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This paper presents a literature review on Third-Party Logistics (3PL) selection decision in terms of criteria and methods. Based on the analysis of 67 articles published within 1994–2013 period, this review reveals that 3PL selection is empirical in nature and is related to a region/country, industrial sector, and logistics activities outsourced. In terms of 3PL selection criteria, 11 key criteria are identified; each one is defined by a set of attributes. Cost is the most widely adopted criterion, followed by relationship, services, and quality. In terms of methods for 3PL evaluation, they can be categorized in 5 groups, namely: MCDM techniques, statistical approaches, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming, and hybrid methods.  相似文献   
中共十六届三中会全的《决定》对完善社会主义市场经济体制的各个方面作出了全面规划和工作部署,必将为全面建设小康社会提供体制保证;《决定》提出要贯彻"五个统筹"、做到"五个坚持",体现了"三个代表"重要思想的要求,体现了经济、社会和人的全面发展,体现了改革发展稳定三者的紧密结合、相互统一的战略思想,反映了中国共产党对社会主义市场经济规律认识的深化。  相似文献   
考察十八届三中全会召开的历史背景,有三种不同的时间距离:近视、中视和远视。近视是对中国共产党的十八大以来近几年历史的近距离考察;中视是对十一届三中全会以来改革开放35年历史的中距离考察;远视是对1949年新中国成立以来64年历史的远距离考察。透过三种历史焦距的镜头,可以多面聚焦和深入观察十八届三中全会召开的历史背景,进而增强对其历史地位和作用的深刻认识。  相似文献   
十一届三中全会在总结以往经验的基础上,提出了实现农村共同富裕的新思路。主要包括:调整农村生产关系,促进农村生产力的发展;把农业与工业结合起来;国家全方位地扶持农村。这样,开始打破城乡分离的状况,把实现农村共同富裕放到全国范围内考虑,为农村实现相对于城市和自身内部两个层面上的富裕提供了新的途径。  相似文献   
以贵州省平坝的调查研究表明,近年农村土地流转呈现出土地流转形式多样、土地流转的范围不断拓宽、土地流转的市场取向开始显现、流转动机变化等新特点,在土地流转过程中存在流转行为不规范、土地承包纠纷隐患较多,土地流转范围很小、规模化经营程度不高,农村劳动力大量外出、土地撂荒现象日益突出等问题。推进农村土地有序流转,应以《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》为指导,在赋予农民更加充分而有保障的土地承包经营权、现有土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变的基础上,建立健全土地流转管理机制。  相似文献   
“第三条道路”是吉登斯的重要理论。它兴起于20世纪90年代的欧洲,既是一种新的社会思潮,也是被欧洲各国竞相采用的政治策略。本文通过对“第三条道路”发展脉络的梳理和对其理论内容、实践政策的回顾,解读“第三条道路”并非是放之四海而皆准的真理。尤其是在当前金融危机的冲击下,奉行“第三条道路”的社会民主主义者们必须提出相应的应急政策,才能度过难关。  相似文献   
“第三条道路”是20世纪90年代在英国兴起的,是西方左翼政党及其领导人为解决资本主义国家内部出现的新问题和一系列社会矛盾而提出的一种新的政治理论与社会实践模式。“第三条道路”的理论和实践效应更应该追溯于深刻而复杂的理论背景。作为一种理论,它具有进步性,但从理论到实践的历史过程中,它无法摆脱自身的局限性。作为一种发展的实践模式,“第三条道路”对中国有一定的借鉴意义,但并不适合中国的国情,中国只有坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,深入落实科学发展观,才是最佳的路径选择。  相似文献   
Skills and knowledge in leadership are frequently cited as being key to delivering a vision of quality services and this supposes a relationship between ‘effective leadership’ and transforming services. How students engage with learning about their own leadership potential, however, is a challenge to educators. Leaders are constantly presented with moral and ethical choices within a rapidly changing and challenging environment and are expected to promote distributory and participatory leadership models. This paper shares our experiences of arts-based leadership pedagogy where students were encouraged to confront fundamental moral challenges in their everyday work and to develop leadership skills in moral analysis and judgement through the examination of case studies embodied within well-known literary works. A structured evaluation demonstrated that this method facilitated deeper learning in relation to the students' interrogation of key leadership concepts, and promoted a safe learning environment for engaging in the experience of taking up a leadership and respective followership roles.  相似文献   
The rapid decrease in South Korea's fertility rate since the 1960s has often been noted as an extraordinary case of a demographic transition due to an extremely successful state population policy. This common observation fails to address how women actively and deliberately negotiated with different kinds of authorities within social and material constraints. The two most glaring examples of women's agency in reproductive decision making are (1) the consistently high abortion rate in a country where abortion has never been legal and (2) the persistent boy preference. The persistent boy preference combined with sex discerning technology, which became readily available in the 1980s, produced a skewed sex ratio at birth. Using Guttentag and Secord's theoretical model, this article explores how a broad range of cultural norms relating to women's roles, marriageable age, ethnic exogamy/endogamy and homosexuality will be affected when the birth cohorts of twenty years with the skewed sex ratio begin to enter the marriage market. This article also suggests a different way of thinking about the issues of women's reproductive behavior and state control. Population research often overlooks the thinking processes of individual women, and consequently misses how women negotiate with complex local conditions. This article discusses women' s reasoning and decision-making processes, their world views and values and dynamics within their intimate environments. Oftentimes women's own accounts defy clichéd understanding and popular imaginations.  相似文献   
The history of the oldest international women's peace organization, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), presents a practical lesson for individuals and organizations interested in bringing about social change, as well as a theoretical lesson for those concerned with conceptualizing social change. WILPF's positions on decolonization between 1945 and 1975 show how historical circumstances and ideological environment intersected with the organization's ideas about peace to determine different policy choices. An unprecedented resolution in the early 1970s on the inevitability of violent revolutions resulted from a shift in ideological beliefs. While the international environment of the 1960s and 1970s favored this shift, WILPF arrived at its new policies thanks to its reliance on a theoretically-informed feminist critical methodology. This allowed WILPF to increasingly critique entrenched assumptions and reach a better informed understanding of peace, thereby contributing to the redefinition of the context that had created and shaped the organization. An activist-inspired, theoretically-driven feminist critical methodology thus makes social change possible.  相似文献   
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