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托马斯.哈代在英国文学史上具有较高的地位,很大程度归因于他在小说中通过对人物命运的分析反射出的哲学思想。本文以托马斯.哈代的小说为基础来分析其小说中深厚的哲学思想。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes a Wiki which has been developed for annotating the novel Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon in terms of how it functions as a tool for online research collaboration. The annotation of this long and complex work of fiction has taken place in a very short time, with many contributors and great depth of coverage. We compare this Wiki with an earlier single-authored annotation in book form of a similar novel by the same author. This allows a comparison of technology-mediated distributed collaborative annotation and conventional annotation by a single author in book form. A comparison is made between the kinds of entries made and the patterns of contributions and the strengths and weaknesses of both processes of annotation are analysed. The functions of this Wiki as a tool for supporting the interpretation of the novel and a means of engagement with a notoriously reclusive author are also discussed. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of this voluntary, amateur and low-tech type of online collaboration are assessed.  相似文献   
从话语的角度来探讨文学作品中女性力量对真理的建构作用,从而反应出女性对具体事件的价值趋向和批判性态度,是女性主义文学批评的一个重要方法.哈代的战争诗展示了大量的女性声音,促成了诗歌中的多声部模式,这在其它战争诗中是不常见的.哈代战争诗中的女性声音时而直抒胸臆,时而由他者转述,时而沉默.各具特色的女性声音从侧面揭示了战争的黑暗面,消解了战争的必要性,成为表达反战思想的重要依据.  相似文献   

Thomas Bell’s 1941 novel Out of This Furnace, a fictionalized account of his family’s immigration from eastern Slovakia to industrial Pittsburgh, is a significant example of the use of ‘mixed languages’ in ethnic American literature. It was translated from English into Slovak in 1949 as Dva svety (Two Worlds). The novel has bridged the gap between Slovak and American culture in the three ways explored here: Bell’s use of Slovak dialect, the Slovak translation, and two dramatic adaptations from the 1970s (an American play and a Slovak televised film). This case illuminates the complex relationship between ethnic American writers and their lands of origin, particularly in the case of less commonly spoken languages.  相似文献   
英国桂冠诗人泰德·休斯由于其前妻西尔维亚.普拉斯的死而屡受抨击。1998年,休斯在《生日信札》中终于袒露心扉,对普拉斯倾诉了郁积几十年的思恋。笔者以时间为顺序分析两人由相遇、相爱、婚变及普拉斯之死,从而得出结论:普拉斯的病态心理是他们的悲剧根源。  相似文献   
为更好地探讨哈代战争诗歌的丰富内涵,多角度的解读是必要的.从生态整体思想的角度入手是一个全新的方法.大自然因遵循客观规律而永恒运转,而人类往往违背生态伦理而走向毁灭.人类与大自然是息息相通的,死亡不是人类生命在生态整体中的结束,而是人类融入生态整体之中,从而获得永恒生态美的终极桥梁.哈代的战争诗歌在揭示战争残酷的同时,阐释了人与人以及人类与自然世界之间和谐统一的思想,扩展了生态文学的内容和意义.  相似文献   
托马斯·库恩视科学为科学家厨体从事的活动,仅仅从主体方面去理解科学发现争科学革命的逻辑和历史,科学的发展被看作完全靠信仰推动的过程,过分夸大了科学共同体的直觉和心理因素的作用,否认了经验和理性的基础作用。而走向直觉主义的科学本质观;以科学理论的可错性否定存在评价理论的客观标准,走向约定主义的标准观;撇开科学和社会之间的相互作用,对科学历史的考察仅仅从社会学、解释学上去理解,没有结合认识论的分析,致使将科学家的行为与科学家的认识混淆起采,以此否认科学理论是时现实世界的反映,否认科学是朝向真理的累积进步事业,走向了实用主义的科学进步观。  相似文献   
作为跨世纪的文学巨子,托马斯.哈代常常被后人称为伟大的小说家,但他更是位杰出的诗人,他引领了英国跨世纪诗歌的航向。本文通过剖析哈代三个不同时期创作的悲观情结的诗歌,论述其诗歌中的现代主义特征,阐明了哈代对英国现代主义诗歌的作用和影响。  相似文献   
托马斯·哈代的“威塞克斯小说”奠定了他在世界文坛上的不朽地位。小说主要揭示了在以威塞克斯为典型代表的英国宗法制度下农村社会惨淡阴森的解体过程,描写了在资本主义势力的入侵下这个保持着古老秩序的宗法制度社会从稳定到动乱,从繁荣到衰亡的历史,反映了破产农民的理想和追求、痛苦和灾难。小说具有不同程度的悲剧色彩。作者通过叙述《远离尘嚣》等五部小说包含的悲剧性主题的发展过程“命运悲剧——性格悲剧——社会悲剧”,来揭示哈代思想发展的轨迹。  相似文献   
James Gillray represented the horrid barbarities of the French revolutionaries in his famous political satires which dramatised the event and showed Louis XVI as a martyr. He made the public aware of the dangers of the French Revolution and transfered the bloody massacres in a British context for the purpose of propaganda, warning his fellow countrymen against the disorder, violence and anarchy which could spread over to Britain. James Gillray took a conservative stance and his hand-coloured etchings alluded to the harmful effects of the French Revolution which threatened British stability, the Monarchy and the Constitution.  相似文献   
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