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1938-1939年间,第十三世达赖喇嘛转世灵童候选拉木登珠被迫滞留西宁,学界多以此事为青海省政府主席马步芳牟取私利向西藏噶厦政府勒索钱财所为。但是,相关档案资料显示,此事经历了性质不同的两个阶段:前期中央政府利用在青海觅得达赖喇嘛转世灵童候选之机,通过阻留拉木登珠与西藏噶厦政府进行政治交涉,目的在于改善与西藏地方政府的关系,客观上为维护中央政府的权威创造了有利条件;后期马步芳违抗中央命令,扣留拉木登珠,企图借机控制西藏。在其政治阴谋失败后,又对西藏噶厦政府实施敲诈勒索。这一事件反映了民国政府在特定的历史条件下为维护中央政府对西藏主权所做的努力以及当时中国社会的政治无序状态。  相似文献   
意见表达是政府运作的开端。但是,一个国家具体的意见表达方式,会因国情民情的不同而呈现出自己的特点。与中国独特的政治实践、文化传统相适应,中国公民的意见表达具有明显的组织化特征,表达的方式也比较含蓄。同时,由于中国正处于急速的社会转型期,使公民的意见表达表现出暂时的“不平衡”态势。在建设社会主义民主和法制的过程中,中国人民正在积极探讨各种适应自己实际情况的意见表达的新方式。  相似文献   
试论新民主主义宪政思想的形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新民主主义宪政是中国共产党在新民主主义革命阶段民主政治建设中的伟大创举。新民主主义宪政思想是经过长期艰难探索才逐步形成的。民主联合战线的“革命的民众政权”的构想和苏维埃工农民主政权的实践 ,是中共早期对政权模式的探索 ;“人民共和国”及“民主共和国”方案的提出是新民主主义宪政思想的萌芽 ;基于新民主主义理论的新民主主义共和国政权模式构成了新民主主义宪政思想的雏形 ;抗日根据地“三三制”政权的提出和建立是新民主主义宪政思想形成的标志 ;《陕甘宁边区宪法原则》和人民政协《共同纲领》的制定是新民主主义宪政思想更臻完善的体现。新民主主义宪政思想的形成与新民主主义政权的建立和发展相因相成。  相似文献   
方艳华 《兰州学刊》2007,(5):191-193
伪满的"王道政治"是日伪共同策划下出现的一个怪胎,其张扬顺天安民,标榜施行仁政,兜售正己修身,侈谈民族协和与大同思想.与中国传统的王道思想相比,被日伪进行了别有用心的异化和扭曲,从而产生了严重的异化错位.  相似文献   
政府是高职教育校企合作的引导者、驱动者和调控者;行业组织是校企合作的桥梁和纽带,履行沟通、协调、组织、指导、研究、评价等职能;企业和学校是高职教育的“双主体”,共同履行人才培养的职能。  相似文献   
《清代南部县衙档案》有不少关于剑州知州、南部知县章仪庆的原始档案,足以证明因在辛亥西昌起义中身亡而被列入《清史稿·忠义传》的“章庆”实际名为“章仪庆”,在南部县筑堤御河完城一事中仅有首倡之功。而档案中披露的诸如章仪庆生年为公元1862年、以监生报捐出仕、曾剿办资州拳匪、解饷京师等早期履历,以及在剑州任上镇压南部何如道起义、振兴学务、在南部县抗洪赈灾、查拿奸伪等的大量珍贵史实,是对《清史稿》的有力补充,对近代史尤其是辛亥革命人物研究有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
The Armey curve developed by [Armey, R. (1995). The freedom revolution. Washington, DC: Rognery Publishing Co.] and [Vedder, R. K., & Gallaway, L. E. (1998). Government size and economic growth. Joint Economic Committee] demonstrates that there is a non-linear relationship between government size and economic growth. In order to search for the threshold effects, this paper employs [Hansen, B. E. (2000). Sample splitting and threshold estimation. Econometrica, 68(3), 575–603] threshold regression model to test whether the Armey curve exists in Taiwan, allowing for endogenous government size thresholds. We apply the two-sector production function developed by [Ram, R. (1986). Government size and economic growth: A new framework and some evidence from cross-section and time-series data. American Economic Review, 76(1), 191–203] to construct the threshold regression model. Three classifications of government size are tested in sequence as threshold variables. The result indicates that all three classifications of government size have a threshold effect and that a non-linear relationship of the Armey curve exists in Taiwan.  相似文献   
郝延军 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):126-129
政治权威资源包括政治权威的合法性、政治权威的政治整合能力和政治权威的自身素质三个主要方面。清末宪政改革的目的是想通过改革以挽回因内外危机的挑战而不断流失的权威资源,但囿于自身的素质,没有能实现对社会的有效整合,从而使其权威的合法性不断流失。  相似文献   
政府绩效评估是构建和谐社会的必然要求,它对构建和谐社会有极大的帮助。本文分析了现阶段我国政府绩效评估中存在的问题,即评估主体比较单一、评估指标不够科学、评估程序不够规范、评估手段不够成熟,提出了加强政府绩效评估促进社会和谐的几点建议。  相似文献   
Community engagement has come to the fore as a policy and programme approach that seeks to connect citizens both with each other and with government in order to deliver improved social and economic opportunities and outcomes. This model has become a key aspect of the intervention approach within Indigenous communities and is seen to have particular application in addressing community justice issues. This article examines a suite of community justice initiatives being used in Indigenous communities in Australia with a view to ascertaining how the principles of community engagement are operationalized. The article draws on this information and argues that community engagement is only one aspect of a number of community‐oriented justice initiatives currently being applied. These initiatives range from concepts of community as a location, community as an interest group, and the leveraging of community capital so as to tap into and build better and stronger relationships. In so doing, the latter attempts to increase the social infrastructure, resources and capacity of communities. However, despite government attention in this area, there is a lack of a policy and programmatic framework to guide a coherent and apposite approach to issues of community in specific policy settings. The article contributes to the development of a framework that begins the process of differentiating and assessing justice administration interventions.  相似文献   
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