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Our aim is to explain negative networks in Dutch high schools, using three-wave stochastic actor oriented models (SAOMs). We differentiate between avoidance, antipathy, and aggression based on how costly and visible these behaviours are. Our results show that pupils’ ethnicity does not explain negative ties. Moreover, we do not find that negative ties form archetypical social hierarchies, formed by networks that are asymmetrical and transitive. Instead, we find positive effects of reciprocity on avoidance, antipathy, and aggression, and we find no effects of transitivity. Rather than allowing themselves to be dominated by their classmates, pupils fight back and reciprocate negative behaviour. We further show that some pupils behave negatively to a lot of their classmates, and that some pupils are treated negatively by many classmates. These results require us to reconsider what status hierarchies look like. Finally, we explore the extent to which the avoidance, antipathy, and aggression networks co-evolve.  相似文献   
Using a new data set on scientific collaboration in neuroblastoma research over a period of 41 years, we study how the structure of collaboration ties in an evolving scientific field changes over time. Guided by concepts from the sociology of knowledge and status theories, we highlight the importance of a field’s size and age for processes of stratification and segregation within it. Our findings suggest that stratification becomes stronger and diversifies as the field of neuroblastoma research expands. Moreover, we find that the occurrence of collaboration between researchers with a similar status becomes more likely as the field matures. While previous work has primarily examined established fields, our study focuses on how scientific fields change their structure over time. More broadly, our article demonstrates the potential analytical merits of adopting a dynamic and relational perspective on the developmental trajectories of organizational and cultural fields.  相似文献   
清朝统一漠西蒙古经历了康雍乾三朝,此后,又相继平定了大小和卓之乱和张格尔之乱。清末同治朝时,新疆地区又出现了动荡,浩罕国军官阿古柏的入侵以及沙俄侵占伊犁,使得清朝在新疆的统治面临崩溃。综观整个清代,在清朝保卫甘肃、统一新疆、平定叛乱、收复领土的过程中,哈密一地始终都是清朝经略新疆的支点和依托,也是保卫中原地区的屏障,起着枢纽作用。  相似文献   
直销是新型销售模式的典范,对经济的发展有特殊的作用,同时监管措施的相对落后,它又干扰正常的经济秩序,并诱发社会问题。  相似文献   
当前,我国革制品行业自主开发能力弱、品种雷同、设计人才缺乏、设计创新能力不强。本文认为,惟有以设计为出发点,在自主创新、品牌建设、人才培养等方面加以改进,注重设计的针对性与功能性,坚持产学研结合,培育区域品牌,才能促进革制品行业核心竞争力的提升和持续发展。  相似文献   
明代四大奇书《三国演义》《水浒传》《西游记》《金瓶梅》,在中国古代小说史上均具有各自的历史地位和作用,分别从不同的角度推动了中国古代小说史的向前发展,同时,四大奇书相互间也存在影响、继承、变异、发展的关系。对这些问题进行专门而深入的探讨,有利于中国古代小说史的深层研究。  相似文献   
利用2006年"北京市1‰流动人口调查"数据,分别考察来自东部和中西部地区的在京流动劳动力的就业身份构成,并运用Logistic回归法分析人力资本对流动劳动力不同就业身份选择的影响及作用机制。研究发现,流动劳动力的人力资本提升对改善其就业身份有显著正面影响;受教育年限和健康状况对中西部地区流动劳动力更为重要,对流动劳动力成为雇主的正向影响明显高于来自东部地区者。据此认为,在提升劳动力人力资本之外,针对流动劳动力的系统性边缘化制度安排需要打破。  相似文献   
"诗史"说在中国古代诗文评中有着极其广泛的运用。杨慎从诗歌主情的本质论、诗贵含蓄的审美论以及生活真实和艺术真实等方面对"诗史"说进行了剖析,该论在"诗史"论的流变中具有重要的历史地位。  相似文献   
本报告在实证调查的基础上,对浙江省中小企业的伦理道德状况作了理论分析。报告认为,浙江省中小企业的伦理道德总体上呈现出良性的发展态势,但也存在诸多不足。报告建议政府有关部门加大对中小企业进行伦理道德教育的力度,强化中小企业在纳税、环保、科技创新等方面的法律意识、道德意识,并为中小企业的伦理道德建设营造良好的外部环境。中小企业自身则应加强伦理道德建设的自觉性和自愿性,并注意发挥工会、党团组织、职工代表大会在企业伦理道德建设过程中的作用。  相似文献   
Access to social capital is stratified by socioeconomic status and has been cross-sectionally linked to involvement in voluntary organizations. Yet, we know little about the origin and interplay of these empirical regularities. Regression analyses on German panel data (SC6-NEPS) reveal that people rich in social capital join organizations more often (selection). Furthermore, joiners access more and higher-status social capital after joining (socializing opportunities). Low-status individuals disproportionally extend their reach towards higher positions through involvement but join less often. Compared to a counterfactual situation in which nobody joins, current involvement patterns marginally reduce some socioeconomic inequalities in access to social capital.  相似文献   
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