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关注大城市低生育水平下的出生人口波动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
桂世勋 《人口研究》2002,26(5):29-33
根据上海户籍人口变动趋势的预测数据 ,具体分析出生人口波动引起的未来年出生人数“大起大落”的状况及其对产科床位、托儿所、幼儿园、小学、初中、高中乃至大学发展所带来的重大负面影响。建议各地计生部门应在稳定低生育水平的同时 ,密切关注未来大城市户籍人口出生数的波动态势 ,加强未来出生人口波动的预测和预报 ,对现行生育政策作些“微调” ,因地制宜地搞好未来出生人口“削峰补谷”的宏观调控 ,引导年轻育龄夫妇通过适当提前或推迟生育 ,减缓未来城市户籍出生人数的波动。  相似文献   
Environmental problems resulting from human displacement and resettlement are considered to be secondary impacts of hydro projects. There is a significant gap in knowledge concerning the environmental consequences of resettlement of the Three Gorges project (TGP), China. This study examines critical environmental problems associated with the TGP resettlement. It reveals that the contradiction between the land inundation and demand for land in resettling rural residents is a critical environmental issue. On the positive side, countermeasures that are discussed include: engineering works for farmland protection, developing eco-agriculture, reforestation and constructing a green belt in the peripheral zone of the reservoir, and adjustments to resettlement policy.  相似文献   
新时代,全面深化改革对基层党组织建设提出了更高的要求。学术界对此问题的关注更需要在系统整理基层党建工作地方性实践的基础上,注重多学科交叉研究方法的拓展。在全面乡村振兴的时代背景下,既要注意在实践维度对基层党建的问题总结和经验凝练,从党建引领的视角贯穿基层党组织在精准扶贫和乡村振兴中的核心作用,又要在“三农”问题的发展脉络下进行理论思考,为哲学与社会科学的本体化提供经验反思和理论支撑。  相似文献   
“乡村振兴”是中国特色社会主义进入新时代,乡村经济社会发展进入新阶段提出的重大战略,是新时代“三农”工作的总抓手,具有重要的时代价值。乡村振兴战略的主要目的是为了满足广大农民对美好生活的需要,为了实现这一目的,就需要一系列制度保障。“乡村经济民主制度”是指农民在生产资料共同占有的基础上,能够在平等的社会关系的前提下从事经济社会活动,共同对农村经济社会进行管理,使农民的民主权利和根本利益得到充分尊重和满足的制度体系。实施乡村振兴战略,重点在于把握新时代我国社会主要矛盾和农村主要矛盾的变化,核心在于推进经济民主制度建设。可以说,乡村经济民主制度是实施乡村振兴战略的关键,是通向农民自由全面发展的必然选择,代表农业农村和新时代中国特色社会主义的发展方向。因此,要不断加强和完善乡村经济民主制度建设,推进新时代乡村治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   
通过文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法,围绕乡村振兴实施战略,以“二十字”总要求为切入点,阐述乡村振兴中农 村体育公共服务的重要性,根据涉藏农村地区的地域特殊性和复杂性,分析提升体育公共服务的困境,找准问题,精准施策。 由此得出:深入挖掘整理藏民族体育文化,打造文体旅融合经济链,实现产业兴旺;绿色低碳,打造生态宜居乡镇;推崇价值引 导,提升文明乡风民风;找准突破点,调整平衡度,做到治理有效;转变价值取向,实现生活富裕等提升体育公共服务的精准突 破路径。 通过涉藏农村地区体育公共服务治理现代化,作为乡村振兴的突破口之一,找准资源利用,提高服务标准,扩大内 需,逐步满足农民日益增长的体育需求,最终实现乡村振兴的体育公共服务振兴战略目标。  相似文献   
脱贫攻坚的成效考量与示范意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步衡量地区脱贫攻坚的实际成效和居民生活品质,利用2019年安徽省岳西县有关数据,构建居民获得感、幸福感和安全感评价指标体系,分析当地脱贫成效,总结精准脱贫提升居民“三感”的示范做法。研究发现:该地居民获得感和幸福感较弱,收入、物价、医疗等方面有待改善;而居民安全感较强,工作感受、居住条件等满意度较高。据此构建提升居民“三感”的长效机制,对于巩固脱贫攻坚成果和乡村振兴具有较强的现实意义。  相似文献   
This paper explores the possibilities presented by DEA to assess quality of life and evaluate the performance of city managers in what concerns the promotion of urban quality of life. Using the data provided by the Urban Audit program, from the European Union, we defined the city profile regarding quality of life for 206 cities. Two approaches are presented: the construction of a composite indicator of quality of life and the assessment of local management performance, contextualised by the GDP per capita to measure the ability of local authorities to promote quality of life given the economic condition of the country. The results identify the cities with urban best practices and present a model of intervention for the cities considered inefficient, based on benchmarking principles.  相似文献   
左权与太谷,一个是贫困山区,一个是欠发达地区,他们根据各自的特点以不同的方式走上统筹城乡发展之路,取得了突出的成绩。他们的实践告诉我们:统筹城乡发展必须关注衣民的基本权利,三大集中是统筹城乡发展的基本途径,增加发展力是统筹城乡发展的必然结果,统筹城乡发展是实现后发崛起的难得机遇,它需要建立大范围的统筹体系与机制。  相似文献   
通过追本溯源分析课程群整合的概念、整合方式,根据城市详细规划课程群自身特点,探讨了该课程群的整合途径,包括课程结构的整合和师资团队的整合,提炼了一核两翼和协同教学的整合手法,总结了课程群整合的优势和特征。  相似文献   
This paper examines Koud Zyé, a Kréyòl‐language segment that was incorporated into the local nightly news in Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France located in the Caribbean. I argue that the variety of Kréyòl chosen for use in Koud Zyé illustrates a moment in a process of enregisterment. I demonstrate that the variety of Kréyòl used in Koud Zyé consciously draws on elements of basilectal creole and presents many similarities to a written variety developed by language planners for use in schools and in writing, thus distinguishing it from the Frenchified Kréyòl commonly heard in everyday conversation. I suggest that the ideological position that the writers of Koud Zyé hold toward Kréyòl influenced their choice of language on the program and, furthermore, that the program helped to concretize beliefs about and knowledge of the studied variety of Kréyòl that has been introduced into Guadeloupean schools by activists. Travay‐lasa ka dékatiyéKoud Zyé, on pati a jounal télévizé lokal ki fèt an lang kréyòl, an Gwadloup, ki sé on dépawtèman a Lafwans ka touvé‐y an Karayib‐la. Dapré mwen, modèl a Kréyòl‐la yo chwazi pou Koud Zyé, ka montré on moman adan évolisyon a ‘enregistrement’ a lang‐la (kivédi ki manyè on moun ka palé on lang ka fin pa rantré adan on larèl). An ka montré istil a lang‐la ki adan Koud Zyé, ni détwa éléman a gwo kréyòl‐la yo sèvi èvè‐y volontèwman, ka sanm on jan a kréyòl maké. Modèl lasa, sé tala yonndé mètamannyòk ka prévwa pou lang kréyòl‐la envanté, pou sèvi an lékòl‐la, é ki pa ka sanm tala moun ka palé touléjou. An ka pansé pozisyon idéolojik a sé moun‐la ki fèémisyon‐la, ni on enflians asi chwa a yo. An plis di sa, pwogram lasa rédé mèt déwò sa moun ka pansé asi kréyòl‐la, é fè yo pran konésans a modèl kréyòl sé militan‐la mété an lékòl‐la. [Kréyòl]  相似文献   
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