克思主义斗争的品质;三是引进国外先进刊物的内容。《红旗周报》在马克思主义传播上的创新,为我们留下了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
中华民国时期新疆地方政权与苏联政府保持了长期密切的、不正常的特殊关系 ,而对这一关系一直以来就缺乏研究。本文试图就盛世才与苏联同盟基础的破裂作一初探。笔者认为 194 0年 11月《锡矿协定》的签订标志着盛苏同盟基础的破裂 ,盛苏同盟基础的破裂是该基础固有矛盾决定了的 ,是苏联对新疆控制及其在新疆权益要求直接威胁盛世才在新疆实际统治地位的必然结果  相似文献   
During World War II, the first media outlets to publish photographs of the Nazi mass murder of Jews and others were Soviet newspapers and magazines. The problem with Soviet photographs was that the Soviet media were considered unreliable from a Western standpoint, because unlike in the West, which perceived a clear ideological differentiation of art from photojournalism, Soviet photography blurred that distinction. According to Western standards of evidence, Soviet photography could never be taken seriously as photojournalism, precisely because the photographer was always metaphorically present. Since Soviet photojournalism failed the test of the documentary imperative, it rarely convinced people of the truth of its subject matter. In this epistemological context when photographs might fail to convince, the act of physically bearing witness, of seeing with one's own eyes, became the most important way of proving to a disbelieving public the veracity of Nazi atrocities.  相似文献   
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