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本文针对高校贫困大学生因贫困给学业、生活、心理等方面带来的诸多问题,提出解决的措施和对策,以使他们健康和谐的发展。  相似文献   
In 2001, Swedish authorities imposed a new obligation upon all firms with ten or more employees to undertake annual wage surveys, ‘workplace equality audits’ in which it is possible to ascertain, remedy and prevent unwarranted wage differentials and other unfair employment terms between men and women. An important implication of the new system, called ‘workplace equality renewal’ (självsanering), is that, at the level of the firm all Swedish employers must explain what they mean by work of ‘equal value’ as opposed to ‘different value’. This article discusses the practical pros and cons of the new system, and considers how the surveys can be used in research into the present state of gendered work division. A main finding is that the introduction of this new legislation in the long run might change the Swedish industrial relations system as well as the preconditions for many companies’ human resource management policies. Yet, neither the governmental agencies involved nor the parties’ confederate organizations have been able to clarify what the issue is really about to the single, small business employer or to the local trade union branches. Many employers find any interference, whatever it may be, threatening and trade unions have not realized the potentialities of the system from an employee perspective, potentialities connected to the fact that companies are now more or less forced to make transparent their wage policies at large.  相似文献   
This paper studies how an overall fuzzy preference relation can be constructed in the compensatory context of the simple additive difference model, when imprecision on the trade-offs has to be taken into account. Three credibility indices of preferences are analysed and illustrated by a numerical example. Arguments are presented supporting the use of the third index, for which an interesting transitivity property (which was an open problem) is proved.  相似文献   

Stress-related conditions such as burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder are a growing concern in the humanitarian sector. Aid workers themselves report not only that mental health problems are common, but that the support they receive from their employers is insufficient. Problematically, the experience of the international aid worker – particularly those who are white and from the global North – is often foregrounded in explaining what constitutes stress and related mental health problems. This indicates a wider problem of what is required of ‘the perfect humanitarian’ – a personality that is gendered and racialised – and how this influences the different experiences and treatment of national and international staff from aid agencies. This article explores the organisational culture and working conditions of humanitarian settings and their impact on the mental health and well-being of staff. It argues that there is a structural dimension to stress that is less to do with external security threats and more to do with the specific infrastructure, policies, and practices of humanitarian operations, with implications for aid workers which cut across dimensions of race, gender, and nationality.  相似文献   
2018年修改的《刑事诉讼法》把值班律师制度作为基本制度规定下来,这是辩护制度的重大突破和进步,法律上对诉讼权利的保障,是反映一国刑事诉讼法治化程度的重要标志之一。值班律师参与刑事诉讼并不当然地具有辩护人的诉讼地位,值班律师的应然定位应当是特殊的法律援助律师。值班律师制度具有推动程序正义实现和促进诉讼效率提升的内在价值,还具有弥补法律援助制度短板、推动审前程序状态合理优化和促进认罪认罚从宽制度良好运行的外在价值。但是,值班律师依然存在一些现实困惑,对这些困惑、问题的破解,正是改善值班律师制度的有效进路。  相似文献   
资助低收入学生就读高等教育 ,是世界各国都十分重视的一项公共政策。美国在实施学生资助过程中 ,规定了低收入学生、财政需求、就学价格、家庭预期贡献等重要概念的标准和计算办法。受多种资助理念影响 ,美国学生资助是一种典型的多元混合资助模式 ,政府、高校、社会等机构通过奖学金、助学金、贷学金、工读计划等方式资助低收入学生。这种模式对于维系美国多元庞大的高等教育体系具有十分重要的意义  相似文献   
Some neo-Malthusians regard fertility as being kept in check by scarcities and constraints and, conversely, as being raised by economic prosperity. Since out-migration to developed countries and the receipt of food aid from developed countries relax the constraints imposed by a country’s carrying capacity, both will have a positive effect on fertility rates in developing countries. Moreover, better economic prospects will also raise fertility, all other things equal. This article provides an empirical test of these hypotheses derived from a neo-Malthusian theory of fertility change. The results fail to confirm the theory and often contradict it.
Eric NeumayerEmail: Fax: +44-207-9557412
笔者针对目前高校资助工作中的“依赖现象”、“信用缺失问题”、“贫困生的心理问题”等,分析了高校对贫困生“资助”与“育人”相结合的必要性,结合助学指导工作实践提出了四点措施:(1)国家助学贷款工作与信用教育相结合;(2)无偿资助与感恩教育、回报社会活动相结合;(3)勤工助学与能力培养相结合;(4)针对性活动与心理教育、思想教育相结合。  相似文献   
社会救助的理念和做法源远流长。但多着力于被救助者的"群体"特征,鲜有虑及"个性"需求,因而难免陷入"不及人所需"或"及人所不需"的窘境。如何摆脱这一尴尬局面?成都市提出了"量体裁衣"式个性化服务的举措。调查表明,这一试图破解社会救助难题的新方式能够"及人所需",能够获得被救助者相当程度的认可。但是,在继续推广中,必须处理好三种关系:一是个体需求与全局统筹;二是需求差异与资源配置;三是输血方式与造血目的。  相似文献   
创新是人类社会发展进步的动力,创新教育是人类文明进步和时代发展的要求,创新教育有利于学生创新精神、创新能力的培养。本文着重讨论物理教学中创新能力培养途径和方法。  相似文献   
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