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托马斯.哈代在其作品中着力张扬了祛除宗教神秘成份后的基督精神。在他看来,以博爱、宽恕、牺牲、纯洁等价值观念为其内涵的基督精神,是人类社会幸福和谐的根基,是最大限度避免悲剧发生的保证,是医治宗教和社会痼疾的良方,是通向世界大同的桥梁。  相似文献   
托马斯.哈代的短篇小说尽管数量不多,但内容却非常丰富,涉及了社会生活的许多方面,人物也涵盖了多个领域和阶层,而那些命运不掌握在自己手里的各色小人物更是哈代短篇小说的亮点,他们性格各异,经历也不尽相同,生活在威赛克斯这片古老而神秘的土地上,演绎着他们简单而又曲折,平淡而又精彩的人生。本文就以这些小人物的悲喜人生为分析的对象,从四个方面探讨哈代短篇小说的魅力所在。  相似文献   
论述托马斯.哈代前期的宗教思想在《远离尘嚣》中的体现。通过分析《远离尘嚣》,指出哈代前期的宗教思想主要体现在以下四个方面:基于宗教原型的情节模式、人物的宗教信仰和结局、《圣经》典故的应用、以及景物描写的隐射。  相似文献   
<远离尘嚣>表现了一个女性的悲剧.小说围绕巴丝谢芭的女性意识、她的追求及追求的失败展开叙述.最后指出这一悲剧是作者思想上的局限性的反映.  相似文献   
美国建国初期,托马斯·杰斐逊与亚历山大·汉密尔顿的论争,是两个党派的论争,更是两种政治思想的论争,对美国政治体制的影响极为深远.值得注意的是除了政府报告和国会辩论,这一论争的最公开方式是报刊笔战.对于新闻出版界而言,这次论战的直接结果,是促成了政党报刊的形成;其间接结果,是把宪法第一修正案所确定的原则付诸实践检验,从而深化了对新闻自由的认识;其长期结果,是把两种互相矛盾的思想植入美国的新闻思想史,影响一直波及到今日关于自由主义的论争.  相似文献   
古希腊戏剧独特的戏剧要素和构建方式为哈代提供了一种具有生命力的结构和有机的形式 ,不仅使他的威塞克斯小说在美学上独树一帜 ,而且还为英语小说建立了一种新形式———相对单纯的背景、精巧的结构、不枝不蔓的情节 ,代表 19世纪末 2 0世纪初英语小说的变革要求。虽然这种形式与后来小说界的“非戏剧化”的倾向背道而驰 ,但它对维多利亚时代的小说陈规仍不失为一种背叛。  相似文献   
托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特的诗歌《荒原》,以颠覆性的诗歌语言表达着知识分子在痛苦中挣扎和寻求出路的努力。该诗意象错乱繁杂,语句形式违背一般诗作规范,但是,作者通过三种艺术手法——意象结构之动势、艺术变形和音乐化处理,创造出"无形"中有形、"散乱"中有序的节奏感;词与词之间、意象与意象之间,以诗性语言构成律动的翅膀,产生分合有致、动静相宜的美感。  相似文献   
The process of communicating science-based information through the mass media is often not the most effective way to meet the information needs of audiences. In many instances these needs can be met more effectively and efficiently through targeted messages. These are communication products that fill, in as direct a manner as possible, the information needs of specialized audiences.Although targeted messages occasionally are prepared for the mass media, more often they are communicated via booklets, brochures, audiovisual materials and other media that best reach the intended audience, allowing for limitations of budget and time.A model for producing and disseminating targeted science messages in the area of youth and family development is presented, and several case histories are described. The principal benefit of this model is that it permits scientists a measure of responsibility for the accuracy and validity of what is being communicated, and at the same time, assures that the product meets the needs of its audience.  相似文献   
英国文学中Sentimentalism译成中文为感伤主义,而感伤是中国古典文学中一以贯之的传统主题.感伤主义代表诗人托马斯·格雷与中国感伤主义文学传统的集大成者李商隐就在时空交错里相遇了,本文拟将二者诗歌中的感伤意绪进行一个简单对比,试图发掘出其所掩盖的文化差异.  相似文献   
New York City's correctional health care system is a complicated one, with many component parts. Correspondingly, the task of developing an evaluation process to assess this system turned out to be complex as well. The major responsibility for developing such a process and for keeping it in motion lies with the Contract Evaluation Unit of the Department of Health. Our experiences in meeting these challenges, as well as the historical and institutional factors that have influenced our efforts, should be of interest to professional groups facing similar tasks in other localities and to readers curious about how particular health service evaluation approaches take form. This article describes our method, how it emerged, and that it entails, with an eye toward identifying what might usefully be applied to the study of other correctional health care services and settings.  相似文献   
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