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Wildlife-human interactions are increasing in prevalence as urban sprawl continues to encroach into rural areas. Once considered to be unsuitable habitat for most wildlife species, urban/suburban areas now host an array of wildlife populations, many of which were previously restricted to rural or pristine habitats. The presence of some wildlife species in close proximity to dense human populations can create conflict, forcing resource managers to address issues relating to urban wildlife. However, evidence suggests that wildlife residing in urban areas may not exhibit the same life history traits as their rural counterparts because of adaptation to human-induced stresses. This creates difficulty for biologists or managers that must address problems associated with urban wildlife. Population control or mitigation efforts aimed at urban wildlife require detailed knowledge of the habits of wildlife populations in urban areas. This paper describes the history of wildlife in urban areas, provides examples of wildlife populations that have modified their behavior as an adaptation to urban stresses, and discusses the challenges that resource managers face when dealing with urban wildlife.  相似文献   
Ecosystem restoration is critically important in urbanized landscapes because habitat degradation is severe and ubiquitous in such areas. Because successful restoration requires specification of desired environmental endpoints, a generally applicable method for valuing and comparing possible restoration endpoints is needed. One method available for comparative valuation is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP allows a suite of alternatives to be valued on a rank scale based on simple, tractable, paired comparisons among all alternatives. Given a sound technical foundation for the paired comparisons, the method yields an objective set of rank values. By incorporating the relative values of various restoration alternatives in a restoration scaling evaluation such as a Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA), restoration programs can be designed effectively both qualitatively (in terms of the kinds of resources or habitats desired) and quantitatively (in terms of the amounts or areas of each). In this study, we develop and apply AHP in the context of a specimen HEA for US Mid-Atlantic coast estuaries. By ranking various habitat types as potential restoration targets based on their value for a suite of key natural resources, a series of restoration ratios is produced, relating relative habitat areas of each type needed to offset specific impairment levels. These ratios provide a basic tool for restoration planning in urbanized estuaries, as these comprise nearly entirely built environments with little or no natural habitat. Under these conditions, restoration planners must specify desired states of the ecosystem, and the restoration ratios allow various permutations of presumed post-restoration environments to be valued and compared.  相似文献   
白话小说是中国古代文学的一种重要的文学体裁。变文从题材内容、体制特点、文体、语言等诸方面对白话小说产生了决定性影响  相似文献   
本文论述了少数民族移民对内地政治、军事、经济、文化和习俗的影响。该文认为 ,少数民族移民迁入内地 ,成为一支重要的政治军事力量 ,并改变了某些地区的民族人口构成 ,促进了民族融合。少数民族移民对内地畜牧业、商业的发展 ,对内地汉族文化、饮食习俗也产生了重要的影响。尤其是少数民族移民生产方式变农为牧 ,客观上有利于自然环境的保护。  相似文献   
根据美国心理学家班杜拉的观察学习理论,本文从青少年对流行音乐的心理需求和流行音乐自身特点两个方面,对流行音乐在青少年中占有相当市场进行了原因分析,并对其在青少年中产生的影响进行了客观剖析,向广大传媒及成人社会提出注意的问题,让他们有意识地引导青少年正确面对流行音乐。  相似文献   
There are a number of features that make South Korea an interesting place to study social policy. First, it has experienced rapid economic development with the associated changes in urbanization and demography. This change has created social problems, which the state has had to address. Second, the country retains a strong cultural tradition and repeated affirmation of the values and practices of Confucianism. In this paper, these two features are considered in relation to the way social policy has been addressed. The thrust of the paper will be on the policy responses to perceived social problems and the way in which other social problems are individualized within families. These policies are informed and shaped by Korean politics and culture.  相似文献   
文章关注于发展中国家城市化的当代模式,并探讨这些模式对农村发展的涵义。发展中国家的不同国家和地区之间的城市化并不是统一的模式,且当代城市化模式所导致的在农村-城市联系中经济和社会多样性的程度是前所未有的。移民和分权是城市化在微观层次的两方面。城市化必然意味着或是永久的或是暂时的从农村流向城市的人口的净转移,而这些移民也对农村地区不平等产生了影响。而发展中国家城市化的一个新特征表现在它是伴随着行政的分权而发生的。分权的一个结果是使影响地方发展的行动者增加,另一个结果是没有任何一个人可以垄断资源或外部联系和信息。  相似文献   
农村劳动力的非农化是增加农民收入的根本出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是个发展中农业大国,有9亿农民,"三农"问题一直是困扰我国经济发展的根本问题和难题,而"三农"问题的核心是农民增收问题。新时期解决农民增收问题要有新思路,单靠调整种植结构只能局部性改善农业问题,靠农业本身挖掘潜力不再是最有效的办法,最有效的途径是加速农村劳动力的非农化进程,扩大农民的非农就业。全面奔小康,重点在农村,核心是增加农民收入。确保农民持续稳定增加收入是促进国民经济持续、快速、健康发展和全面实现小康社会的奋斗目标的迫切要求,是党和政府在农业和农村工作中实践"三个代表"重要思想的具体体现。  相似文献   
近年来,我国民族地区存在着一定的盲目城镇化现象,盲目城镇化对乡村聚落形态造成破坏的同时,也改变了少数民族的生产生活方式和文化生态环境,导致民族文化破坏严重。借鉴国际上乡市化的经验,探索民族地区发展的乡市化路径,有利于促进乡村聚落形态和民族文化保护。  相似文献   
加快城市化进程与解决农民工问题紧密联系,相辅相成。加快城市化进程的关键在于农民工的市民化。故要加快城市化进程与解决农民工问题,必须对现行土地制度、户籍制度、住房制度和社会公共服务制度进行综合变革。  相似文献   
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