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在红四军主力退出井冈山、建立中央苏区的过程中,中国共产党的战略思想发生了重大的变化:一是从两湖和广东为中心到以江西为中心的转变;二是从农村游击战到建立农村革命根据地的转变;三是从“以赣南为退步”到建立“前进的根基”的转变。中共战略思想的变化为中央苏区的建立和发展奠定了思想认识基础和理论依据。  相似文献   
分裂朝鲜半岛的三八线的由来,有其深刻的社会历史背景。早在19世纪末就已引起东北亚地区利益攸关的各国政府的高度关注。二战末期,美苏双方就苏军参加对日作战的条件以及战后东北亚地区的战略安排问题进行过多次磋商。因此,尽管美苏双方没有就以三八线为界分割朝鲜半岛问题进行过专门讨论,但这并非意味着三八线的由来纯属偶然。相反,这是因为双方早已报出了自己要价的底牌,即使不进行专门磋商,双方各自对对方的意图也都心有灵犀。所以,美国人提议以三八线为双方在朝鲜半岛接收日军投降的分界线,苏联方面立即表示接受。  相似文献   
This essay considers a new, troubling development in the former Soviet Union. It calls for historians to be attentive and thereby perhaps to forestall or minimise potential damage to Jews and Jewish interests in the former Soviet Union which might result from the use and misuse of history. The essay assesses recent statements from a former minister in Russia regarding Jewish agricultural settlement in Crimea during the interwar period. These statements echo monstrous antisemitic fabrications from the High Stalinist years and suggest that Jews in the former Soviet Union may still be vulnerable to the effects of old Soviet‐style habits of historical manipulation.  相似文献   
翻译总是与特定的语境有关,受到特定社会政治、文化等因素的制约.20世纪30年代特殊的政治文化印记对鲁迅晚期的翻译实践起着重要的影响和制约作用,在其翻译目的、翻译选材和翻译策略上都体现出译者的政治文化诉求.  相似文献   

Regina Spektor’s rigorous training in piano, starting in the Soviet Union and continued throughout her youth in the United States, helps to explain her skills in composing complex and unexpected pop music. Less obvious, though, will be an understanding of the roots of her poetic skills in writing lyrics. This paper examines how Spektor was influenced by Russian bard tradition, as well as the widespread informal music dissemination network known as magnitizdat.  相似文献   

The war of the USSR against Nazi Germany led to an increase of negative expressions in regard to Jews. Often members of the Soviet population accused Jews of avoiding combat, of cowardice, and of an inherent incapacity to feel patriotic toward Russia. Such a view was an adaptation of prewar anti-Jewish prejudices to war-time conditions. Some Jews, both at the front and in the rear, viewed these expressions as a sign of the emergence of an ethnic inequality that did not exist in the prewar Soviet Union. Increased Jewish sensitivity to one aspect of the theme of equality (the idea that Jews were fighting as well and as bravely as members of other ethnic groups) inclined Soviet Jews to prefer the term and concept of “Soviet” rather than those of “Russian.” The former represented for them a state of all its ethnic groups, including the Jews, while the latter appeared to reflect a priority accorded to a single ethnic group, the Russians. Anti-Jewish attitudes in the Soviet rear and, to some extent, at the front as well, was one factor that led to the reinforcement of the Soviet Jewish identity.  相似文献   
包括木门会议在内的川陕苏区历史问题的研究资料缺乏,这与共产党方面的文件形成和存传、资料收集和整理直接相关,亦与研究资料的视野长期停留在共产党方面而忽视国民党方面资料密切相联。国民党方面的资料既可弥补共产党方面的资料不足,又可增强川陕苏区研究的客观性,应该大胆地选择、辨别和使用国民党方面的相关资料,从而将川陕苏区的历史研究推向深入。  相似文献   
政治理念艺术化、艺术行为大众化、艺术话语民间化是苏区-延安文艺形态的基本特征.苏区-延安文艺形态建构的主要规律是:践行民族利益与政治目标的结合,增强了文艺形态的感召力;实施文艺大众化策略,突显了文艺形态的社会价值;达成民族精神与时代精神的契合,彰显了文艺形态的生命力.在中华民族文化伟大复兴的新时代,苏区-延安文艺形态对于我们民族的文化建设具有以下启示意义:民间性与大众化的有机结合,可有效增强中华文化的国际影响力;政治性与艺术性相互结合,能够有效地促进文艺的健康发展,进而也能够有效地提高国家文化的软实力;展现民族精神与时代精神,有助于树立民族尊严、确立民族性地位.  相似文献   
20世纪50年代,苏联承担全部设计,提供成套设备和部分材料,派出不同层次的专家,援助中国建成了第一汽车制造厂。中国方面掌握了解放牌中型载货汽车的设计和制造工艺,实现了一次成功的技术转移。后来,一汽不仅对产品做了局部改进,而且还与钢铁厂合作解决了汽车用钢材自给的问题。  相似文献   
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